Happy Saturday everyone!
Hey All,
Please ignore this guy below.
I just need to point something out, like I do every day:
1- If your order fails, we always refund not only the fees but also the price difference if BTC went up.
PM'd you Yankee now that you say it is necessary in order to get our refund and BTC price match for time of purchase.
Got it!
I'm still waiting for Charlie to correct a transaction from 9 days ago. I've sent 4 PM's only one response saying it would be done in a couple hours, that was 8 days ago. I've been in contact with Rachael by email who always email me back right away with apologies and statements that Charlie will do it today.
I believe this was processed, no? Can you send me your Order ID again? For some reason I can't see messages older then a few days.
I have a Bitinstant Dwolla order that failed verification again...
Order ID is: c176f6c3-df7b-491a-baf1-251ca6ea67ca
Thanks in advance for your help.
OrderID: 5361ad01-f6d7-4c48-a1e1-24fe3fe996ee
EventID: 328be701-925a-4840-b003-07ea724f23c2
DestAccount: removed for privacy
QuoteID: 4d2af6d4-6497-480e-8585-f2bb85b67aea
DestExchange: coinapult
eventtype: Order executed
EventSentAt: 1360371516.06
FundsSent: $480.05 USD
You did Bitcoin-to-email, and we emailed it to your @gmail.com address.
Have you checked your gmail account?
I placed my order on thursday and still no BTC. This is stupid.
Order ID?
Hi Bitinstant,
I am having trouble with the second of my two transactions today. Only one went through according to blockchain.info.
This one here worked:
OrderID: b407fe5b-c075-4e46-a3d6-857cbc1348f4
EventID: e1d53c0b-3189-4136-8fc6-01ac084bb722
DestAccount: 1LJ5nERzhsBh7V2rbK8JPzhXhGv2R3Wti7
QuoteID: 359c53c2-f648-4924-be7a-10d048d40dc4
DestExchange: btc
eventtype: Order executed
EventSentAt: 1360373707.16
APIResponse: {'BTC': 12.842029999999999}
FundsSent: $297.631 USD
This one did not:
OrderID: 428f2d3d-50fe-4572-b48b-418332dcecbc
EventID: c2a020dd-358e-4f38-9920-fbe313c82839
DestAccount: 1LJ5nERzhsBh7V2rbK8JPzhXhGv2R3Wti7
QuoteID: 56bd3134-7dd7-48f8-93c3-f9206dc86a4e
DestExchange: btc
eventtype: Order executed
EventSentAt: 1360377736.85
APIResponse: {'BTC': 12.77647}
FundsSent: $295.7108 USD
I don't know if it got stuck in some filter for being too similar(same destination address maybe) or moneygram couldn't process the two transactions to the same account?
Either way, I'm hoping for the coins to be released ASAP. Please update me with the status. Many Thanks.
Yup, its in the fraud filter. Processing it thru now