10 windows or linux boxes with 100 gridseed units (per box) running just BFGminer 4.0 that connect to multiminer (stratum proxy for switching coin pools) on the LAN but then I loose some MultiMiner features like rebooting failed devices/alerts right?
I don't think this will work without additional development. Currently (to my knowledge) the Stratum Proxy in BFGMiner doesn't work with Scrypt mining.
10 windows boxes running MultiMiner with 100 gridseed units (per box) running MultiMiner (with bfgminer 4.0) that connect through a MultiMiner proxy box (for switching coin pools) on the LAN so I will have the alerts and be able to switch all boxes to different pools at once. BUT with this option, the there may be inefficiencies in how MultiMiner/MobileMiner is setup.
If you go this route you do not need to use MultiMiner as a Stratum Proxy. You can enable MultiMiner Remoting (under Perks) and then you will see every other MultiMiner rig from any other rig. You can then control them from anywhere and you can switch pools on all of them from any single rig.
MultiMiner Remoting features / screens:
Oh also, in order to find other devices on the network (other multiminer instances) does "Permitted IPs" in advanced Miner Settings need to include the Primary/Central MultiMiner box IP?
Lastly, do I need to add any Arguments for Scrypt in that same menu (if I want to run the miners at 850 overclock)?