
Topic: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] - page 229. (Read 68199 times)

Activity: 2422
Merit: 1845
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
It didn't pass, because the initiators themselves removed it. If the Zelensky government really wanted to, then this law would be approved at the snap of a finger.

you contradict to yourself from previous post, here:

The project card indicates that the initiators of this bill № 7351 were 9 Ukrainian deputies: Bezuglaya, Aliksychuk, Bakumov, Grivko, Tretyakova, Voitsekhovsky, Mysyagin, Mazurashu, Fedienko. The bill was withdrawn without a voting, because, according to deputy Bakumov, it caused "an inadequate public outcry".

So, evil government of Zelensky at first want to approve this law, but then it afraid of "an inadequate public outcry". Doesn't looks logic, isn't it? For example, russian government never retreat before voice of people if they really want to approve some laws. Like it was with pension reform in 2018. Despite it was VERY unpopular between ordinary russians, it created a lot of protests, russian govenment approved this reform. So this is how really shitty countries works. Unlike democratic Ukraine, where vox populi is a real power.

Not for holding a blank sheet of paper, that's for sure. You remind of this old Soviet joke. A Russian and an American discuss freedom of speech in their countries. The American says "I can stand in front of the White House and yell 'Reagan is an idiot' and I won't get arrested". Russian: "Same thing here. I can stand in the Red Square and yell 'Reagan is an idiot' and I won't get arrested".

 Grin Grin Grin

That's a good one, I was wondering how you'll twist it. Well done. When and how did the proxy war start? 2014 Euromaidan? 1991? 1945?

And more important question: If this proxy war, why russia will not strike NATO, because it's obvious that if such take is true, you need to fight with a cause, not symptoms

Putin's army invaded Ukraine, it's very obvious who the bad guy is. When Ukrainian army surrounds Voronezh and bombs the shit out of it, I'll post the same thing about Russians not meeting Ukrainian liberators with flowers. Is that going to be sufficiently "objective" for you?

This is sad, but even in that example, sides will not be the same. As it was with a Third Reich against USSR/England/USA. TR had bombed London and invaded USSR later, so the vengeance from England (bombardments of german cities) and USSR (occupying german lands and also bombardments of german cities) were justifed. Because it was not they who started all of it.

The same situation here.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1598
Do not die for Putin
Did you miss the part where the Russia tried to take Kiev and remove the government and ended up having to retreat?

That 'part' only exists in the mind of people with a very limited understanding of warfare.

Even at the time it was obvious that the Russians had no intention of 'taking' Kiev.  At the same time, NATO had to divert resources to face the Russians in the area since they couldn't be allowed to roam about freely.  To many covert biological weapons laboratories and that sort of thing.  So, it sucked Ukrainian resources away from the defenses of what the Russians did intent to take and keep.

This is actually pretty basic stuff.  The Russians do seem to have had some hope that the entire country would collapse during the initial phases of the war and having control of some areas around Kiev in that situation would have been handy.  They also seem to have been prepared with plans for multiple different scenarios...a concept which is alien to low-functioning people.  For instance, if there were resistance in the North they would just pack up and leave, and that seems to be what played out.  Shrug.

Of course... multiple scenarios. The problem is that "testing" the scenario costed plenty of RF casualties and exposed a severe issues with communications, logistics, discipline, moral, corruption... So you bought a ticket to win the lottery and failed. You are now worse off than you started and have demonstrated the world that you cannot really wage a decisive modern war.
That is without even counting the diplomatic backslash.

Right. Bring up Strelkov while you're at it. Some people not being in jail doesn't negate the fact that an ordinary person can be beaten, jailed, fined, and possibly have criminal charges filed for a solitary "protest", which is technically legal but denied by all this "discreditation" bullshit.

Tell me, in the United States and European countries, there are no such examples in relation to protesters? What is Julian Assange sitting for, can you answer?

Assange was not an opposition leader, nor a journalist nor someone holding a white sheet of paper. He was an ex-agent that broke every commitment he had made to his country. I am not saying if he was right or wrong, I am just stating the fact that he violated laws that every civilised nation has for the people who have access to confidential information.

Russia will not run out of soviet era tanks and artillery, but HIMARS seem to certainly be making a difference on the ability to disrupt logistics. I do not give full credit to the British intelligence reports, but there seems to be a good chance on Ukraine actually being able to re-take the offensive, while the RF assaults seem quite stalled in the east.
This touches several of the weak points of RF and can make the war take a different perspective.

