Alright, I got 6 full cards hashing at stock at the moment. (not for a long time, last time it took 10 mins to crash)
After uninstalling and reinstall amd driver a lots, I downloaded their cleanup utility. I manually removed all rx470 from the device manager with driver's delete option. Launched the cleanup and rebooted, launched the clean again and rebooted. Downloaded the latest driver, I always used 16.9.2, installed the 16.10.1 drivers. Rebooted.
I'm going to bed, but it looks good !
Thanks to everyone for all the inputs.
Hoping I can OC them a bit tomorrow
EDIT: And GPU hangs in OpenCL call, exit... It tried to restart but it's not working
I get those from time to time too. Mostly now when. I updated to claymore 7.0 and above
Not saying it is calymore but I see it more with 7.0 or newer
Great infos ! Thanks you.
What's your frequency ?
I run 1500 strap with 1130core and 1945 mem all modded bios
I make 1 more setting change for my MSI RX 470 Gaming X:
Start WattTool - Set Voltage offset to "-15" and click set for each card. This will decrease your overall watts TREMENDOUSLY; therefore, reduce cost! This will make you smile.
Hey Aries... I've been studying your posts in the hopes of at least partially re-creating the power/watt ratio you've been able to achieve on your 6x470 rig and was hoping you might be able to answer a few questions for me
1- You are using MSI RX 470 4GB, correct? Or, are you using the 8GB version?
2- When you say "1500 strap", what are you referring to? I googled it but couldn't find anything that made sense
3- I looked up WattToll and will download it on my rig later, but had a question about the command you used "set Voltage Offsett to -15". I see this field at the lower right of the WattToll window (shows "0 x 6.25mV" where user can over-write the "0"). Just to confirm, you simply enter "-15" in this field and click Set?