Ive been stuck at OpenCL initializing for quite sometime now all other OS are working on the same rig but SMOS is always getting stuck at OpenCL initializing does anyone know how to solve this issue
how many GPU are using ? and what model ?
if DAG loading is making the opencl or miner hang u should try serial dag loading
How should i do the serial dag loading
simple Use -gser this setting can improve stability on multi-GPU systems if miner hangs during startup. It serializes GPUs initalization routines. Use "-gser 1" to serailize some of routines and "-gser 2" to serialize all routines.
Using values higher than 2 allows you also to set custom delay between DAG generation on GPUs, for example, "-gser 5" means same as "-gser 2" and also adds 3sec delay between DAG generation (can be useful for buggy drivers and/or weak PSU).
Default value is "0" (no serialization, fast initialization).
Don't mean to butt in on a conversation you two are having, but I was having the same issue with the RX Os WITHOUT dagfix. Flashed a brand new USB with RX os WITH Dagfix and its working smoothly now. Hope this helps.