BFX USD Swap falls from $750 million to $660 million (of which $127 million is up for grabs, mostly at the FRR rate). It's possible that Tether rumors are involved, or that someone is arbitraging the Tether rumors (BFX has a 2% premium now).
Active BFX USD Swaps are now down to ~510M $. Couldn´t this simply be related to the fact that
the margin positions of many people got liquidated due to the price action? After every margin call
the Active USD Swaps obviously have to go down. This could also explain why the price on Bitfinex
is holding up better than on other exchanges. Many people (e.g. Bitfinex themselves) are obviously
incentivized to prevent a cascade of margin calls and therefore "defend" certain price points
vehemently compared to other exchanges.
Currently Bitfinex is even trading at a premium to the Korean exchanges, which had double-digit
premiums to the price on Western exchanges in the past.