qora wallet is written in java, i doubt it can run on linux vps without any windows manager. If I'm wrong, let someone fix me: P
The old wallet GUI was build completely in Java by using java swing package
therefore was able to run on any OS including Linux.
Don't know if now is the case.
Try to check. Also there was an option to launch the wallet without GUI
so i think this could run on any VPS.
Is there a github repository somewhere? I understand there is someone working on QORA but it would be helpful if another dev jumps in and helps.
Is there a possibility the community can hire a dev to turn QORA from Java to a more easier and commong language like C++? This might open up the doors for others to join the project. I'd hate to see QORA die just like that, unless someone can point out major flaws in this project than I still think it might be worth saving.