I talked with Ratimov from almost the first day of his appearance on the forum and with a probability of 90 percent I can say that Ratimov sold his account. I will sign in more detail if there is time, but attentive users can now study Ratimov account and confirm my thoughts.
I can be mistaken if, for example, Ratimov account was introduced by more than one person and after my statement he will again connect to writing messages. Or for example, he has a psychological disease where he lost his memory.
In recent messages talked with me as if we had never communicated before.But we had a lot of disputes and communication. Anyone for whom the native language is Russian will notice changes in the style of writing messages.These are not only my thoughts in Russian local.
Of course, this is not strong evidence, so I created a topic to attract the attention of more experienced users
Symmetrick deleted all his topics.
Symmetrick completely ignores the questions in Russian reputation and pretends that nothing is happening.
I hope there are few old Russians willing to give their perspective about Symmetrick posting style, does his posting style changed or not especially users who were active to communicate with him.
He пpoдoлжит. Этo нe Paтимoв. Bпoлнe ceбe пpoшapeнный кpиптaн, нeмнoгo aгpeccивный, нo нe Paтимoв. У тoгo былa ничeм нe cдepживaeмaя жaждa coздaния кoнтeнтa. И в цeлoм oн был чyть бoлee вeжливым. Ha aгpeccию в ocнoвнoм пepexoдил пocлe тoгo, кaк пoлyчaл чтo-тo в cвoй aдpec. Пpocтo тaк oн нe вёл ceбя кaк Дeйcик, нaпpимep.
Этo нe xopoшo и нe плoxo, этo пpocтo кoнcтaтaция фaктa. Жизнь идёт cвoи чepeдoм.
Google translate
Won't continue. This is not Ratimov. Quite a proficient cryptan, a little aggressive, but not Ratimov. He had an unbridled thirst for creating content. And overall he was a little more polite. He mostly switched to aggression after receiving something addressed to him. He just didn’t behave like Daisik, for example.
This is neither good nor bad, it is simply a statement of fact. Life goes on as usual.
with a probability of 90 percent I can say that Ratimov sold his account
I anticipated this since November 23rd:
I see he also changed his password and email today...
It's interesting that after all this circus he remained in the same campaign
Now all that's left is changing the payment address for his signature campaign
So let's make a sum-up of recent events:
- this topic exposes all Ratimov / Symmetrick's shenanigans from past years
- many DT and non-DT users distrust him or stop trusting him and, eventually, he is kicked out of DT and his DT strength goes from +13 to -9
- he starts a mass purge of his old posts and topics, possibly some with plagiarism evidence, involving also in his actions the 2 Russian mods which he fools into becoming his garbage men, until theymos puts a stop to this (it was too late anyway)
- he deletes all his left feedbacks, retracts all his support for flags and wipes his Trust list
- stops posting in international sections and resumes only to Russian local board
- stops earning merits with lightning speed; stops sending merits with lightning speed (if you check his merit activity you can see that lately he sent some merits at intervals of ~one week)
- changes his name
- changes his email and password.
What do all these seem like?
Add to all these that meanwhile he also was demoted from Merit Source position and
cancels a 0.0435 BTC sponsorship with a few days before he is supposed to make the payment (after benefiting one year from the reputation and popularity gained by saying that he is the sponsor of that contest).
Then, for "clearing" the account even more, I'd also apply for a name change. This did not depend only on him, but theymos was generous so we can say this step was also Checked..
I'd eliminate any negative feedbacks I left in the past, thus there would be low chances for other rants to appear to my "new" account and jeopardize a possible deal with a customer, which may not be interested om an account involved in accusations, beefs with other users etc. Checked.
I'd be mostly inactive for avoiding other conflicts or, if I needed to be a bit active I'd remain inside my local board, where less people would see what I'm doing. Checked.
I'd cancel any sponsorship, as no potential client for my account would be interested in buying the account with a debt of 0.0435 BTC. Checked.
I'd change my username and password. Checked.
Eventually, I'd also enroll in a better paying campaign, thus the account would look even more appealing for being bought. Checked.
What's there more to say? Ratimov Symmetrick checked all the above criteria, which are common sense for someone trying to obtain a very good price for his account. Let's not forget, this not an ordinary Legendary account, but fourth most merited account on the forum. (Of course, a client would never be informed that those merits were made in thousands by copy-paste and plagiarism, but that's another discussion.)