
Topic: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] - page 228. (Read 68199 times)

copper member
Activity: 150
Merit: 30

Alright there's no official language in US on federal level but most states have English as official language at the state levels, but English is definitely a national and regional language in US of A, so my point still stands.

Banning books of minorities decided by the majority, of course majority can always decide to stop discriminating if they wish to vote so, tyranny of the majority at it's finest. Guess technically Jews could always stop the concentration camps if they had majority in Nazi Germany... Cause you know discrimination and racism is always decided via majority vote

The same famous russian culture you say huh?

Piotrovsky (the director of the vast State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg) goes on to describe Russian culture as an important export, similar to the country's war in Ukraine. "Our recent exhibitions abroad are just a powerful cultural offensive. If you want, a kind of 'special operation', which a lot of people don't like. But we are coming. And no one can be allowed to interfere with our offensive."

Using comparisons to historic wars, the museum director then explains why Russians must support the current war in Ukraine. “Right now our country has made the transition to a different time,” Piotrovsky said. “The first period of the Scythian war has come to an end. We retreated and retreated, now we are no longer retreating. A turn has been made. And it’s already clear that is the final turn. It all began in 2014 in Crimea.”

Piotrovsky casts the transformation in epochal terms, with the museum as an island of stability. “Our country is carrying out great global transformations,” he said. “And we, accordingly, are part of them and with her. Our position is one of calm, normal work.”

Summing up, Id say fuck you and fuck your russian culture. This stuff should be banned in every single country that cares about its national security.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

Cool justification to ban books. Nothing says you're on the right side of the history like banning books. How many years in prison should ethnic Russian grandma get for smuggling 10 of these for her grand kids? And who listens to music on the radio, should blocking the Internet for all Russian content be next?

You might wanna re-read johhnyUA post just above, i didn't believe it before but that's what i'm hearing now

Ah yes, 'Masha and Bear'.  One of the few kids shows which doesn't peddle pure degeneracy, idiocy, fagotry, etc.  A lot of the crap comes from Ukraine, but in fairness I have to give a nod to 'Dave and Ava' which is out of Ukraine and is pretty OK, and point out that the worst is from China although I suspect it is pumped out for Western consumers only.  UkuLele is another good show and it happens to be Russian well.  I gotta pay some attention to this stuff on account of being a parent and all.

When I was figuring out where should be my '2nd option' for expatriation reasons I didn't even consider Russia.  To a degree I'm sure that it was a result of a lifetime of tension between my country Russia and the consequent propaganda, but also I was working under the a conception of the society as a late Soviet and early post-Soviet conception of the society.  Honestly, the kids shows more than anything have given me the idea that there may be sprouts of a relatively promising future society in that nation.  I still consider it to be as 'deep state-ee' and politically corrupt as the U.S., and to have it's share of dangerous and unpleasant people, but as a trend things are looking positive from what I can see.  The whole West is on a steep negative trajectory.  I've been researching a '3rd option' off and on while we see the 'great reset' progress, and Russia is on my list now.

Edit:  In addition to the Jewtube kiddie show quality, the quality of the posters on this very thread certainly played a role in my recent warming toward Russia.  And, of course, the conduct of the Russians both diplomatically and militarily through the special military operation in Ukraine so far.  Of course this is compared to the Western complements so it isn't that high a bar for Russia to meet to look pretty sterling.

Activity: 2422
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Banning books

Repeating this doesn't make it true. I'm sure great literary works of Russian authors can still be translated and printed in Ukrainian, and perhaps even imported in the original language under one of the exceptions.

Exactly. But with a little clarification: Such statement was fair before the war. Now i think that around 90 % of russian books and authors will be canceled by ukrainian audience. But this is fair I think
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Banning books

Repeating this doesn't make it true. I'm sure great literary works of Russian authors can still be translated and printed in Ukrainian, and perhaps even imported in the original language under one of the exceptions.

Considering shit like this in children's books issued by the "liberators", the restrictions seem about right:

(edit: fixed the image)
Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
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Wrong about what? Which of those languages is an official language in the US?

look even US of A supports Russian speakers  
Oфициaльный вeб-caйт пpaвитeльcтвa Coeдинeнныx Штaтoв

Ukraine's president's website has a Russian version too:

But by all means please let me know the new location of the goalposts.

