All said and done, its probably a discussion best had with the lawyer and not on a public forum if you are going that route
Its like telling people what your next move is.......oh wait it is....
Again poker face it
you already know the people who are going this route. best thing is to discuss it with them via PM and set up skype/teamspeak/ventrillo calls to strategize. But doing it in a public forum is not going to help. Just gets them more prepared to argue against you. Don't get overconfident that the law is totally on your side. They could pull a zinger out too and derail things. The law can be a bitch that way. Just consider that when you post about legal actions and what routes you are taking on a public forum. Just something to consider. Pokerface
I'm taking a neutral stance here. They seem to be legit but over their heads. That much is clear. Whatever the case for my part I wont keep making this worse by requesting a refund just yet. Obviously the hardware exists and it obviously works. Sadly we got to find out the way we had to but it is what it is at this point. For my part I am going to make the most of the situation if it gets me my miners. If not well thats a whole other thing, but it sounds likely I will get a miner at some point soon (2 weeks reasonably speaking?)
Agree 100%. Those taking a legal route need to get together via the more private means you gave and keep specifics out of the Public realm until the matters are resolved. Any lawyer will tell you that.
Frankly considering other miner companies and their customers are in the same boat over the A1 chips/boards/specs, I hate to say it but seems there is a need for at least standards or even laws setup regarding this pre-order thing.
re: Phins comments about Josh "being in over his head" and "is not an Engineer".
Ya think? Strikes me same as several damn fine sales/pitchmen I've known during my stint in the Medical x-ray equipment biz a few decades ago. Wouldn't trust them one bit with *my* money but damn they were good at selling widgets. Dinna really know a damn thing about *how/why* they work, just what they can do as told/shown to them by the folks making the equipment. As long as they had folks like me on-board to understand the equipment or at least reliable and knowledgeable contacts familiar with the technology involved (I take it AMT does not) and the mfgrs have proven SALABLE designs (root cause of this mess is that did not) then it can work very well for all.
Of course, when the widget maker flubs the product - and does not even talk to their direct-sales customers about it (again, much less their Authorized Distributors) then the pitchman and their customers get screwed and if said sales folks panic and hide or whatever, we get this mess...
At least it seems Josh and company may pull most of their butt out of the fire yet assuming we get more reports of miners in customer hands. At least they did not immediately bail off the map like the owner of a certain x-ray sales company did about 1 month after I left them to get into the laser biz. Best move I ever made getting out of there when I did.