By the way Utopianfuture would you look at the forums we've made ( and the ( page model I PM'd you yesterday and let me know If we should develop them more or if you don't want us for some reason to do these pages. Please note that both the websites are under construction, and not complete, but that only the site outlook has been created. We'd gladly add more content but it seems to be a waste of time unless we get approval that these websites will become used!
It's taken already hours of work creating both sites and it's only reasonable that you give us an answer. And btw if you're not aware the website developers are shantell and me. We already have experience in creating online retailing websites and also websites for real-life businesses so we're confident that we'll manage this.
Thanks for making these two sites. It is looking good to me. I especially like the latter which could easily be the front page for, or I think that we will have our own forum when the community is big enough, probably when we officially launch the blockchain. I have no interest of running a forum and I assume core developers would prefer not doing it themselves so I think we would naturally migrate to a forum built by a NEM founder/ stakeholder as the time comes. But it is also an important decision because it could be the face of NEM and if the development team can't find a place they can trust to deliver NEM's messages, then we will make our own forum.
It is the same to,,; I have bought all these three but I prefer not to run them or run only one so I will transfer them to a coupe of NEM founders/ stakeholders who are capable of running them and doing them justice. But these decisions would be decided later when the community already have sometimes together and we can make a better informed decisions on whom doing the best for NEM.
NEM community is still very young but I am overwhelmed by the supports from many people so far. The big day we are targeting is the launch of our blockchain, probably a few months in the future. NEM's model is different from other cryptos. All cryptos so far launches the blockchain first and then develop community and build supporting sites and services and then continue growing. For POW coin, it works well since mining activities help distributing the coins gradually to many people as the coins grows. But the POW coins have some unsolvable problems such as the domination of mining industry, inefficient energy usage which makes the real cost of Bitcoin transaction is actually much higher than many people realizes. Bitcoin's model can still work only because the transaction fee is still funded by yearly coin inflation but it will not be the case in the future.
So I think we need to move to Proof of Stake coin which is a self-sufficient network which has a long-term sustainability. But the conventional launch does not work so well with a pure proof-of-stake coin as all the coin distribution has to be made at the launch. Hybird POW/ POS such as Peercoin could be a solution but they are not escaping the influence of the existing mining industry so I have a more radical idea of "parallel development". The core development progresses along side with community and user base building. Supporting sites, forum and brand awareness are also developed simultaneously. The goal is that we will start the blockchain with a huge user base and a relatively equal distribution. The blockchain could then take-off very fast after launch and go to a sustainable trajectory. I am lucky to have the helps of a very talented team of core developers so at this point I am confident that NEM would materialize and successfully create its own space in crypto industry. Jaguar will deliver a detail development plan this weekend and you will see why I can be that confident.
So that's my plan. Join in and contribute to NEM' success if you are a founder/ stakeholder. Naturally there would be some kind of imbalance between the technical development and promotional development at times, but my goal is to have both sides well developed when we launch NEM's blockchain.