Alright there's no official language in US on federal level but most states have English as official language at the state levels, but English is definitely a national and regional language in US of A, so my point still stands.

Banning books of minorities decided by the majority, of course majority can always decide to stop discriminating if they wish to vote so, tyranny of the majority at it's finest. Guess technically Jews could always stop the concentration camps if they had majority in Nazi Germany... Cause you know discrimination and racism is always decided via majority vote
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909

Wrong about what? Which of those languages is an official language in the US?

look even US of A supports Russian speakers  
Oфициaльный вeб-caйт пpaвитeльcтвa Coeдинeнныx Штaтoв

Ukraine's president's website has a Russian version too:

But by all means please let me know the new location of the goalposts.

Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
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Do you know any other country in the world where language spoken by the majority in the capital is not even a regional language?

US of A

Forced Ukrainization? Why not give people the option and let them decide for themselves?

People decided, via elections. They can decide differently in the next election, but...

Totally not a cultural war, nope not at all
Ukraine’s parliament on Sunday voted through two laws which will place severe restrictions on Russian books and music as Kyiv seeks to break many remaining cultural ties between the two countries following Moscow’s invasion.

... to no one's surprise (except feigned one by kremlinistas here) Russian language is losing its appeal during the invasion so I'm guessing the next election won't be favorable to that effect.

Wrong again
but US of A does have Spanish radio stations and lots of government documents are available in Spanish, especially in southern states look even US of A supports Russian speakers  
Ahh forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language under disguise of "decolonization" while claiming that it's not a "natural language to ukrainians" or they have to leave the country is not an indirect method aimed at forced migration at all.  Roll Eyes. True EU values. Tell us you support ethnic cleansing without saying you support ethnic cleansing

This law forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language does not exist.  

I'm not saying that such laws exists, just replying to johhnyUA who seems to be truly bewildered why discrimination and racism go against EU values and are bad

You're saying it because it's something you've heard many times before from people that support Russia's invasion.  

It's not true though.  It's a lie that exists to justify Russias actions and thus increase Russia support.

You might wanna re-read johhnyUA post just above, i didn't believe it before but that's what i'm hearing now
Activity: 2660
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Ahh forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language under disguise of "decolonization" while claiming that it's not a "natural language to ukrainians" or they have to leave the country is not an indirect method aimed at forced migration at all.  Roll Eyes. True EU values. Tell us you support ethnic cleansing without saying you support ethnic cleansing

This law forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language does not exist.   

I'm not saying that such laws exists, just replying to johhnyUA who seems to be truly bewildered why discrimination and racism go against EU values and are bad

You're saying it because it's something you've heard many times before from people that support Russia's invasion. 

It's not true though.  It's a lie that exists to justify Russias actions and thus increase Russia support.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Do you know any other country in the world where language spoken by the majority in the capital is not even a regional language?

US of A

Forced Ukrainization? Why not give people the option and let them decide for themselves?

People decided, via elections. They can decide differently in the next election, but...

Totally not a cultural war, nope not at all
Ukraine’s parliament on Sunday voted through two laws which will place severe restrictions on Russian books and music as Kyiv seeks to break many remaining cultural ties between the two countries following Moscow’s invasion.

... to no one's surprise (except feigned one by kremlinistas here) Russian language is losing its appeal during the invasion so I'm guessing the next election won't be favorable to that effect.
Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
In order to dump coins one must have coins
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Ahh forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language under disguise of "decolonization" while claiming that it's not a "natural language to ukrainians" or they have to leave the country is not an indirect method aimed at forced migration at all.  Roll Eyes. True EU values. Tell us you support ethnic cleansing without saying you support ethnic cleansing

This law forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language does not exist.   

