Ako se ne varam, mislim da je vecina hashrate-a bas u Americi tako da to i nije bas najbolja vijest ali vec ce se mineri snaci i ako treba preseliti negdje drugdje gdje je isplativije. Bas mi idu na onu stvar svi ti borci za okolis koji maltretiraju i ugnjetavaju obicnog covjeka dok se oni vozikaju okolo u privatnim avionima i zagadjuju puno vise od nas.
Danas sam naisao na vijest da je Microsoft krenuo u razvoj svog walleta koji ce biti u sastavu Edge-a. Wallet bi trebao biti non custodial te ugradjen u sam browser, znaci nece biti ekstenzija kao sto je Metamask. Ne ocekujem da itko tko je u cryptu duze vrijeme da koristi taj wallet ali ipak mislim da nije losa vijest jer Microsoft je ipak veliko ime.
Microsoft is working on a non-custodial built-in Ethereum crypto wallet for Microsoft Edge to allow users to send and receive cryptocurrency and NFTs.
Public keys can be shared with others to receive payments, while private keys should be kept secret and can be used to authorize transactions when you want to spend your cryptocurrency.
Microsoft sleuth Albacore who first spotted the new Edge Crypto Wallet tweeted some screenshots and expressed his puzzlement about the possibility of it ending up as a new Microsoft Edge feature.
It is not yet rolling out to Insiders, and it's most likely only available to Microsoft Edge Dev Channel users as part of a very limited test phase.
"This is a non-custodial wallet, meaning you are in complete control of your funds. We will not have access to your password and recovery key. It is embedded in Edge, making it easy to use without installing any extension," Microsoft says during the onboarding process.
"As a tester, you will use your own funds. In the event of loss of funds, Microsoft will not reimburse any loss. This is a confidential project and no details should be shared externally.