And whats wrong with ledger exactly? I dont leave it lying around or take it out in public even. I use all the precautions I use for my trusted home computer. I just consider it 2fauth for my wallet. pretty much what it is, isn't it?
it's more than 2fa as it allows you to check what is signed and actually does the signature
they dont get enough press, since "search" is disabled here, I have trouble finding their threads.
we're pretty active IRL, through conferences, partnerships, and so on
can someone tell me a "worst case scenario" "what could possibly go wrong?" sort of critique of their product? I've heard very confusing technical explanations as to why there are vulnerabilities with it, but can someone ELI5?
worst case scenario today is some specifically designed malware that would sniff enough data of the security card to be able to rebuild it after several transactions are done, and bypass this security. This issue will be closed by the new second factor method used in the upcoming firmware, using your smartphone as a secure screen and making the full transaction experience smoother, or if you don't have a smartphone or don't wish to use it, by being able to print multiple security cards.
security is important to me, should I be worried about my BTC in my ledger?
no concerns so far.
great, thanks! especially "worst case" because I rarely plug it in, I just send coins to its receiving address.
I'm really happy with my ledger! At first I thought the case was a little off, but it was just sticky and now it folds out smooth, no worries. That was the extent of my complaints!
At 1/4 the price of a trezor, and no "moving parts" meaning, it doesn't have a led screen etc, there's nothing to break down. And with this new trezor license baloney I am doubly pleased. This Hardware wallet is everything I need (yes I am singing your praises, youre welcome
Still, everyone else seems to be in love with the trezor, until recently at least. lol.
So, to all you out there looking at hardware wallets. forget trezor (over-priced, overly-complicated hardware, sketchy devs) and pay less for more with ledger!
caveat - I am in no way affiliated with the good people at ledger, just a happy customer.