We have a simple implementation to propose and test...
I have seen on the website:
To complete you setup, you will need to configure your miner to round robin through all algos.
Here is an example of a windows batch file for ccminer.
ccminer.exe -r 0 -a x11 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3533 -u joe -p x11,x13,x14,x15,quark,lyra2
ccminer.exe -r 0 -a x13 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3633 -u joe -p x11,x13,x14,x15,quark,lyra2
ccminer.exe -r 0 -a x14 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3933 -u joe -p x11,x13,x14,x15,quark,lyra2
ccminer.exe -r 0 -a x15 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:3733 -u joe -p x11,x13,x14,x15,quark,lyra2
ccminer.exe -r 0 -a lyra2 -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:4433 -u joe -p x11,x13,x14,x15,quark,lyra2
ccminer.exe -r 0 -a quark -o stratum+tcp://yaamp.com:4033 -u joe -p x11,x13,x14,x15,quark,lyra2
sleep 5000
goto start
I am using sgminer. The command "-r 0" doesn't exist in sgminer.
Does anyone know what would be the command for sgminer to exit if the (only) pool doesn't provide work? I couldn't find it anywhere.