In modern times, there aren't many who are happy with being drafted. In the US, why we aren't drafting people for war ISN'T a mystery. It has to do with the fact that the Dem leaders and Biden are doing everything they can to destroy US preparedness for a REAL fight with ANY other nation. To see this, all you have to do is look at how they are running America's stock of self-defense materials into the ground by sending it into the Ukraine black hole... along with the money of the American people.
As far as billions have died in the past... check out Gobekli Tepe and her sister site, Karahan Tepe, that is even older. According to the latest and best understanding about how old GT is, it's about 11,500 years old. And It is well advanced beyond the prehistory standard that says that 10,000 years ago people were simple hunter-gatherers. Modern archaeology is only scratching the surface regarding how many people have lived in the past, ancient past, and prehistoric past.
According to what modern archaeology is finding out now, is the fact that earth has been populated for a lot longer, by people who were almost as capable of killing each other off as we are today. Up to the point of 2 or 3 decades ago, prehistoric people weren't smart enough to do much of anything beyond inventing the wheel. Now, we are finding that we were wrong in thinking that.
Certainly millions, but as many as billions, of people have died in past times... if you want to believe what modern archaeology has found over the last 2 or 3 decades... even if they don't want to rub their own faces in the realization of their former mistaken ideas.
And Bluesondine cures COVID... same sources (I am asking because you do not mention any). At the risk of wasting a few second of my valuable time on earth, most people do not die killed by other "eye to eye". Take WW II, 55 million civilians, 25 million military. That is what modern warfare looks like. An old warfare sometimes even worse (Romans were well known genocidal).
Anyway, back to something that is not you and your ego: Today the RF gloriously made a "precision strike" on a building in Zaporiyia. A civilian building with no strategic value whatsoever that was, obviously, in use. Again, this is Mafia rules: senseless killing of civilians that makes no sense: it does not stop the war, does not provide any advantage nor is any other way beneficial for the RF war effort. Senseless destruction that not even animals engage in.
Come on. In all of the hundred years of 1900 to 2000, there were only about 200 million people killed by their own governments. That's nothing compared with the many thousands of years back to and beyond Gobekli Tepe. Besides, the world population in the 1900s was big enough that the murdered-by-war were barely a drop in the proverbial bucket.
I mean, since you have looked at GT a little by now, there weren't merely 1 or 2 million people on earth back then... 11,500 years ago. GT and a whole bunch of other archaeological sites show that there were at least hundreds of millions, and maybe billions. Simply extrapolate a little. And they weren't at all ignorant, even if their thinking was along different lines than ours, scientifically.
As far as Russia making a strike on a civilian area - if they did - they wouldn't have done it if there weren't a war advantage against Ukraine somehow... like Ukraine soldiers hiding behind civilians again, or the civilian structures being used to house Ukraine military equipment of some sort.
That's war. Ukrainian civilians have had months to move out, difficult though it may be for them. If they're going to stay, what can they expect except that some of them are going be casualties in this war? What's interesting is that many of them know that the Ukraine military is using them as shields, but they would rather stay, virtually committing suicide, in their willing allegiance to Russia. "Mother made me what I am. Mother has the right to use me to take out her enemies, even if I die from it."
If it were Russia's aim to kill everybody off in Ukraine, they would have started using tactical baby nukes long ago. All the way back in the 1960s and 1970s the US was making small nukes the size of a breadbox. There is no way that Russia doesn't have technology like that, now.