I agree with this statement.
Nobody is bad because of his religion, race, nationality, sex etc.
We are good or bad persons based on our character and personality, not because I'm Christian and you are Muslim.
Unfortunately, after each terrorist attack people forget it and start to accuse all Muslims or even Islam for the evil deeds of a few people.
It's not right attitude and thinking.
We should do better and show tolerance and acceptance to loyal Muslims in our local communities.
If we don't do this, more Muslims will feel isolated and unwanted in their European countries and this may help further radicalization of young Muslims in Europe.
Except for one thing. There is a major piece of thinking about this whole thing that always makes it very unclear. Here is what it is.
The Koran and the Hadiths essentially order Muslims to be terrorists against people of other religions at times.
The Christian Bible New Testament forbids Christians from being violent to other people, always.
What does this mean? It means that if a Muslim is not a terrorist against people of other religions some of the time, he is not a good Muslim. He might still be a Muslim. But he is not following the requirements of his religion if he is not being a terrorist some of the time. Many of the Koran and Hadith orders for Muslims to be terrorists against people of other religions can be found here
What about Christians? There are no directives for Christians to do violence. Check the New Testament, the part of the Bible that speaks to Christians. Orders to do violence are not there. Who are the weak Christians? Weak Christians are those who are terrorist Christians. Why are they weak? Because they are not following the rules and directives of Christianity as found in the basic place where Christianity comes from... the New Testament.