1. Please, get a free SSL certificate from StartSSL.com for nastyfans.org. This self-signed business is rather unprofessional.
No. I can not agree to StartSSL terms. Maybe some fans will donate BTC for a SSL certificate. PM me if yes.
2. When a poll has been decided, close the voting or mark it as decided so people don't waste their time considering their vote after the poll is already closed.
I will change software to show results when 75% yes or 25% no happens. A poll closes when all vote. Some members maybe want to vote after poll is decided. Votes are saved forever.
3. Add an "end date" column to the poll overview (or simply change the start date to an end date).
Not possible. End date is when all members vote. After 30 days unvoted members automatically vote. But the end date can be before if all vote by self.
4. Email or any other kind of notification of a new poll would also be appreciated.
We will see how the @NastyMining twitter stream works. Maybe this is good enough for you.
Thank you for suggestions to make our fanclub better.