
Topic: Ratimov sold his account - page 3. (Read 2624 times)

Activity: 1680
Merit: 6524
Fully-fledged Merit Cycler|Spambuster'23|Pie Baker
December 11, 2023, 12:31:34 PM
Of course, who else would I talk about considering that none of the "influential" members of the forum did anything similar all those years because they thought it was not worth fighting Ratimov and those who protected him. A person who built his reputation by covert plagiarism not only that he was not punished for it, but he was also rewarded with merit source status, which only strengthened his position even more.

What I really think about all the facts you mentioned above is this: at first, he impressed many forum users with what-a-good-forum-contributor-he-is-blah-blah-blah. People started giving him merits. He was even named Newbie of the year 2019. Then airfinex exposed his plagiarism for the first time. The fact that he posted from an alt account made his post to not be taken too seriously though. Besides, and here is a very delicate aspect, I believe that some also wanted to close their eyes, for not letting themselves admit that they helped a plagiarist to rank up so fast (remember, Ratimov used to earn merits with light speed for his plagiarized materials). This may be a normal human reaction, up to some point though. But when these people saw crystal clear that they supported an imposter they should have acted.

Other topics addressing Ratimov's shenanigans appeared during time, but always from alt accounts. And were mostly ignored. He was already feared by then. If someone dared to say anything about him it implied to be red tagged and added to Ratimov's distrust list. This is why, those which dared to speak the truth, did it from alt account; and this is also why they did not succeed.

After his aggressive behavior started to be known he was already feared many users and even DT users. I can tell you that, after I wrote my topic, some DT users confessed to me that they can't speak-up because "the situation is delicate", or "they don't have time" or "they are not certain about the proof I presented" etc., etc., etc. -- it was clear for me, reading their words, to see that they are afraid to talk about Ratimov. Even as DT, they were afraid of a Trust exclusion or of being red tagged or of receiving horrendous insults, like it happened in my case. However, I understood their point of view.

In any case, in time, more and more users found courage to speak-up in my topic and more and more finally opened their eyes or -- to be more correct -- allowed themselves to open their eyes. As a result, they started to distrust this imposter and / or add him to their distrust list. Eventually, even those which were afraid of him did it, seeing that he is losing all his support (excepting the never ending support he has from his most loyal minions, which literally worship him, like madnessteat or jokers10 -- oh, disregard jokers10, I remember that he abandoned the sinking boat LOL!).

I'm sure there are a lot of Ratimov alts who will continue on his path, of course, much more carefully than he did.

I also believe this. Ratimov was literally learning like a machine: he was caught plagiarizing and using that infamous introduction "In this article I would like to touch upon such a theme [...]", which was only meant to steal original author's work? -- He stopped using that introduction. His next materials were just copy-pastes, but not plagiarism anymore (thousands of merits copy-pastes but it is what it is). He was caught leaving incorrect red tags, full of insults and without any ref link? -- He deleted them. Were DT eyes on him for a while? -- He stayed low. Forum's eyes were on him for insulting someone's family? -- He quickly deleted those incriminating posts. And so on.

He tried every possible shenanigan, in order to see how far he can go and in which situations people remain unaware of his miserable acts. If caught, he simply changed that part.

So I'm sure now that he uses some alt accounts but he applies all he learned in those years: he won't try to earn merits with light speed, he won't plagiarize, he won't leave incorrect feedbacks and so on. I guess he will just try to farm some accounts to be able to enroll them in signature campaigns.

Speaking of signature campaigns, I also believe, as I once said, that he'll migrate to other forums:

I suggest to Ratimov that, after he becomes most merited user ever, to do same thing on other forums too and become there also most merited user / most recognized or whatever terminology would be used on other forums. Then post also some plagiarized thesis and take his Ph. D. as well. Why stick only to Internet forums? He could take any diploma in real life as well.

Since here his career is over, he may try same tricks on shitcoinsforum or any other forum. He will present himself there as BitcoinTalk's fifth most merited user and he'll probably get into a good signature campaign then he'll plagiarize there forever, since other forums don't ban plagiarists. He'll become number one (from any / all points of view) on some other forum and he'll be happy with the fact that he managed to fool an entire forum again.
full member
Activity: 422
Merit: 227
December 11, 2023, 11:21:58 AM
Other reports from users of the Russian locale about a noticeable change in Ratimov's writing style.

