you can see:
current MH/s (ofcause)
avg MH/s last 4 hours
avg MH/s last 24 hours
avg MH/s since you registered your address
Avg bitcoin earnings per day (over the last 9 days)
Bitcoins per MH/s
there are graphs for:
current MH/s
Balances for, confirmed, unconverted, and combined.
Bitcoins per MH/s per Day (max 9 days back)
Recent payouts (last 9)
It does not require any scripts, or website to set idle, the server is always collectiong data every 5 minutes from the minute you register.
future features will be Email warning if your MH/s gets under a given amount.
recent payouts more than 9 days ago, and bitcoins per MH/s per day longer than 9 days ago.
you can register with a username and password (which is hashed and not retrievable(unreadable) from DB) or using google log in service. (no password at all is stored on server)
requests for more features are welcome, and i will do my best to deliver.
there are screenshots on the frontpage from the stats.
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