-epool eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal obfuscated.test1/[email protected] -epsw x -dcoin pasc -dpool pasc-eu1.nanopool.org:15555 -dwal obfuscated.test1/[email protected] -dpsw x
It is reporting the following speeds 15.37 MH/s 461.22 MH/s
Does this seem a reasonable speed for this single card? I have never dual mined nor used this card before so I am unsure on what type of hash speeds I should be getting.
Use the flag below(Taken from the claymore 9.xxx readme txt file), this balances out how much hashing power you want between your main and secondary coins
-dcri Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal intensity, or Ethereum fine-tuning value in ETH-only ASM mode. Default value is 30, you can adjust this value to get the best Decred/Siacoin/Lbry mining speed without reducing Ethereum mining speed.
You can also specify values for every card, for example "-dcri 30,100,50".
You can change the intensity in runtime with "+" and "-" keys and check current statistics with "s" key.
For example, by default (-dcri 30) 390 card shows 29MH/s for Ethereum and 440MH/s for Decred. Setting -dcri 70 causes 24MH/s for Ethereum and 850MH/s for Decred.
for me I find -dcri 40 seems a good balance, but tweak and tune to taste
Hi toomeke, thanks for the reply, could you give me some further help with your comment, I have tried setting "-dcri 30", -dcri 50" and -dcri 100" non of which make a difference below is an example of the change I made
-epool eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal obfuscated.test1/[email protected] -epsw x -dcoin pasc -dpool pasc-eu1.nanopool.org:15555 -dwal obfuscated.test1/[email protected] -dpsw x
-epool eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal obfuscated.test1/[email protected] -dcri 30 x -dcoin pasc -dpool pasc-eu1.nanopool.org:15555 -dcri 30 obfuscated.test1/[email protected] -dpsw x
dcri- flag only needed once, it doesnt matter where you add the flag, but I like to keep the tweaks on the end like this
-epool eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal obfuscated.test1/[email protected] -epsw x -dcoin pasc -dpool pasc-eu1.nanopool.org:15555 -dwal obfuscated.test1/[email protected] -dpsw x -dcri 30
Hi, thanks, I have tried the following values
09 23.24 MH/s 209.19 MH/s
10 23.32 MH/s 233.19 MH/s
20 20.27 MH/s 405.44 MH/s
30 14.97 MH/s 449.16 MH/s
40 12.35 MH/s 494.13 MH/s
50 10.28 MH/s 513.87 MH/s
So I need to find out the best ratio of what to mine giving the current values of eth and pascal, as well as overclocking values.
How do I find the default memory MHz and core MHz for my card?