But I hope MP can answer some questions I still have about how things went.
- Shouldn't MP, considering such a huge maintenance, have kept the old setup still standby. So in case something goes wrong or takes too much time, it can switch back to the old system?
- Why was such a big maintenance planned, when not all support staff was available?
- MP is not just for fun and betting, people actually use it as a wallet. They should have access to there money, always. Especially MP app owners who have lost revenues over almost a week. Why is it not taken more seriously to have an uptime close to 100%?
- Ranlo says sometimes an update consists of "nothing to update you on". I do not agree with that. Sure, you don't have to gives us information about all the inner workings of MP. Some is sensitive company information. But you can name issues, time lines, who to contact when having questions, just stay in contact to the outside world.
For all people who think I'm just whining, somebody said that before in this thread to me, please don't reply. When you have a business such as MP has, you should be prepared to answer such questions.
Although you can see that i am quite supportive of MP, i have to agree that some of the things you say are true. Looking from the point of an investor, even i am also quite concern over the maintenance because the longer it is, the lesser the profit. I am not afraid of the team running away but i also hope that updates can be more timely.
At the end, i still have to say that i believe this huge decision from MP would be a wise move and MP will achieve greater heights.