and fuck red, people give me negative feedback because i speak the truth, like when i called the scammer suncoin devs out so they gave me negative trust...
i dont give 2 SHITS
What did suncoin dev do to scam you?
theirs been news all over my twitter feed, which ive weeded out alot of the crappy ppl over the last 6 months and have most of the correct people to listen to (i know, cuz i make tons of money off some of their tips), and almost all of my feed has told me 5 differant times over the last few months, that potcoin dev is running various schemes/scams to control the price of this coin. but its whatever, its just my opinion, i wouldnt touch this coin with a 10 foot pole
comparing mastercoin to potcoin, clearly your very educated in your crypto
no rules or regs are needed to invest in crypto, if somebody was gona invest 100,000 in BITCOIN. HOWEVER, IF YOU REALLY READ ANY OF THAT BS NEWS FEED< NOWHERE DOES IT MEANTION HOW THE INVESTMENT IS GOING TO WORK, WHO IS INVOLVED, WHO WILL BE HOLDING THAT MONEY,IF ITS IN USD, EUROS, WTF. HOW IT WILL BE USED, NOTHING. its seriusly hilarious you people buy this.
theirs money to be made if your luckky, but most likely you will get burned.
Ok! I'm not going to conferm or deny any accusations against sun because I have no idea but all I can say is that I have seen some 110,000 sun's for sale for not that much and even some 206,000 and more for sale for some btc, which were not that much. If I had that money to invest, I would have. I don't know who mined all those coins or what kind of rigs they used because most I seem to get from sun was about 100 tops on 642khash/sec rig in 24 hrs.
As for potcoin dev, he did say he was doing some things to help the coin value and going to make his own market for it later. Now this 100k investment, it was supposed to or is supposed to help the coin value so whatever, whoever you are, you may have some truth to both of the things you last said.