I'm not saying that such laws exists, just replying to johhnyUA who seems to be truly bewildered why discrimination and racism go against EU values and are bad

You might not be aware, but people can speak more than one language. The requirement to learn the official language of the country you live in (for example to be able to use government services) does not prevent you from using whatever other language(s) you speak, and isn't racism or discrimination. Every country including Russia works like that.
copper member
Activity: 150
Merit: 30

Everything you write is absolute nonsense that shows that you are here not to understand the issue. You found some obscure article and you really should have shown this:

Chronology of Ukrainian language suppression

17th century
1627 – Decree (ukase) of Tsar Michael on a petition of the Moscow Patriarch Filaret to burn in the Tsardom of Muscovy all copies of the Didactic gospels of Kyrylo Stavrovetsky [uk], one of the didactic gospels of Kyrylo Stavrovetsky.[1][2]
1688 – on the orders of Moscow Patriarch Joakim in huge fires on the streets of Moscow "Crocheted Christ" of Antin Radivilovsky [Wikidata] was burned, together with the works of prominent Ukrainian theologians Peter Mogila, Lazar Baranovych and Innocent (Giesel).[3][2]
1690 – Condemnation and anathema of the Council of the ROC for "new Kievan books" by Petro Mohyla, Cyril Stavrovetsky, Symeon of Polotsk, Lazar Baranovych, Antonius Radivilovsky [Wikidata] and others.[2]
1696 – decision of the Sejm of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth on the introduction of the polish language in the courts and institutions of the Right-Bank Ukraine.[2]
18th century
1720 – Peter I's decree banning printing in the Ukrainian language and the seizure of Ukrainian church books.[4][2]
1729 – Peter II ordered decrees and orders written in Ukraine be rewritten in Russian.[2]
1763 – Catherine II's decree banning the teaching in Ukrainian in Kiev-Mohyla Academy.[2]
1769 – Prohibition of the Synod of Ukrainian print and use the primer.[2]
1775 – The destruction of the Zaporozhian Sich and closing of Ukrainian schools at the offices of the Cossack regiment.[2]
1789 – the Polish Sejm Commission on Education ordered the closure of all Ukrainian schools.[2]
19th century
1804 – according to a special royal decree in the Russian empire, all Ukrainian-language schools were banned, which led to the complete degradation of the Ukrainian population.[5]
1817 – Introduction of the Polish language in all public schools in what is now Western Ukraine.[2]
1832 – Reorganization of education in Ukraine on the empire-wide principles and transforming all teaching into Russian language[2]
1847 – The crackdown on the Brotherhood of Cyril and Methodius and increased persecution of the Ukrainian language and culture, the prohibition of the best works of Shevchenko, Kulish, Kostomarov and others.[2]
1859 – Ministry of Religion and Science of Austria-Hungary attempt to replace Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabet with Latin in Eastern Galicia and Bukovyna .[2]
1862 – Closing Ukrainian Sunday schools for adults in the Russian part of Ukraine.[2]
1863 – Valuev Circular prohibiting censors from giving permission to the publication of Ukrainian spiritual and popular educational literature: "there was, is not and could not have been a separate Little Russian language".[2]
1864 – Adoption of the Charter of the primary school at which education was to be conducted only in Russian.[2]
1869 – Introduction of the Polish language as the official language of education and of the administration of Polish Eastern Galicia.[2]
1870 – Comment of Minister of Education of Russia Dmitry Tolstoy that "the ultimate goal of education for all inorodtsy (non-Russians, literally "people of other descent"), is unarguably their Russification."[2]
1876 - Alexander II's Ems decree banning the printing and import from abroad of any Ukrainian literature, and to ban Ukrainian stage performances and Ukrainian lyrics in music scores, that is folk songs.[6]
1881 – Prohibition of teaching in the public schools and conducting church sermons in Ukrainian.[2]
