Hi all, I'm using SMOS, with 12 GTX 1070's + 1 GTX 1060, on Asrock BTC H110(G3930/4GB/Dual 1300w PSUs) but keep having issues it seems with SMOS. It says MIT-Cookie error, not apply OCs. When I try to apply clocks it will go extremely slow, Additionally, it will run for 5-9 hours then auto restart. I'm just running out of ideas. Is it too many cards? When I had 11 GPUs it ran fine on ETH run for days without problems, I swapped to ZEC due to difficulty and I just added 2 more cards to this rig then started having all this MIT-cookie and other random problems/crashes. I swapped back to ETH now, still getting errors and problems, beyond frustrating. Appreciate any ideas or help.
Things I've tried:
All good, tested newest Risers, Version 008C with LED indicator
I've reformatted and reinstall SMOS 16GB Sandisk USB, to fresh latest version Using Etchertool and Rufus. Still get the non-clocking problem.
Swapped motherboards CPU/RAM
Changed USB ports for the Sandisk
Errors I get
MIT Cookie error
http://img.techpowerup.org/171018/smos-gpu-errors.jpgERROR: The control display is undefined; please run `nvidia-settings --help` for usage information.
all my other rigs, that have the same issue with non-clocking issue using SMOS, I've only had this error in the past month when the Etherum Difficutly spike hit, I swapped to Zcash, seems after that I've been having nothing but problems with SMOS.