Two wrongs don't make a right. Lauda is a proven scammer in so many ways; escrow, trust, merit; you name it. And being such a scammer Lauda can never be proven right, exactly because the opposite, his wrong doings, have been proven. Lauda's simply the biggest scammer on this forum and thus has to go first. The rest is small talk.
they act like lauda saves all from crooks we can easily save ourselvs from
lauda does not
lauda only copies the easiest available proofs to look important
lauda is the most dangerous to the average user of this forum to look important
lauda is for all the power and nothing else
lauda will slave all with a whip
others copy to impress lauda
become best thugs to gain rank and lauda protection
casualties in war
lauda has to go
all negative consiquence is worth lauda gone
get this snake on the list - disgusting fool pretends to have supported people like bruno in the past but now seems to have defected to want to support proven liars and trust abusers.
Cool, I made another list
Chill out Super Wario. I already outlined for you my rationale why I added them.
I still support Bruno and I always will.
Since it offended your feelings so much (and was a largely inconsequential move to begin with), I took you off my precious tilde list. But after reading what you wrote about me, I should probably consider re-adding you.
Look don't pretend I did not already say this to your face in meta it's not like I am talking shit about you behind your back. I am not at all happy to see someone who was a keen supporter of bruno who highlighted and fought HUGE SCAMS not these little pesky scammers that just pop back up next day under new accounts. Who now turns to the total dark side and support liars that red trust people for telling the truth about them and who ~ bruno himself I notice.
You can not support proven liars and trust abusers on one hand (whom themselves ~ BRUNO) and support Bruno at the same time.
Anyway do as you wish, I understand it takes a lot of courage to do the right thing.
not just courage
it takes suicide to do the right thing