1884 – the ban by Alexander III of Ukrainian theater in all the provinces of Little Russia.[2]
1888 – a decree by Alexander III banned the use of the Ukrainian language in official institutions and of Ukrainian given names.[2]
1892 – Prohibition to translate books from Russian into Ukrainian.[2]
1895 – Prohibition by the Main Administration of Printing to publish Ukrainian-language children's books.[2]
20th century
1911 – Resolution VIIth congress of the nobility in Moscow's only Russian-language education and the inadmissibility of the use of other languages in schools in Russia.[2]
1913 – Ukrainian banned from all public schools in Alberta, Canada, home to the largest Ukrainian diaspora community in the New World at that time.[2]
1914 – Prohibition of celebrating the 100th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko, the decree of Nicholas II prohibition of the Ukrainian press.[2]
1914, 1916 – Russification campaign in western Ukraine, the prohibition of the Ukrainian word, education, church.[2]
1922 – Part of the proclamation of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), and the Communist Party (b) the "theory" of the struggle between the two cultures in Ukraine – city (Russian) and peasant (Ukrainian), which should win the first one.[2]
1924 – Law of the Republic of Poland on limiting the use of the Ukrainian language in the administration, judiciary, education subservient to the Polish lands.[2]
1924 – Kingdom of Romania law on the obligations of all the "Romanians" who "lost their mother language," to educate children only in Romanian schools.[2]
1925 – Ukrainian final closure of the "secret" of the university in Lviv[2]
1926 – Stalin's letter to "Comrade. Kaganovich and other members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CP (B) U with the sanction of the struggle against the "national bias", the beginning harassment of "Ukrainization".[2]
1933 – Stalin's telegram to stop "Ukrainization".[clarification needed][2][7][8]
1933 – Abolition in Romania Ministerial Decree of 31 December 1929, which permits a few hours a week of the Ukrainian language in schools with a majority of students with the Ukrainians.[2]
1934 – A special order of the Ministry of Education of Romania's dismissal "for the hostile attitude of the State and the Romanian people" of all Ukrainian teachers who demanded the return to school of Ukrainian.[2]
1958 – Enshrined in Art. 20 Principles of Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics on Public Education of the situation on the free choice of language learning, the study of all languages except Russian, at the request of students' parents.[2]
1960–1980 – Mass closure of Ukrainian schools in Poland and Romania.[clarification needed][2]
1970 – Order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR on academic thesis defense only in Russian language.[2]
1972 – Prohibition of party bodies to celebrate the anniversary of the museum Kotlyarevskyi in Poltava.[2]
1973 – Prohibition to celebrate the anniversary of Ivan Kotlyarevsky's "Aeneid."[2]
1984 – Order of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR on the transfer proceedings in all the museums of the Soviet Union, the Russian language.[2]
1984 – Back to the USSR payments increased by 15% of the salary for teachers of the Russian language in comparison with teachers of Ukrainian language.[9][clarification needed]
1989 – the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU on "legislative consolidation of the Russian language as a nationwide".[2]
1990 – adoption by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Law on the languages of the peoples of the USSR, where the Russian language was granted official status.[2]
21st century
2012 – The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine draft law "On State Language Policy", which steadily narrowed the scope of use of the Ukrainian language in most of the regions of Ukraine.[10][11]
2014 – The Ukrainian language has been suppressed in Russia-occupied Crimea,[12][13][14][15] so-called Luhansk People's Republic,[16][17] and so-called Donetsk People's Republic[18][19][20][21]

