have this problem with one of my rigs...
In ethermine.org see this.
Reported hashrate: 140.8mhs (real hashrate)
Current Hashrate: 14.8mhs
Average Hashrate: 14.8mhs
and in the SMOS console seems to be all good.
What´s happening here?
what can i do?
Hmm seems stange. I dont recall such case.
Can you check if this rig was just restarted and you saw new fresh values while pool was showing old values ?
Please check if that is happening again.
It could be so many reasons...
Can You check if console was refreshing and you seen new and new values ? Meaby console wasnt updating and you saw only some old results while in real the rig ws somehow hanged ?
It could be also pool problem ? It could be even hacker.
I have too little data to tell. If this happens again please try loggin via ssh to account miner and passwrod also miner and execute command: screen -x miner
If you will see full speed while pool shows something different then it is a miner problem or pool problem.
Also take a look at pool charts (how long it lasted etc)
In Nvidia you need to enter only OFFSET and not clocks itself so you dont write 4700 but values -100 to 1300 for example for memory.