Duckduckgo translation.

Я вoт eщe oбpaтил внимaниe, чтo peзкo yпaлa aктивнocть тoвapищa Symmetrick,  в пpoшлoм Paтимoвa.
Дaжe coздaeтcя впeчaтлeниe, чтo cмeнa никa пpивeлa и к тoмy, чтo пocты Symmetrick пocтит дpyгoй пoльзoвaтeль. He yвepeн в этoм, нo ecли oбидeл тeбя, ты yж извини...
Ho фaкты вeдь вeщь нeyмoлимaя.
Eжeнeдeльнoe oбнoвлeниe тaблицы пoдпиcныx зaбpocил. Пpo кapты ничeгo нoвoгo нe пocтит, дa и мнoгo чeгo дpyгoгo.
Booбщeм интpигa.
I have also noticed that the activity of Symmetrick's comrade, Ratimov in the past, has fallen sharply. It even seems that the change of nickname has led to the fact that Symmetrick's posts are posted by another user. I'm not sure about that, but if I've offended you, I'm sorry... But facts are an inexorable thing. The weekly update of the subscription table is abandoned. He doesn't post anything new about maps, and a lot of other things. In general, it's intriguing.

Дa, тoжe cклaдывaeтcя впeчaтлeниe, чтo Cиммeтpик мaлo пoxoж нa Paтимoвa... Boзмoжнo, этo лoжнoe впeчaтлeниe. Инoгдa бывaeт тaк, чтo чeлoвeк в нeкoтopыe пepиoды cвoeй жизни caм нa ceбя нe пoxoж. Ho здecь нeчтo дpyгoe. Caм cтиль пocтoв cтaл нeмнoгo дpyгим. Бoлee лaкoничным, чтo ли. Paтимoв чacтo впoлнe paзвёpнyтo выpaжaл cвoи мыcли. Плюc, дa, y нeгo opгaничecкaя aктивнocть былa нa нecкoлькo пopядкoв вышe.
   Oн инoгдa вcтyпaл в мнoгocтpaничныe cпopы. И тaм в тex диcкyccияx y нeгo был coвepшeннo ocoбый cтиль apгyмeнтaции. Этo кaк oтпeчaтки пaльцeв. Иx пoддeлaть пpaктичecки нeвoзмoжнo. Пepвaя жe бoльшaя диcкyccия и вcё cтaнeт яcнo.
Yes, one also gets the impression that Symmetrick bears little resemblance to Ratimov... Perhaps this is a false impression. Sometimes it happens that a person in some periods of his life does not look like himself. But there's something different here. The style of the posts itself has become a little different. More concise, or something. Ratimov often expressed his thoughts quite extensively. Plus, yes, its organic activity was several orders of magnitude higher. He sometimes got into multi-page arguments. And there, in those discussions, he had a very special style of argumentation. It's like fingerprints. It is almost impossible to fake them. The first big discussion and everything will become clear.

A вoзмoжнo тaкoe, чтo aккayнт пpoдaн дpyгoмy чeлoвeкy? Beдь тaкoй вapиaнт иcключaть нeльзя. Boт и cтиль нaпиcaния пocтoв coвceм инoй. Я, кcтaти, тaкжe зaмeтил, чтo нe тoт cтиль oбщeния cтaл. Бoлee пpocтoй и бeз яpкиx выcкaзывaний.

Пo жeлaнию мoжнo пoмeнять cтиль oбщeния? Дa, нo тaкoe нeвepoятнo cлoжнo peaлизoвaть нa пpaктикe. Этo нyжнo cтoлькo ycилий пpилoжить к этoмy, чтo oнo тoгo нe cтoит. He дyмaю, чтo был выбpaн тaкoй вapиaнт.
Is it possible that the account has been sold to another person? After all, this option cannot be ruled out. So the style of writing posts is completely different. By the way, I also noticed that the style of communication was not the same. Simpler and without flashy statements. Can I change my communication style if I wish? Yes, but it's incredibly difficult to put into practice. It takes so much effort that it's not worth it. I don't think that option was chosen.

