PS. I was ready to invest 0.04 BTC with Casino Critique. I probably would not have had the confidence in doing so had I known that it was Royse777 raising the money, with him being fresh off the heels of the BitLucy snafu and all, with him saying he needs some time to cool down from it.
How many would have any confidence in investing in anything related to Royse777 when almost zero time was given between the Bitlucy/Royse777 scam ending and Casino Critique starting up? You were right to be cautious.
The excuse provided by Royse777 for the massive cloud of secrecy surrounding the main protagonist behind Casino Critique was that two unnamed members (but heavily hinted at them being yahoo62278 and myself) would not allow the project to be given a fair chance to succeed had it be known Royse777 was behind it or involved in it. It was an excuse.
Well, I hope you agree with me that I was right to reveal the secret. And it was a bit by chance, because for the same reason you say, I had put the Reputation section on ignore, and
when a thread was moved here, I unignored the section because I was interested in following it.
Then I saw what had happened with that disgusting being called naim027, AnotherAlt, whatever scumbag and that's what triggered me to reveal the secret and I red tagged Royse777 and CC.
Yes of course you were right to reveal the so-called secret.
Royse777 knew naim027 had alt-accounts that were being to used to push two agendas. First to try to get the naim027 account unbanned and second to push the Royse777/Casino Critique propaganda and whether there is any case to even conclude a 1% chance she was unaware, it cannot detract from the point that the so-called secret was something you were caught unexpectedly to receive without you making any commitment or promise.
Everything was going as planned until Poker Player decided to break the trust that I had for him.
You better not blame others for what you brought on yourself. The little funding you got is not my fault, and as suchmoon says, telling so many people to keep a secret about you, makes it quite likely to be revealed.
What I don't understand is what kind of trust you had in me. We hadn't exchanged a single PM before you offered me the chip, and we had barely interacted in threads either. Too long I kept it a secret for the little relationship we had.
If Royse777 is not going to blame you and several others for everything that she did wrong and everything that went wrong, who else will she blame? Did she whole-heartedly even accept her part in the Bitlucy debacle? Royse777 will not be accept responsibility for her mistakes, she had ample time to do so but opted to the contrary.
Allow me to provide some clarity, the primary reason why you were included in the small list of users that received the PM inviting you to receive freebie tokens and being instructed to keep the secret quiet. In the Royse777/Bitlucy scam and reputation threads, some of your posts could have been interpreted as being opposed to me or my views. In some of your posts you (rightly or wrongly) came across as though you were in favour of giving Royse777 a fresh start and minimising her input in the scam whereas I and several others were against it and wanted Royse777 to be fully held to account for her part in the Royse777/Bitlucy scam.
It was clear you were not trolling me as three low-level nonsense posting trolls were at the time (and they have been doing so intermittently since then) but the impression Royse777 probably got was you were
against me and thus you were a staunch defender for her reputation. That is my most probable conclusion.
Actually, now that some time has passed, I think that hiding who was behind Casino Critique was wrong, and there were many of us who knew it.
I agreed to withhold the mysterious, unknown person's identity (while there was a whirlwind of speculation that he was Royse777 and nobody in second place as far as possible contenders) for a number of reasons--but I'd say the main one was my own judgement of Royse777 and his credibility. I definitely wouldn't have agreed to do that for just anyone. There was also the structure of the funding, and escrows were in place to keep everyone honest. In addition, even if Royse777 came up with the project idea and kicked it off, there was still a fairly large team working on Casino Critique, so I didn't see this would be in any way a golden opportunity for Royse777 to scam anyone, even if he were so inclined to do it.
Looking ahead, if a situation like that ever comes up again, I'm going to give it a lot more consideration.
If a situation like that happens again, your consideration could have an impact on others including investors as well as your own reputation. It was a careless act on part of Royse777 dragging others in to her secret by forcing it in front of them in the form of a PM.
The correct format should have allowed you and others to have the right to make a choice about wanting to know a secret with a promise to not divulge it rather than receive a PM stating you have to keep a secret without you even wanting to know about it.