Then e-mail is sent to buyers to send payment before block N. If payment is not received before block N the purchase order is automatically canceled and this is nastyfans abuse.
This would not work. Email, by design, is not reliable for time sensitive communications. I go on vacation and then out of the blue some NastyFans orders I placed months ago come up so I get dinged for abuse, not gonna work without a very large time frame and sending multiple emails.
Yes. This is a good point. But I would contact you and we discuss the issue first. If it is not clearly a abuse situation then I have no problems with it.
WHile I think it would be nice I see of no way to make it work without the funds passing through nonnakip, which he has stated he has NO interest in doing.
Am I mistaken?
All funds do pass through nastyfans. This is how transactions are confirmed before transferring ownership and sending payment to seller. But nastyfans is only
temporary storage as proxy.
I do not want to be a bank. If members can pre-pay for orders then they must also be able to cancel orders and receive a refund. This is like a bank.
Example: A member pre-pays a order for 10000 seats at 0.01 BTC. Now nastyfans is holding 100 BTC for a order that will never happen. I do not want this. I do not want your Bitcoins. Please do not trust me with them.
I like the sells only system because its less attractive for day trading and price manipulation. Imho this is just as much an investment in bitcoin security as an investment that returns profits.
I agree here. Many people use exchanges for financial gain in the exchange but do not really care about the securities that are traded. For us this translates to members using nastyfans to earn Bitcoin from trading seats but do not care about NASTY MINING. This is not why nastyfans exists. Our interest should be NASTY MINING.
The auction was never intended as a medium for high-frequency trading. It is available for non-members to become members or members to increase/reduce the fan level or members to exit nastyfans. It is
not intended for earning Bitcoin by buying low and selling high. Some members might do this and that is their decision. But that was not my intention and it is the reason I did not try to introduce a bid component of the auction.
I am willing to introduce a bid component based on e-mail notification... if I decide to allow e-mail notification... but I will not accept Bitcoins in any form as advance payment.