And of course
Russia ‘endangers the whole world’ with strike on nuclear power plant in Ukraine
https://nypost.com/2022/09/19/russia-endangers-the-whole-world-with-strike-on-nuclear-power-plant-in-ukraine/Logic being because that's just what Orcs do? They take over a nuclear plant then shoot at it so they're forced to shut it down before winter starts
And just in case readers have any resemblance of brain cells or critical thinking left:
Biden, in contrast, told reporters at the White House that “if Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, there will be no longer Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”
Asked how he could be sure, since it would be officials in Berlin, not Washington, who would make the decision, Biden told a journalist: “I promise you, we’ll be able to do it.”
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/07/ukraine-russia-scholz-biden-macron/And now of course
Nord Stream pipeline blasts were likely from explosions, not earthquakes, seismologist says
https://www.foxnews.com/world/nord-stream-pipeline-blasts-likely-explosions-not-earthquakes-seismologist-saysCan't wait for coverage of Orcs blowing up their own pipelines which they stopped themselves. Logic being that's just what Orcs do? After stopping the gas flow, they blow up the pipeline to make sure they loose all of leverage over Germany for the winter
At least elected member of the European parliament and former Polish Defense Minister says how it is, before he's "shown the way" and claims hacks or a joke
U.S. Blew Up Russian Gas Pipelines Nord Stream 1 & 2, Says Former Polish Defense Minister
https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2022/09/27/us-blew-up-russian-gas-pipelines-nord-stream-1--2-says-former-polish-defense-ministerWondering how low will EUR drop now
Interesting theory I reckon, the US being the one blowing up the gas pipe to ensure that Germany does not use it. However it does not make sense, since they anyway have Nord Stream I which is already shut off. If Germany / EU would want RF gas, they can still get it. Following the argument, the NS I goes through Ukraine, but Ukraine would not interrupt these due to risk of EU becoming less friendly.
Blowing the Nord Stream II looks like the RF army doing to kind of "make a point" on regards to EU aid and aligns well with a country that is under a Junta.
In my view, this is an act of war. The Orc army could have chosen any other target right? A bridge in France, a factory in Germany... Why do you think they would hit NS II? The answer is very simple: it is not in NATO territory and does not grant a NATO mobilisation which would end any expectation of even a technical "victory" in the invasion.
Now, what does YOUR critical thinking tell you about this?
Already loving these!
You seem to have some misunderstandings about Nord Streams. Nord Sream 1 does NOT go through Ukraine. Both Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pretty much go side by side from Russia to Germany
There are 2 pipes that make up NS1 and 2 pipes in NS2 for a total of 4 pipes. Both pipes of NS1 and one pipe of NS2 are confirmed to have been blown up. So far seems like one pipe in NS2 is holding pressure but we don't know the extent of damage to it. Regardless, estimates to fix range from few months (meaning after winter when it's useless to Germany/RU) to never.
My mistake certainly, I did not use the right name (you get one merit for correct my facts and one more for presenting a funny hypothesis, that is my usual policy), but in fact we are agreeing that there is a path through Ukraine. If you like picture, see that big 140 BCM line in the middle of Ukraine below? Well, that is a gas pipe with a capacity of 140BCM. Nord Stream is 55 BCM at maximum capacity.
So, still the argument that you are failing to address remains:
Short term, Germany is no more fucked or dependent on Ukraine that it was before, since the NS were pretty much closed from the RF end. The Nord Stream was mainly a RF doing, because Ukraine asked for payment for the pass through their territory, paid with German money.
Old news.Long term:
- Ukraine can be either integrated in Europe (EU or other treaty), in which case will favour the passage of gas. If you
try to fuck with Germany in the EU, you are likely to
run into trouble. There are many examples including Greece, Poland (which is close to getting internal sanctions) and Hungary.
- Or (much less likely) occupied by RF who does not need it to close or open the valve anyway.
So curiously, the long term effect is only the loss of a valuable infrastructure which damages the German investors in the project but not much more, that is why the retaliation hypothesis makes perfect sense. Also an infrastructure that is precisely in non-NATO territory.