Boзмoжнo вce, нo былo бы нeплoxo, ecли бы oн caм пpoяcнил cвoe peшeниe.
Либo кoнфликт в aнглopaздeлe тaк нa нeгo пoвлиял и oн peшил yйти c фopyмa, либo жe c eгo aккayнтoм чтo-тo пpoизoшлo(пpoдaжa/взлoм). Ecть пoкa нeкoтopыe пoдoзpeния, yчитывaя, чтo cмeнa никa, пapoля и пoчты eгo aккayнтa пpoизoшли зa дoвoльнo-тaки кopoткий пpoмeжyтoк вpeмeни.
Anything is possible, but it would be nice if he could clarify his decision himself. Either the conflict in the English section affected him so much that he decided to leave the forum, or something happened to his account (sale/hacking). There are still some suspicions, given that the change of nickname, password and email of his account took place in a fairly short period of time.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 5937
December 11, 2023, 11:02:22 AM
I'd suggest someone from his community should step up and help clear this mess, let's know who we're dealing with.
Few of them already shared their opinion but I don't think we came up much closer to the conclusion whether he sold his account of not. At least I didn't.

Let's say (for the sake of the argument) that Ratimov indeed sold the account and someone else is controlling it now, wouldn't that person try to go under the radar in order not to be detected? I am asking because that account is allegedly more aggressive than Ratimov used to be (who we know already has anger issues) and that behaviour doesn't make much sense to me from someone who tries to profit from the newly acquired account.

Since I don't speak Russian I can't say whether account changed hands or not, but what lovesmayfamilis wrote makes much sense to me and could explain change in his behaviour.

Affected ego, bruised ego, wounded vanity—all this is screaming inside him today.

As a result, and as a Russian speaker, I do not see any difference in the writing style that Ratimov previously had. Now, insolence and rudeness are a defense, a mask.
sr. member
Activity: 812
Merit: 455
December 11, 2023, 07:12:07 AM
This Ratimov issue is becoming more interesting and confusing at the same time even hard to believe if something as selling his account is even true, OP might be right or wrong but I'd say with all evidence that have been brought upon this account of Ratimov, I still hope to see someone who knows him very well to come give us anything to convince us that he's still the one operating the account or not.
We shouldn't be assuming because it won't help out in any way, I'd suggest someone from his community should step up and help clear this mess, let's know who we're dealing with.
sr. member
Activity: 868
Merit: 388
December 11, 2023, 06:06:43 AM
Ratimov himself destroyed the account when he deleted everything that was possible. And insulting everyone who is possible. And then selling it. But even if you do not believe in sale, the account was already destroyed by him. Most of the merits are now not deserved, because all topics are deleted and many posts.
And if you stutter about sin. In any country, in any religion, it is a big sin to insult the last words of someone's mother. First, Ratimov did this, and then the one to whom he sold his account. So I want to say with words from one of the most famous films among Russian -speaking people. Probably only Russian -speaking will understand this for sure. But they almost all read this topic, but do not participate, so it is appropriate. And this will be read by Ratimov himself and the one to whom he sold.

Remember...there's no punishment without guilt.
You actually presented an argument beyond reasonable doubt but I still think it would be more better to maintain the neutrality of the case until proven otherwise. The emphasis you laid on the selling of ratimov account is way too high. Reading from the beginning of this thread and some other thread, one could notice the change pattern of the account but is it actually sold as we all assumed? I don't think so because no sane person will buy an account that has some questions to answer unless you want to waste your money for nothing.

