I'm using 1070's mining ETH and SIA and i get a much lower rate on SIA using SM vs Claymore on Win10. 136 vs 265. Etherium is also lower per card, 25.3 vs 26.5.
Ive overclocked the SM setup and not the Win10 setup too.
Its something to do with the Stratum protocol which isnt supported by SM, can anyone help?
-epool eu1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal YOUR_ETH_WALLET/YOUR_WORKER/YOUR_EMAIL -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp://sia-eu1.nanopool.org:7777 -dwal YOUR_SIA_WALLET/YOUR_WORKER/YOUR_EMAIL -dcoin sia
Eth only I have 166mh, dual with sia it is 100mh with 3220mh. I read 100 pages back but don t know where yo add -ethi or -dcri. Thanks