I've been playing today with fractional amounts and noticed the same problem.
Any rules I create execute perfectly (Thanks) based on buy and sell at 1% and they move to the next rule, but if the order stays open I can end up with multiple open orders, even at Ask price.
Similar to what the OP stated "BUT I want the bot to wait until this order is filled in BEFORE it moves to the Next order."
What do you mean by "Pause"? A time delay, or actually see the previous order is actually filled before proceeding to the next rule?
I'll work on it, but currently there is no way to wait order executed, or cancel specified order id. I'll implement it on script language, but maybe not on rules.
I know this question may seem a bit childish but honestly.
If Last buy price is less than ________ sell something.
It works but haphazardly.
The question I really desire an answer to is what fills in the blank? What are the last buy or sell compared to? I can't really effectively use the rule unless I know what it compares to. If the rules uses the Last price ticker then Likely I should use that price for what price to buy or sell at. If it uses an ask or a bid I should know what one. If its user selected that is perfect. Right now I don't know.
The second issue I see so far is that the rule in question doesn't seem to frequently work. I have a trailing stop if the ask goes up 1% that triggered about 1% below my last sell. That says to me that the price dropped 2%. It had to fall 1% below where it placed its buy. Its buy landed almost exactly 1% below the last sell. As a different rule should be buying back down 1% (unless I don't understand how it works) this rule never should have purchased anything.
Is the percentage raw or bound? By that I mean is <1% going to wait for less than 1% of the last price or is it going to wait for a drop of 1% from the last price.
As an example that never did get answered before. If I have last sell > 1% it seems to buy up a bit over 1%. If I have last buy < 1% it seems to sell at down 1%. The problem is that it doesn't always do anything. In other words is the % just an amount above or below 100%?
Bug Fix 4 installed and restarted so I should be using it and both last buy and last sell are broken. Or I misunderstand them. If you could take a moment and explain what the comparison is to and if the percent's are added or subtracted from 100% it would be awesome.
There is a "indicator" variable is any number displayed in the interface. It can be last price, balance or any other.
You create a rule by selecting one indicator as "IF", then the rule compare values only with selected indicator on every value change or if it don't changing, than half of second interval.
There is "Base value" based on selected indicator what will be compared to current indicator value.
Every time rule enabled/re-enabled than base value store current indicator value.
If you use "Trailing value" option, than base value will store current indicator value when trend goes to another direction too.
So it works this way: IF "Base Value"*6%>"Current Value".
Example of not trailing rule: "If price goes more 5% than sell all":
1) Current price $1000 (base value stored as $1000)
2) Price goes down to $980 (nothink happend)
3) Price goes to $1029 (nothink happend)
4) Price goes $1050 (rule executed)
Example of trailing rule: "If price goes more 5% (trailing) than sell all":
1) Current price $1000 (base value stored as $1000)
2) Price goes down to $980 (base value changed to $980)
3) Price goes to $1029 (rule executed - 980+5%)
Note: you should add fee to trailing value percentage, because it compare exact values.
Soon I'll add "base value" to interface, but there is no space and I need more time to make changes.
And yes, there was bugs in trailing value, they fixed in Bug Fix 4.