The probability of hacking is very slim here because the hacker might be interested to keep in line with the previous pattern in order not to get noticed and ratimov might possibly create account to raise alarm over the matter. It's just difficult to tell but I believe the detective in the forum will definitely be working over it already to dig it out. It's sad how ratimov ruined reputation even before this whole saga of account changing ownership.
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
December 11, 2023, 05:21:58 AM
Do you guys wanna know why nobody tagged him before?
Why didn't you?

he had no rights to insult people like that
Noted. You choose violence over people's freedom of speech.
Loyce please accept the lord as your saviour and try not to twist my words or take offense when I talk. Where did I chose violence over freedom?
Where did I say anyone needed merits from him? I said nobody tagged him when he was a source because they were scared that it would be interpreted as going against the forum itself.
Btw, did you tag him too? I can't tell because I only saw PP tag on him not anyone else, so why did you think I'm talking about you?
And why didn't I tagged him? Because the moment I confronted him, he backed off and started to go crazy like it's the end of the world, would you like me to show you my exact post?
Activity: 3290
Merit: 16489
Thick-Skinned Gang Leader and Golden Feather 2021
December 11, 2023, 03:35:48 AM
Do you guys wanna know why nobody tagged him before?
Why didn't you?

he had no rights to insult people like that
Noted. You choose violence over people's freedom of speech.
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
December 10, 2023, 08:36:54 PM
it is a big sin to insult the last words of someone's mother
Listen, let me tell you something, where I live, if you insult someone's mother like that, there is a %99 probability to die after doing it, so I know about these issues. Even though close friends blatantly insult their friend's mothers, sisters, aunts, lol just not wives, they do this to show others that they are really close to each other, it's a stupid thing I know, and it's among less than %0.0001 of population. So I know that it depends on who is doing the insulting.

But that is not the case, he had no rights to insult people like that, does that mean we should ignore due process? You bring your solid evidence, your credible witnesses, and then everyone can have their orgy on his trust page. If that satisfies your pride and honour.

Edit: strike through, inaccurate statement.
full member
Activity: 422
Merit: 227
December 10, 2023, 03:27:26 PM
Because if you don't have them, then ruining someone's account like this is a sin
Ratimov himself destroyed the account when he deleted everything that was possible. And insulting everyone who is possible. And then selling it. But even if you do not believe in sale, the account was already destroyed by him. Most of the merits are now not deserved, because all topics are deleted and many posts.

this is a sin
And if you stutter about sin. In any country, in any religion, it is a big sin to insult the last words of someone's mother. First, Ratimov did this, and then the one to whom he sold his account. So I want to say with words from one of the most famous films among Russian -speaking people. Probably only Russian -speaking will understand this for sure. But they almost all read this topic, but do not participate, so it is appropriate. And this will be read by Ratimov himself and the one to whom he sold.

Remember...there's no punishment without guilt.
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
December 10, 2023, 03:16:58 PM
Behavior of the one who now owns the account Symmetrick as inadequate as possible.
This behavior has reached maximum inadequacy in the last days.
As previously written. This is not just an ordinary user account. With such an account, it is easy to deceive someone. Not everyone reads reputation topics. More precisely, the reputation reads the minority of the forum users.
Do you have at least 3 credible and trustworthy witnesses to vouch for your claims? Because if you don't have them, then ruining someone's account like this is a sin, do you understand that? You'd need to bring 3 neutral witnesses here, where are they?
full member
Activity: 422
Merit: 227
December 10, 2023, 03:11:06 PM
Do you guys wanna know why nobody tagged him before? Even after canceling the sponsorship? and why there is now the accusation of account sale? Because he was still a merit source, so, after they realized he is no longer a source, they grew a pair, I mean what a loser PP is, to bully someone with no power. They know he is in a weak state, and won't try to retaliate, that's why they tagged him, and I bet in the future he will get more tags.

This whole thing was between him and GB, if GB had him tagged, you couldn't argue much, but a ring kisser doing it? This is pathetic even for a lowlife.
Behavior of the one who now owns the account Symmetrick so inadequate as possible.
This behavior has reached maximum inadequacy in the last days.When the one who owns the account simply ignores any questions.
As previously written. This is not just an ordinary user account. With such an account, it is easy to deceive someone. Not everyone reads reputation topics. More precisely, the reputation reads the minority of the forum users.
copper member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 899
December 10, 2023, 01:39:05 PM
Do you guys wanna know why nobody tagged him before? Even after canceling the sponsorship? and why there is now the accusation of account sale? Because he was still a merit source, so, after they realized he is no longer a source, they grew a pair, I mean what a loser PP is, to bully someone with no power. They know he is in a weak state, and won't try to retaliate, that's why they tagged him, and I bet in the future he will get more tags.