Nothing has changed these days:

With a blessing from the Russian Orthodox Church, occupation “authorities” in Mariupol have burnt a large library belonging to the Petro Mohyla Church, Mariupol mayoral advisor Petro Andriushchenko said in a Telegram post on June 25.

What do you think the ban on the Ukrainian language use in Ukraine, which has been consistently carried out by russia for centuries, has given any result? No doubt. Im surprised that people remember Ukrainian at all. Everything that is happening now with the language in Ukraine is absolutely correct, although it's a very long way that Ukraine will definitely go through.

Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
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Ahh forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language under disguise of "decolonization" while claiming that it's not a "natural language to ukrainians" or they have to leave the country is not an indirect method aimed at forced migration at all.  Roll Eyes. True EU values. Tell us you support ethnic cleansing without saying you support ethnic cleansing

This law forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language does not exist.   

I'm not saying that such laws exists, just replying to johhnyUA who seems to be truly bewildered why discrimination and racism go against EU values and are bad
Activity: 2660
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Ahh forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language under disguise of "decolonization" while claiming that it's not a "natural language to ukrainians" or they have to leave the country is not an indirect method aimed at forced migration at all.  Roll Eyes. True EU values. Tell us you support ethnic cleansing without saying you support ethnic cleansing

This law forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language does not exist.   
copper member
Activity: 150
Merit: 30

Threat I was in the southern regions for a week, I just arrived, I will say - I did not expect such a change in the mentality of the local population! The population - which had always been quite calm about Russia and the Russians before. The reason for this is simple - from the 30-50s of the last century, the south and east of Ukraine actively, forcibly replaced the indigenous Ukrainian population with people from the western outskirts of the Moscow ulus.
So, today these people, I will not fantasize that 100%, but the total majority say that the only enemy is Russia and the inhabitants of Russia. Not Russian by nationality, namely the inhabitants of Russia. So it was the bald scum and the inhabitants of Russia, to the squeals of "we are one people" (funny fantasy), that made Ukrainians blood enemies for centuries.
Well, to finish positively - wait for cool news from the south in the near future, believe me, it will be a lot of fun! Smiley

Would like to ask two things: whos the bald scum and southern regions of what.
Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
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de-Russification of Ukraine

I also have a question for people here: Why this is bad? I mean in reality de-russification == de-colonization , so why this is bad? Im' living in Ukraine, and never seen that people were forbidden to speak russian. But yeah, new generations should learn their own language, not some imperialistic and colonial "языГ". So this is like: you are allowed to speak russian, but your children will be ukrainian speaker, if you don't want so you could leave to russia.


Wow, yeah, that's not racist at all. So nice of you to only discriminate against further generations, and allowing current generation to continue to speak Russian (where majority in capital Kyiv use Russian in their everyday life) i thought there was a higher chance of Ukraine keeping it together, but after your comment, (if you in fact represent majority view) i can see how that will be impossible now.

...Unesco, the Council of Europe and the OSCE, are concerned with the risk that RMLs [Regional and Minority Languages] face and undertake actions to protect their linguistic rights. Non-respect for regional or minority communities' linguistic rights is qualified as racial discrimination, a breach of human rights.
Ofc not. This is called "decolonization". The same things happens in Africa or in New Zeland with maori. Russian is not the natural language to ukrainians, this is colonial language which was forced to learn by force. So it's normal that country want to leave colonial past behind. If someone want, he can learn russian by himself or in private schools.

And yeah, russian this is not "regional language". Regional language is the language of minority nations which doesn't have their own countries. In Ukraine this is crimean tatar or gagauzi (minority nation near Moldova). And yeah, we need to help them to safe their culture.

Ahh forbidding law abiding ethnic Russian UA citizens from teaching their children their native language under disguise of "decolonization" while claiming that it's not a "natural language to ukrainians" or they have to leave the country is not an indirect method aimed at forced migration at all.  Roll Eyes. True EU values. Tell us you support ethnic cleansing without saying you support ethnic cleansing

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, and religious groups from a given also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return
copper member
Activity: 150
Merit: 30

Russia was very reluctant to return the prisoners from Azovstal to Ukraine, which is why it exchanged 144 soldiers, including prisoners from Azovstal, for Russian soldiers. You are quoting some nonsense.
It amazes me that such primitive things have to be explained. Nevertheless, it is not surprising that so many people are ready to believe in the most diverse Ukrainian nonsense.

It's not about who wants to return whom. The point is that russia killed 50+ people and is trying to shift the blame. Even tho the facts show that russia undoubtedly did it. That's all.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1864
de-Russification of Ukraine

I also have a question for people here: Why this is bad? I mean in reality de-russification == de-colonization , so why this is bad? Im' living in Ukraine, and never seen that people were forbidden to speak russian. But yeah, new generations should learn their own language, not some imperialistic and colonial "языГ". So this is like: you are allowed to speak russian, but your children will be ukrainian speaker, if you don't want so you could leave to russia.


Wow, yeah, that's not racist at all.

Ofc not. This is called "decolonization". The same things happens in Africa or in New Zeland with maori. Russian is not the natural language to ukrainians, this is colonial language which was forced to learn by force. So it's normal that country want to leave colonial past behind. If someone want, he can learn russian by himself or in private schools.

