One question:
If self-regulation in Bittopia works, how come all the evidence suggests it has failed miserably thus far?
Define success, define failure. Compare to the regulated world. (Hint: I'd suggest the price might suggest the Bittopia is quite far from failure so far)
If you want government regulated currencies, there's plenty of them out there and they're printing more and more each day. If you keep with it long enough, you'll probably get enough to build a fort
I fail to see why is the onus on me to define success and failure? But (hint) I don't measure everything as 'price'.
What has unfurled thus far has happened, it is undeniable. So, a laissez-faire approach has (as it always does) allowed scammers, crooks and incompetents to flourish because 'good men' were distracted by greed or overwhelmed by cowardice.
Your argument seems to be that regulated markets are corrupt, therefore regulations are bad, it's such a 'strawman' as to be flammable.
As I said in my post above 'charity begins at home, justice begins next door' -- you want an unregulated system, as long as it doesn't bite you on the arse. You complain about regulations but you had the chance to make your own but were too lazy/scared/complacent to make things happen.
You remind me of a story my husband tells: in the UK he would go on demos in the 80's. He'd crawl from some mellee, covered in blood (his own or someone else's) and be buttonholed by some idiot selling Socialist-worker, "Comrade, have you heard about the oppressive state machine?".
So, what will you do when the regulated BTC market eventuates, sell?
No, you'll just have a good old moan.
Yeah, that's always the best plan for mass change, "go it alone and overthrow the government".