Hello again.
is it ok to change the root and miner user passwords?
I'd like to forward ssh ports on my router and ssh to my rig from work while its working at home.
I guess you can but it can be replaced via my global update sometime in future.
Accually i will propably shutdown in future ability to login in to your rig with password.
This will propably will be replaced via RSA key which everyone of you will get - but its just a thought and i dont know ETA of this.
Still as i will always say "i dont support custom changes"
Its becasue i dont get responsibility if my updates will fuck something up due to changes in system, you need to understand this.
Its better to make updates for no modiefied by anyone system.
@Tytanick How long until SRR version 2 is ready?
SSRv2 will be in about 25 days from now and i will have big availability so dont worry.
I guess ther will be constant stock of those devices.
Extension Boards will be in about 2 months from now.
There will be also firmware update when new SSRv2 will come out, and this firmware will ofcourse work for SSRv1 becasue it is the same hardware (except cosmetic changes like new slots and more leds
How is it with the voltage setting? Just plug in the card, cut the kernel clock and the voltage value and done? It is strange that the rx 480 8GB is happy with the value 1. I plan to finally expand the farm and at rx 580 it is a necessity to limit the consumption.
Right now if you want in linux undervolting you need to have custom bios with added offset.
Anyway i someone wants my friend is doing custom bioses.
Adding voltage offset which recudes wattage and it works in linux = 0.2 BTC (for each model/brand/memory type, i can do RX400/RX500 gpus)
If anyones is interested email me to
[email protected] and wirte in subject: Pay Service Adding Offset
Payment only upfront.
.... and now they work at 22.5 m/hs.
I've read that is possible to reach 27/28 m/hs , can someone help me posting me correct parameter ? I don't want to damage my gpu making mistakes with wrong parameter.
You need custom VBIOS for that. Try googling: PolarisBiosEditor timings.
can somebody tell me how much the RX 570 and RX 580 cards give Mh/s in stock?
i saw many already have this cards, please give me some feedback!
Stock hmmm, about 24 ?
Custom bios can do 29-30 MH/s depending on gpu tyle (those results are for RX570 4GB)
guys, how can i do headless with this OS? if I don't have monitor and keyboard mouse to be in the miner? thanks!
RX OS is headless only, Just set in motherboard bios Integraded graphic as default, then just change email address once flashed pendrive nad boot , thats it. It should show up in dahsboard on my website.
what processor did you use?
Can you tell exactly what you changed in motherboards bios for it to see 6 cards?
I have something called Intel Celeron C39xx
Oh you guys already answered those replays
But is spend too much time writing those so i will post anyway