* Make sure you do not have a version of Qora installed, you might even have to look in %appdata%
** If you are creating a new Qora account, be ready to copy and save your Wallet Seed & Password for safe keeping. Never share this info with anyone!!
1. Make sure you have the latest version of the Java JRE installed http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html
2. Download the latest Qora Wallet Zip file https://github.com/Qoracoin/Qora/releases/
3. Download the QORA blockchain sync'd as of August 25th, 2016 - https://cloud.crowetic.com/s/3rUsS3CAEwc6Ze8
4. Unzip Qora to the location of your choice
5. Run the Jar file
6. Wait for the wallet to load the wallet load.
7. Either Create an Account or Sign In
8. Exit Qora - File > Quit
9. Go to your Qora directory
10. Delete the /data directory folder
11. If there is also a dataBak directory, delete it's contents
12. Unzip the Qora Blockchain zip to the directory you just deleted the /data folder from. You should now have the synced /data folder now
13. Start your Qora Wallet from the Qora jar again
14. Keep fingers crossed, wait, after some time your wallet will load, sign in and wait until the full blockchains is loaded to the most current block.
15. If this worked, go buy some Qora and you are in business.