Now, why would the US sabotage the pipeline?
- To fuck like you say his main ally in Europe? (stupid)
- To force Germany to be dependent of Ukraine (not impossible, but still fucking your allies).
The second one makes a 25% sense let's say, but the risk of an international backslash against US in case of being found clearly exceeds any veeeery long shot "advantage".
Bottomline, as it is now, it looks like international terrorism from Adolf Putin's Psychos and the Chief Orcs.
I know all who are commenting here have already picked their truths by virtue of pledging allegiance to one side or the other, but just in case someone is reading here that's truly just trying to make some sense out of this all:
Let's cover leverage first. Surely we must all agree that the point of any sanction/limitation is to apply pressure in order to achieve desired results. By definition, both sides loose from sanctions/limitations, as if trade/agreement wasn't beneficial for both sides it wouldn't have happened in the first place. The big question with sanctions is who looses more! When you tell your kids that no one is going to the movies until they finish their vegetables, the point is that you incentivize them to eat their vegetables, of course you can easily achieve not going to the movies by blowing up your own car but that was never your goal in the first place!
Germany wants Russian gas, Russia want to get paid. Timing of gas payments are not critical to Russia at all (they don't care if they get paid in summer or winter), where timing of gas deliveries is extremely critical to Germany (that's why all gas pipeline maintenance is done during the summer months)! No one cares about gas usage this very day, German gas consumption in September is just above the minimal in August, and Germany has plenty in reserves to cover short term, so Russian doesn't have any leverage for this moment. The leverage comes in play at peaks during Dec-Mar. That's when Russian gas is of critical importance, social unrest and monetary pressures will be at their all time high. Any clown that tries to convince anyone that Russia blew up their own pipeline in September when demand is just starting to climb is just trying to make an imbeciles out of their listeners.
To address your point, whether intentionally or not, you're confusing the RU pumping in gas to
fill German reserves that could be used later at critical time vs actually sending gas
during that critical time! Just because Russia didn't want Germany to build up their reserves with RU gas during non-critical warmer months and turned off the gas, clearly doesn't mean that RU for some idiotic reason decided to remove any and all advantage it has for the coming most critical winter season where its leverage over Germany would've been at its peak!
Long term, there's absolutely no benefit to Russia to make German gas deliveries dependent on other EU states, think Germany can even consider Brexit? Gerxit? Gexit? when all their gas deliveries go though EU?
I mean Biden straight up spelled out that he'll stop the pipeline, member of the European parliament thanked USA in the post about blown pipeline, and now you try to question why US would do it?? US presidents public intentions are not good enough for you?
Ohh what a clever idea, think so far this one takes the prize, following that logic instead of just turning the pipelines off, Russia should just start blowing all of them up, you know that'll really get the gas prices going up. You should've been more careful disclosing such ingenious ideas, now Qatar/Saudi Arabia/Iran/Venezuela might find out just how lucrative it can be to blow up their own most valuable pipelines!
Uhm... make sure you're sitting down for this one: Russia had already turned the pipeline off. They've done it multiple times for ridiculous made up reasons. They've exhausted the blackmail potential on that one. Closing it off for a few weeks apparently just makes Germany work even harder on arranging alternative supplies, instead of wanting to cave (stop Ukraine weapon supplies, open NS2 etc), who could have possibly guessed.
Blowing it up though creates a few new potential scenarios, like threats to other pipelines etc. Again, this is Russian propaganda staple, what with apocalyptic "Europe freezing" scenarios etc. I'm not sure why you're now doing 180 from the gas blackmail and claim Russia couldn't have possibly done it. I guess trying to drive a wedge between the US and Europe is the new propaganda pivot. Good luck with that. Nothing unites more than a common enemy, especially a deranged lunatic like Putin.
Yep just because you claim that all blackmail potential has been exhausted (during the third lowest demand month) we don't have any critical thinking and just totally believe you!
(26 September 2022) Germans call for Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline opening now that there's nothing to open tell me again how that's a benefit to Russia? I'm not even talking about hundreds of millions of m^2 of gas Russia lost there