And yeah, russian this is not "regional language". Regional language is the language of minority nations which doesn't have their own countries. In Ukraine this is crimean tatar or gagauzi (minority nation near Moldova). And yeah, we need to help them to safe their culture.

For starters, it’s generally worth remembering that the so-called “Russian language” appeared around the 18th century. Many will be surprised, but if you read historians of the 17th-18th centuries who traveled through the Muscovite lands, then it is often mentioned there that "the local people speak a strange Turkic dialect and wear Turkic robes." There are enough corresponding engravings in their memoirs. It is quite enough to look at the real Slavic peoples, their clothes, and their language. And when the Moscow ulus finally decided to impersonate supposedly Slavs, then a synthetic language was far-fetched, where Turkisms still pop up in almost every sentence. Well, the concept of barbarian tribes since the time of the Mongol-Tatar "yoke" has remained the same in Muscovy - to destroy the local culture of the enslaved peoples, history, replacing it with a fictional one, while doing everything to destroy historical documents, carriers of history, LANGUAGE, and everything , which is a kind of unifying heritage. And still nothing has changed. Just remember the words of the bald scum "the Russian world is where there is a Russian language." What thanks to him - now the majority of Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine come to the conclusion that the so-called "Russian language" simply should not be in the law, because. is a weapon of terror and an instrument of war.

Threat I was in the southern regions for a week, I just arrived, I will say - I did not expect such a change in the mentality of the local population! The population - which had always been quite calm about Russia and the Russians before. The reason for this is simple - from the 30-50s of the last century, the south and east of Ukraine actively, forcibly replaced the indigenous Ukrainian population with people from the western outskirts of the Moscow ulus.
So, today these people, I will not fantasize that 100%, but the total majority say that the only enemy is Russia and the inhabitants of Russia. Not Russian by nationality, namely the inhabitants of Russia. So it was the bald scum and the inhabitants of Russia, to the squeals of "we are one people" (funny fantasy), that made Ukrainians blood enemies for centuries.
Well, to finish positively - wait for cool news from the south in the near future, believe me, it will be a lot of fun! Smiley
Activity: 2422
Merit: 1845
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
de-Russification of Ukraine

I also have a question for people here: Why this is bad? I mean in reality de-russification == de-colonization , so why this is bad? Im' living in Ukraine, and never seen that people were forbidden to speak russian. But yeah, new generations should learn their own language, not some imperialistic and colonial "языГ". So this is like: you are allowed to speak russian, but your children will be ukrainian speaker, if you don't want so you could leave to russia.


Wow, yeah, that's not racist at all.

Ofc not. This is called "decolonization". The same things happens in Africa or in New Zeland with maori. Russian is not the natural language to ukrainians, this is colonial language which was forced to learn by force. So it's normal that country want to leave colonial past behind. If someone want, he can learn russian by himself or in private schools.

And yeah, russian this is not "regional language". Regional language is the language of minoritary nations which doesn't have their own countries. In Ukraine this is crimean tatar or gagauzi (minoritary nation near Moldova). And yeah, we need to help them to safe their culture.
Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
In order to dump coins one must have coins
de-Russification of Ukraine

I also have a question for people here: Why this is bad? I mean in reality de-russification == de-colonization , so why this is bad? Im' living in Ukraine, and never seen that people were forbidden to speak russian. But yeah, new generations should learn their own language, not some imperialistic and colonial "языГ". So this is like: you are allowed to speak russian, but your children will be ukrainian speaker, if you don't want so you could leave to russia.


Wow, yeah, that's not racist at all. So nice of you to only discriminate against further generations, and allowing current generation to continue to speak Russian (where majority in capital Kyiv use Russian in their everyday life) i thought there was a higher chance of Ukraine keeping it together, but after your comment, (if you in fact represent majority view) i can see how that will be impossible now.

...Unesco, the Council of Europe and the OSCE, are concerned with the risk that RMLs [Regional and Minority Languages] face and undertake actions to protect their linguistic rights. Non-respect for regional or minority communities' linguistic rights is qualified as racial discrimination, a breach of human rights.
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