Just sent a PM. I'm sorry that you guys are dealing with this nonsense. I can only imagine how stressful it must be. Hope you get a good night's rest when all is done! Bitinstant has definitely been the most reliable bitcoin website I've tried thus far; I have full faith in its management. I understand why others are getting frustrated, but things happen.
Thanks for your kind words!
Your order was processed!
I tried PMing you all the info I have Yankee but since I just opened this account I can't PM you. I can email whatever you need.
Hey Ben,
Feel free to post the Order ID here.
Everything Charlie says about my transaction is true. I just received the BTC. And he compensated me the extra 5 BTC, as he stated. I finally received that the BTC a few minutes ago......~24 hours after I paid the USD, but he certainly did compensate me the 5 BTC. Much appreciated.
However, I disagree that what I have posted is "spreading negative things about" them. It is just the facts. I think BitInstant needs more controls and resources. It just can't be acceptable to tell customers that things are "out of our control". Customers simply don't care. It's real money. This is business. Big whoop that you do $3M USD per month. You are lucky to have no/few competitors right now.
The facts?
This is what you wrote:
making sure that everyone knows that BitInstant is a complete joke. You have failed miserably as co-founder and CEO. Whatever money you get from scamming everyone won't last long enough to make up for your ruined reputation.
I think your right, and we do need more control and resources.
Again, you don't know much about us, but we have grown over the year with more staff, less mistakes and downtime.
Of course customers care, customers want to know everything thats going on. We posted updates as they happend.
Another mistake. We have plenty of competition here, and we make the least mistakes out of all of them.
I work for a global Fortune 50 company. We would be hammered in the press if we allowed something like this to happen. Charlie claims that he answered every email and PM. Maybe so. But it was a form email response (I know because he sent the same reply to two different help requests I made). And I would contend that he & his team need to be even more responsive. Again, I think they are understaffed.
Working for a fortune 50 company and being the founder of a startup are totally different things, please don't compare.
We have thousands of emails to respond to, why would we sit and spend hours writing individual responses when they answer is the same "Sorry for the issue, were working on it and will update you soon" All fortune 50 companies do the same thing.
As mentioned above, if I made this mistake at work, I would see a big revenue/profit hit.....and a hit to my bottom line and year-end variable compensation.
This mistake was not made by anyone in our company as I've explained before. Cloudfare was blocking all 'orders paid' messages from Moneygram overnight. We had to fix it on our end, and they fix it on theirs.
I've spent more time then needed responding to your comments, which I agree to some degree with.
However, most of your comments were out of panic and frustration thinking were a scam.
Ok, got a PM sent out to you Yankee. Any help I can get would be great.
Checking it out now!
Charlie - Keep up the good work. Running a business is not easy. I fully understand that.
Arguing with customers is never a good idea. Never. I said some very inflammatory things. Things that ticked you off, I'm sure. Challenging your capabilities as CEO/Founder. But believe me when I say I am among the most patient and understanding of customers you will come across. I seldom complain....in-person or online. But this situation set me off. You have made promises on your website that you are (were) not keeping. On top of that, there was simply no way to understand the status of our transactions.....your site was always saying "loading" when checking the status.....and you were sending "form" emails. This is serious stuff. Customers should be expected to have little-to-no patience with this. No matter if it's New Year's or Christmas or the end of the world. I want to respect you, but for you to be surprised by my response tells me that you might be a bit naive. 24 hours to resolve this was entirely too long.
I want to support you and you are somewhat apologetic at some points in your last post, but for some reason, you still want to argue with me (me = a customer.....someone who could refer you to others, use you again in the future, etc.....or not). Blaming it on someone else (....mistake not made by anyone in our company.....). Saying I am new to the scene. Talking down to me about where I work (whether I work at a big company currently doesn't tell you whether I have tried entrepreneurial ventures in the past or will in the future.....so don't assume I don't get it). Making excuses for not answering "thousands of emails".....guess what, Boss....you better find a way to talk with all your customers. Real-time. Customers expect a certain level of service. And you are catering to ppl around the world....24/7. Your "live chat" was a joke....just sending my "chat" to your email. And nothing was posted on your Facebook or Twitter accts that I could find.
I suggest you focus less on arguing with customers & more on satisfying them. Comments like "Another mistake" just totally piss ppl off. I can get behind you if you keep doing the stuff you are doing in terms of taking care of this problem. I think it's a great customer service initiative to give out some extra BTC for these troubles. I think it's a horrible customer service idea to fight with me in forums.