I have a W7 x64 box that I reloaded recently. I loaded the ATI drivers and the SDK... firing up CGMiner, it mines just fine. However, when I q out of CGminer, W7 will BSOD with a SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION in atikmdag.sys. I've Googled the hell out of it and tried all the suggestions and nothing seems to work. I've uninstalled and reinstalled several different drivers versions, including 11.2 which I know worked with v2.4, v2.5 and v2.6 of the SDK. Nothing changes the behavior.
I realize it's not directly a CGMiner problem and something is wrong somewhere in the system, but bugger all if I can figure out what it is. Does anyone have any ideas? I've tried Driver Sweeper and reinstalled the drivers from scratch, but nothing works.
The system operates fine, I can play games, etc... and CGMiner mines fine. The only time there is a problem is when I quit CGMiner, otherwise zero problems at all. I'm completely stumped.
PS - this is mining with a pair of 6990's.
Maybe some other things in your BIOS/drivers are interfering with ATI.
Did you try a clean machine (formatted re-install of OS) with 12.2 and SDK 2.6? 12.2 or 12.3 has been the most stable in my experience.