"People are just too stupid to use bitcoin right now,” I overheard someone argue at a bar a few weeks ago as we were discussing the potential of cryptocurrency.
I think he's right! But not (only) for the reasons in the article. My main reason: look at how many bitcoins are either lost forever or stolen, I've read estimates of 20-30% of all bitcoins ever mined. In just 7 years losing 20-30% is an amazing amount of money, and that is only from people who are bitcoin enthousiasts. Now imagine a 95-year-old has to use a bitcoin wallet, encryption and create backups of it. Of course that has a huge chance to go wrong.
“Society’s understanding of where money comes from is the real challenge.
The average person does not understand the current concept of fiat money either. I think barely anybody really understands its debt-based creation. As the article explains: " In fact, 97% of all money is created by banks via fractional reserve banking.", AKA only 3% of the money is actually printed, and 97% is
made up by banks to earn interest on non-existing money.