Because it's a second IPO before the launch to collect even more money. The stakes should be divided equally among the current stakeholders.
Why you so worring about money?
I as a stakeholder am entitled worry, especially after the leadership has proven to be not honest. If this whole project is a money making scheme for just 8 people, lets say it straight.
Instead of spreading FUD you could just ask a straight question and wait until it is answered. You are not asking questions your are claiming the acution is a second IPO (which is funny cuz there was no first) and it's prupose is to gain more money.
The auction is to spread NEM even further.
Who do you think should have controll over the fund if not the core team ?
You can still request a refund if your not okay with how things are going.
Please stop to answer in this arrogant way, and tell people to refund.
NEM´s biggest goal is to attract as much
And a take it or leave it mentality doesn´t build a great community.
People disagree and part away. That's normal.