I've never heard anyone in a real leadership position in Russia make much mention of the use of nuclear weapons at all,
I'm somewhat surprised that neither Russian State media or any of your conspiracy youtubers have discussed the nuclear threats Medvedev has made. He does it all the time.
Nobody here in Russia takes Medvedev seriously. It seems that after the death of Zhirinovsky, he occupied the niche of an outrageous freak in the political arena. In short, an ordinary clown like Zelensky.
Oh, the mythical counteroffensive... sure, keep your eyes on Bahkmut, no need to notice the 40 thousand motorised troops being massed in the Zaporilla area. Do not look there, nothing is going to happen in the next 3 weeks. Nothing at all. An the explosions in Sebastopol were again, RF soldiers smoking by the gas barrels. There is no resistance and no partisans in the zone. Nothing happening.
Of course, there will be an attempt at a counteroffensive from Ukraine, otherwise why these deliveries of tanks and training courses for soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the West. I called it mythical because the chances of success are close to zero.
You seem just as confident now as you were almost exactly 1 year ago when you were defending the fact that the special military operation was still going on weeks later not because Russia was facing any setbacks, they just wanted to minimize civilian casualties is all...and don't worry, there will be a Parade in Kiev come May...
If the APU is a rabbit, then why didn't the tiger eat it a week ago? Any questions. I don't think it's because the rabbit got a vegan tiger. Maybe the Russian tiger is weakened by some unknown disease?
The active part of the operation is designed for at least three weeks, do not forget that Ukraine is the largest country in Europe, after Russia. Then, for several more months, it will be necessary to clear the area from gangs with rich historical traditions of Bandera. Do not confuse the desire to minimize civilian casualties with weakness.
Ecли BCУ кpoлик, тo пoчeмy тигp нe cъeл eгo eщё нeдeлю нaзaд? Boпpocы ecть. He дyмaю, чтo дeлo в тoм, чтo кpoликy пoпaлcя тигp-вeгaн. Moжeт pyccкий тигp ocлaблeн кaкoй-тo нeизвecтнoй бoлeзнью?
Aктивнaя чacть oпepaции paccчитaнa минимyм нa тpи нeдeли, нe зaбывaй чтo Укpaинa caмaя бoльшaя cтpaнa Eвpoпы, пocлe Poccии. Зaтeм eщё нecкoлькo мecяцeв пpидётcя зaчищaть мecтнocть oт бaнд-фopмиpoвaний c бoгaтыми иcтopичecкими тpaдициями бaндepoвщины. He нaдo пyтaть жeлaниe минимизиpoвaть пoтepи cpeди миpнoгo нaceлeния co cлaбocтью.
In Kyiv on May 9 2022, a traditional parade will be held in honor of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany. It is naive and foolish to doubt it.
Well, if not in Kyiv then maybe in the suburbs of
Chornobaivka. The equipment might need some polishing before it's parade-ready.
In winter, military exercises took place on Russian territory near the border with Ukraine, in which two groups participated - Z and V (west and east). Now a group of Z is involved in the operation. And where is the second group V? Probably in operational reserve, polishing uniforms for the parade, but this is not certain.
By the way, did you hear there actually was a victory day parade in Kiev over the summer?
Any predictions for where we will be March 2024?