D:\Downloads\cgminer-2.11.2-win32\cgminer-2.11.3-win32>cgminer.exe -u
http://mining.eligius.st:8337 -d 0
[2013-05-01 09:17:44] Started cgminer 2.11.3
[2013-05-01 09:17:44] Probing for an alive pool
[2013-05-01 09:18:44] No servers were found that could be used to get work from.
[2013-05-01 09:18:44] Please check the details from the list below of the servers you have input
[2013-05-01 09:18:44] Most likely you have input the wrong URL, forgotten to add a port, or have not set up workers
[2013-05-01 09:18:44] Pool: 0 URL:
http://mining.eligius.st:8337 User:
[2013-05-01 09:18:44]
Summary of runtime statistics:
[2013-05-01 09:18:44] Started at
[2013-05-01 09:18:44] Pool:
http://mining.eligius.st:8337 [2013-05-01 09:18:44] Runtime:
XXXX hrs :
XX mins :
XX secs
[2013-05-01 09:18:44] Average hashrate: 0.0 Kilohash/s
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Solved blocks: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Best share difficulty: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Queued work requests: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Share submissions: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Accepted shares: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Rejected shares: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Accepted difficulty shares: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Rejected difficulty shares: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Hardware errors: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Efficiency (accepted / queued): 0%
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Utility (accepted shares / min): 0.00/min
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Work Utility (diff1 shares solved / min): 0.00/min
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Discarded work due to new blocks: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Stale submissions discarded due to new blocks: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Unable to get work from server occasions: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Work items generated locally: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] New blocks detected on network: 0
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] Summary of per device statistics:
[2013-05-01 09:18:45] GPU0 | (1s):0.000 (avg):0.000h/s | A:0 R:0 HW:0 U:0.0/m I: 0
No servers could be used! Exiting.
It's been working well for weeks so there must be some problem at the pool side...