This whole thing was between him and GB, if GB had him tagged, you couldn't argue much, but a ring kisser doing it? This is pathetic even for a lowlife.
Activity: 3234
Merit: 5637 Raffle-Join&Win $50🎲
December 10, 2023, 06:16:33 AM
He would still be in his position today if it wasn't for the determination of one member who rolled the avalanche that buried Ratimov

If you talk about me, I just tried to put in order all his actions from the past years, in a coherent and thorough way, unlike the previous topics at his address, which looked more like rants and they were posted by alt accounts (and, as a consequence, were ignored by many forum users, although they also spoke the truth about him

Of course, who else would I talk about considering that none of the "influential" members of the forum did anything similar all those years because they thought it was not worth fighting Ratimov and those who protected him. A person who built his reputation by covert plagiarism not only that he was not punished for it, but he was also rewarded with merit source status, which only strengthened his position even more.

That says enough that those at the top were always by his side, and even when you cornered him, we saw that he had a special status when it came to deleting everything that could be deleted, even completely unjustified name change. To me, this whole thing seems much bigger than exposing one member of the forum, because I will just repeat that Ratimov is not so much a problem as the problem is actually the system that created him and protected it all these years.
Activity: 2604
Merit: 2353
December 09, 2023, 05:17:53 PM
He withdrawn his merit source role and he out from high paid campaign, if he want to sell his account, the two things I mentioned above would increase his account value. For me it doesn't make sense he sell his account with the current condition when he could make more.

What if he transferred the ownership of private keys too?  Grin
There's always any possibility, but talking about selling his wallet is too far IMO. That will affect the whole thing as sign a message is a solid proof to prove ownership or legitimacy.
Sorry but I think you are very optimistic and maybe a little bit unworldly if you think people care about that. This is not a religious principle, they don't commit a sin by doing that, so I don't think what you perceive as too immoral to be done is shared by other people. In addition a private key has never been an indisputable proof of identity or ownership, because it can be lost, stolen or given. Even for PGP there is a web of trust scheme, in order to address that and other cryptographic systems use other models such as central authorities (PKI) in order to deliver authenticity certificates.
Activity: 257
Merit: 19
December 09, 2023, 03:47:54 PM
This thread blew up a lot more than I ever expected tbh. How big was he in the community? It seems like he did a lot of things already and has been here for years too.
Your is not the only account, there have been several others new over the past 5-6 months that have behaved suspiciously.

You know far too much about this forum considering your "ineedhelpplease" account was created in October 2023. Having said that, whenever you want you ask questions in an attempt to demonstrate you are a newbie you do and when you decide to post in-depth you do. How many accounts do you have here?

Has anyone sent a message informing him of this thread or asking him to defend himself?
I'm pretty sure he's seen the red tag on his account, which links to this topic.

My conclusion one way or another: Ratimov is gone.
I did not check post history or posting styles (and most of his posts are in Russian language) since the account-selling allegations but from what others are stating it seems the account has changed hands. If that is true, I find it strange he (or any other member with merit source) would sell their account.

I don’t know too much about this forum I’m still learning. I don’t even know what “DT” stands for yet for example and until yesterday I thought making alts wasn’t allowed, thought the forum bans scammers, thought the mods did IP checks frequently, etc.
I’m confused by in depth too, show a post please. And I don’t need to show that im a newbie either when my post count and merit are literally small.

I started posting here because well this is literally all that I post on. Rollbits admin Rollbit Razer basically fucked me out of around $7k and I discovered this forum through searching for bad rollbit experiences and reviews. and I want to try and make that money back too
full member
Activity: 422
Merit: 227
December 09, 2023, 02:52:19 PM
Only he himself can answer this question. Have you tried asking him about this? Smiley
I asked him directly in the Russian locale. Why did he delete all the topics and why not explain everything. In response I received a bunch of curse words. His behavior is inadequate. And it does not correspond to the status of his account.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 6524
Fully-fledged Merit Cycler|Spambuster'23|Pie Baker
December 09, 2023, 10:30:00 AM
You write as if Ratimov is a user who fooled the entire forum

He actually did fool the entire forum. Have you read this topic?

