[07:28:17] GPU0: Idle for more than 2 minutes, declaring SICK!
[07:28:17] GPU0: Attempting to restart
[07:28:17] Thread 0 still exists, killing it off
[07:28:17] GPU2: Idle for more than 2 minutes, declaring SICK!
[07:28:17] GPU2: Attempting to restart
[07:28:17] GPU5: Idle for more than 2 minutes, declaring SICK!
[07:28:17] GPU5: Attempting to restart
[07:28:17] GPU10: Idle for more than 2 minutes, declaring SICK!
[07:28:17] GPU10: Attempting to restart
[07:28:18] Initialising kernel cryptonight.cl with nfactor 10, n 1024
[07:28:18] Thread 0 restarted
[07:28:18] Thread 2 still exists, killing it off
[07:28:18] Initialising kernel cryptonight.cl with nfactor 10, n 1024
[07:28:18] Thread 2 restarted
[07:28:18] Thread 5 still exists, killing it off
[07:28:20] Initialising kernel cryptonight.cl with nfactor 10, n 1024
[07:28:20] Thread 5 restarted
[07:28:20] Thread 10 still exists, killing it off
[07:28:21] Initialising kernel cryptonight.cl with nfactor 10, n 1024
[07:28:21] Thread 10 restarted
[07:28:44] Accepted 58436698 Diff 190K/120K GPU 7
[07:28:50] Accepted 318c2b88 Diff 339K/120K GPU 6
[07:29:51] Accepted 2299ae17 Diff 485K/120K GPU 6
(5s):4.096K (avg):0.02412h/s | A:15240168 R:0 HW:0 WU:0.000/m
How do I roll back an update?
And I still have not been able to correctly launch all 13 cards(rx560) on the H110 motherboard
just flash usb once again