All users need to be aml verified in order to use bitstamp exchange! No deposit accepted, period. If any user before october 2013. had funds when they started to enforce that policy, and user refused to get verified, bitstamp would retunr thier funds according to termination section in terms of service!
I mostly pay attention to people who had first-hand experience:
I happened to be on the hunt for a trustworthy exchange when this went down so I was paying particular attention to the details of how different operators ran their operations. Suffice it to say, I was unimpressed in this case.
I think it is entirely fair to say that Bitstamp choose a strategy which can only be considered deceptive when they rolled in this new policy. I can, however, understand if they were overloaded and not able to properly implement a manual override to allow people to get their BTC back without sacrificing their high quality ID scans. Even if so it would still be their own damn fault. Had they simply sent an e-mail this guy would not have had to discover their API bug to retrieve his BTC. (And this bug in and of itself, while welcome, was not exactly great advertising on how tightly the run their ship.)
Iam sure bitstamp and majority of users does not think they been deceptive. Annonement of aml policy were been on their site and on deposit/withdraw section for a whole month before they started to use it.
Bitstamp does not communicate via email for numerous reason - mostly phishing, fud, price manipulation etc and I think its smart move. (read TOS email section) Official statemants are considered on bitstamp site only and if user continue to use thir sevice it mean they accepted it.
If it happen of some user after annoncement being active and refused to submit ID, they would get their funds back via bank. If one of user find it fishy, so be it. Its users fault of not visiting an exchange for more then a month or not to read thir terms of service and continue to blame it.
As for this guy calling something as API "bug" as we have no way of confirming it, I would refrain of commenting it. That member just want not to be veiried and posted a lot of false claims. He can still get his fund via bank account so I believe his posting as pure FUD! He trusted them with holding his coins and fiat, but he do not trust them to send his scan of ID? What a nosense!
I see only a couple who dont even have account on bitstamp! Again, do not use bitstamp if you diagree on their tos, period.
Finally, I see posters somehow find reliable some forum members on forum rather then get true facts on them own. All that nosense about how they announced only with facebook or did not get any notification on their site is been refutted many times. If not this, then is that - trolling never stop!
Iam not saying bitstamp are perfect or that there is no room of improvement, but regarding their aml policy and notification they did everithinh by the book and their terms. It would be absurd if bitstamp would do something outside of theirown policy!
If one or two users need some special notifications to be sent or holding the hand while the rest have not issues, what you expect bitstamp to do? Its ridicolous, this poster did not read the terms and continue to blame on bitstamp for his own fault!
This thread is about mtgox withdraw problems and pretty much dead as mtgox situation. so I suggest if you still want to bash bitstamp for whatever reason, start a new thread.