He would still be in his position today if it wasn't for the determination of one member who rolled the avalanche that buried Ratimov

If you talk about me, I just tried to put in order all his actions from the past years, in a coherent and thorough way, unlike the previous topics at his address, which looked more like rants and they were posted by alt accounts (and, as a consequence, were ignored by many forum users, although they also spoke the truth about him).
Activity: 3234
Merit: 5637 Raffle-Join&Win $50🎲
December 09, 2023, 10:20:51 AM
You write as if Ratimov is a user who fooled the entire forum and all his steps are thought out in advance, not allowing others to predict all his actions. Doesn't his power seem overrated? Smiley

I have my own opinion, which does not mean that I am right - but I already wrote before that Ratimov is the product of the strongest local board on the forum, that he managed to progress for years regardless of his methods, to which the majority turned a blind eye and showered him with merits - and today those same people are attacking him from all angles...

He would still be in his position today if it wasn't for the determination of one member who rolled the avalanche that buried Ratimov, but he is now a completely meaningless story because, as I already said, I'm sure there are a lot of Ratimov alts who will continue on his path, of course, much more carefully than he did.
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1713
Top Crypto Casino
December 09, 2023, 09:05:10 AM
This thread blew up a lot more than I ever expected tbh. How big was he in the community? It seems like he did a lot of things already and has been here for years too.
Your is not the only account, there have been several others new over the past 5-6 months that have behaved suspiciously.

You know far too much about this forum considering your "ineedhelpplease" account was created in October 2023. Having said that, whenever you want you ask questions in an attempt to demonstrate you are a newbie you do and when you decide to post in-depth you do. How many accounts do you have here?

Has anyone sent a message informing him of this thread or asking him to defend himself?
I'm pretty sure he's seen the red tag on his account, which links to this topic.

My conclusion one way or another: Ratimov is gone.
I did not check post history or posting styles (and most of his posts are in Russian language) since the account-selling allegations but from what others are stating it seems the account has changed hands. If that is true, I find it strange he (or any other member with merit source) would sell their account.
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1296 - Crypto Casino and Sportsbook
December 09, 2023, 08:55:44 AM
From everything I've read on this topic, I can only say that I'm surprised that everyone is still dealing with Ratimov or whatever it's called today, while I'm absolutely sure that the person behind that account has at least a few more high-ranking accounts on this forum and that topics like this actually benefit him much more than they harm him.

I also do not doubt that the same person is still behind that account, but considering all the procedures and actions he did to destroy that account, this alleged sale is only the last in a series of successful deceptions.

While we here are wondering whether his account is in someone else's hands or not, I believe that he is proud of having deceived the majority once again - in other words, he is just continuing what he has been doing since the first day - and as I can see, people still have great sympathy for him - merits seem to buy loyalty no matter what.
You write as if Ratimov is a user who fooled the entire forum and all his steps are thought out in advance, not allowing others to predict all his actions. Doesn't his power seem overrated? Smiley

I have my doubts about the destruction of an account that had quite an impressive reputation and influence on the forum. It seems to me that this does not look like a calculated move, but most likely an unfortunate accident that led to such an outcome. Black PR, of course, is also PR, but how can you monetize it when your entire reputation is ruined? A clean account would bring him more benefit than a dirty one, or am I misunderstanding something.

Well, he definitely got his share of hype, but what next? It was the newcomers who got most of the merits. Sympathy is on one side of the scale, on the other hand, many people experience antipathy, and from no less visible and active forum participants, that is, old-timers of the forum.  In my opinion, in which direction the advantage is obvious.

I think this is even more significant evidence if you do not have enough of my arrguments.
Why would he do all this if he wanted to continue to write and earn on the signatures?
Only he himself can answer this question. Have you tried asking him about this? Smiley
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