When you say that our share will double, I'm assuming will this be through the mining that is occurring? Will you be using the money in the shares to buy solar panels/windmills/necessary equipment to harness that energy? Also, will any of the share money be going ASICs? If it is, have you thought about what to buy once the difficulty goes through the roof?
Yes, mining will be the main producer of income and that is where the funds will come from to double the shares. The idea is to pay heavy early on to cover the share payouts and then ride on the residuals. That being said, a portion of BitShares and Founders Shares are meant to help fund expansion costs, at least in the beginning. SolarWind will balance, to the extent possible, doubling shares and investing in new mining hardware, all the while phasing in solar, wind and other green energy sources using primarily residual funds.
If, at a point when SolarWind is producing 'free' energy, the difficulties rise sharply, SolarWind will have the advantage of having lower electrical costs. As for ASICs, of course, ASICs all the way (unless something better comes along.) As for difficulties going through the roof, when and if such an event occurs, there will be a large drop in the number of miners for a short period of time. Since, presumably, SolarWind will have a lower than average cost-per-hash, SolarWind will have, yet again, the advantage. Besides this, difficulties have always been about to go through the roof. The main difference from difficulties before and difficulties now is that it will begin to happen at a more notable rate.
That begs the question, at least for me, where are your bitcoins best invested if there is a substantial rise in difficulties, is it with SolarWind, a company that has as it's first priority a commitment to payout double the initial investment to it's investors as rapidly as possible and actively pursue the lowering of it's own energy costs, or with BTC-Guild's suspiciously low payout despite a HUGE block find rate? How much do you think the other big mining farms are investing in lowering there energy usages? Which mining company will have the infrastructure already in place when the bottleneck of watts-per-hash makes mining to expensive for even large mining farms? Which mining company will be mining happily along when other mining operations are flicking of their machines in a mad rush to keep from going bankrupt? Which mining company will benefit from the sudden drop in the difficulty level right after all those machines have been shut down? Which mining company will be the grasshopper who plays all summer and stores nothing for the winter, and which mining company will be the ant who works diligently early on so he does not starve in the winter? I will tell you which company will be like the ant, it will be SolarWind! And who is the grasshopper? ALL THE REST!!
So, how will SolarWind do it?. There are many was to produce low cost energy, so don't be fooled by the naysayers. One example world be methane production, you take a ton of cow manure, dump it into a pit and nature does the rest. All you have to do is capture the methane (an easy low tech process) then burn it to run a steam powered generator, it is a very cheap way to produce electricity. I suppose we could create an altcoin and call it the crap-poweredcoin, just so we could mine them with the methane powered miners. Anyone want to buy 10,000 crap-poweredcoins? Who wants to develop the graphics for the crap-poweredcoin, it has to have a cow on one side and a cow pie on the other!
<== (shit eat'n grin) Here's an idea, if a single individual purchases 10 Founders Shares, SolarWind will commit to building a methane powered generator and develop the crap-poweredcoin to be merge mined with bitcoin!
Anyway, SolarWind will use many different methods to meet the power requirements of mining. I think that's where most models for green-energy usages fail, because they rarely include multiple sources of energy.