just a few questions...
first off id like to say what a great idea!
but the little guy on my right shoulder is asking how?
can you show us any documentation on how these sim cards will be communicating with the now blockchain accesspoint? and thereafter? or someone on youtube showing us how he plugged in the sim card and it works?
see what i love about blockchain is the transparency and the smart contracts idea.
i actually signed up to mobilink.io, was going to try get myself a simcard for 300bucks. life time! who cares if the idea doesn't work! lol...
and then i clicked onto the ether contract, there is only 3 holders, ok youre fairly new, so ill over look that.
another thing, ok, you want to keep your blockchain project underwraps and dont want to disclose the internal info about how its going to work, ok thats totally fine.
how bout you show me the contract with mastercard, indicating that they will be allowing the use of cryptocurrency with their cards? because visa you stunned a major crypto company.
simple and no risk involved to the future outlook right?
show me and i will sell everything i own and buy into your company.
with references of course.
"whooomp whoooompppppp"
Thank you we also believe that it is a great idea.
The telecommunication industry is amid significant transformation as it moves towards a virtualized and digitized environment. Adding blockchain into this equation will most certainly offer some measureable and quantifiable benefits to current operations as well as towards the enablement of future opportunities.
Implementation of a blockchain within the telecommunication environment will likely have the greatest impact on a telecommunication core management system, providing cost reduction through efficiency gains. However, these are a number of areas in which the telecommunication industry could benefit from the implementation of the use of blockchain technology.
We have several videos on our YouTube page one of which shows an investor using the SIM
Its great that you have signed up and decided to join us on this exciting experience.
Thank you for your patience and understanding that due to the relative newness of our business and the stage we are currently at in negotiations we are unable to share some information with you. However, as things are cemented we will be posting information regarding most of the information you requested.