So its even worse.
- 40 Cakes are generated per block ( in each 3 seconds )
From these 40 Cakes,
- 15 Cakes are going to be burned (Burn pool)
- 15 Cakes goes for —> farmers and lottery
- 10 Cakes goes for —> Main Cake Pool stakers
They mint 15 cakes for "farmers and lottery" and then burn coins during lottery... They mint just to burn. For second time. For me .. its cheating, fake boosting numbers to confuse investors/users.
~3000 cakes are being burned during lotteries on average - based on last 10 lotteries ... twice a day. 6000 cakes per day.
While 720k each 1 day is being minted. Its less than 1%
During last IFO they burned $1 500 000. ~100k cake. Its 13% but ...we don't see IFO each day...
Those burns lower >200% inflation to ~170-190%. Its still way too much.