You constantly talk in this thread about the future victories of Ukraine and how clumsily the Russian army is fighting. Apparently, you are very confident in the victory of Ukraine, then I offer you a bet with the following conditions:
- if Ukrainian troops manage to recapture any of these cities before January 1, 2023: Kherson, Mariupol, Melitopol, then I will leave this forum forever.
- if the Ukrainian troops until January 1, 2023 are NOT able to recapture any of these cities: Kherson, Mariupol, Melitopol, then you will leave this forum forever.
If you're not ready for this bet, then maybe you will stop your wishful talking?


No thanks:

- Firstly, I am not fifteen.
- Second, I could not care less if you decide to leave the forum so your wage has zero value to me.
- Lastly, and in any case, I would rather not bet on people's deaths and countries destroyed.

However, if you are so sure of the qualities of the glorious RF and like high stakes, join the army, you can put your body were your words are. Send us a picture.

However if, as I suspect, you wish to keep "wallposting" and betting from the safety of your chair, you can see my sponsor below, great site, good prices and excellent reputation.

My objective is to let anyone in the RF that is considering joining the RF army to understand clearly what are they getting into and how stupid is to die for Putin. What I claim about the RF army is real. Undisciplined, unready, obsolete material... all claims but little result.

Will Ukraine retake Kherson before new year? I have no idea, but I think they have a better chance now that they understand the RF capabilities and the US is starting to trust their ability to use sophisticated weapons. And there is certainly something happening in the south that looks much more promising than it was a month ago.

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
By the way, here is how Alexei Kungurov commented on Navalny's imprisonment
"Believe me, you definitely shouldn't worry about Navalny - everything is almost in chocolate with him.
I can compare at least with how I was sitting."

So how exactly is this supposed to disprove what I said? Putin has been killing and imprisoning opposition, journalists, etc for years. Regardless if you think Navalny is "real" opposition or not, that's seriously fucked up.

Kiselev Ukrainian propagandist LOL, do you really think everyone's an idiot here.

You are already acting at the level of instincts, not reason. I even specifically indicated the name and surname of the journalist Yevgeny Kiselev, you apparently still confused him with Dmitry Kiselev. Yevgeny Kiselyov is a journalist in Ukraine who moved there from Russia. You do not even have a superficial knowledge of Russian-Ukrainian relations, but you still climb everywhere to criticize. But this is nothing, the main thing is that something is deposited in your head.

You got it, I'm the idiot on this point and I can admit it. Doesn't mean the Kremlin regime is not fascist though. Someone not being in prison, or not having their property taken, etc, doesn't negate the authoritarian one-party system that eliminates opposition and invades other countries on made-up pretexts.

Right. Bring up Strelkov while you're at it. Some people not being in jail doesn't negate the fact that an ordinary person can be beaten, jailed, fined, and possibly have criminal charges filed for a solitary "protest", which is technically legal but denied by all this "discreditation" bullshit.

Tell me, in the United States and European countries, there are no such examples in relation to protesters? What is Julian Assange sitting for, can you answer?

Not for holding a blank sheet of paper, that's for sure. You remind of this old Soviet joke. A Russian and an American discuss freedom of speech in their countries. The American says "I can stand in front of the White House and yell 'Reagan is an idiot' and I won't get arrested". Russian: "Same thing here. I can stand in the Red Square and yell 'Reagan is an idiot' and I won't get arrested".

Is this a war or a special operation

Simple question: is there war in Ukraine, or "special operation"?

This is a proxy war between Russia and NATO with the help of manpower in the form of Ukrainian soldiers.

That's a good one, I was wondering how you'll twist it. Well done. When and how did the proxy war start? 2014 Euromaidan? 1991? 1945?

Ukrainian nazis with flowers

Damn Ukrainian nazis not greeting Russian soldiers with flowers, is that what this is?

You don't even try to be objective.

Putin's army invaded Ukraine, it's very obvious who the bad guy is. When Ukrainian army surrounds Voronezh and bombs the shit out of it, I'll post the same thing about Russians not meeting Ukrainian liberators with flowers. Is that going to be sufficiently "objective" for you?

Russian influence

There is a reason why most of Eastern Europe wants to get as far from Russian influence as possible.

What official surveys and studies do you rely on in your statements?

There's the fact that in 30 years most of "Warsaw pact" and some former USSR members have joined EU and/or NATO, or are fighting to do so.

About the 15-ruble manual is even funnier than about Kiselyov. In fact, it is on Ukrainian resources (which you allegedly do not need) that this term is very often used, so you gave yourself away with your ears.

An example of a "Ukrainian resource":

I don't think Ukrainians give much of a shit 5 months into the brutal war whether Kremlin trolls are true believers or getting paid. It's more of a Russian internal dispute - is the population really so brainwashed like it seems in social media, or is it mostly troll farms.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1654
Rêlêå§ê ¥ðµr MïñÐ
Reply to suchmoon

I will respond to your comment point by point.


Come on... Navalny is in prison on fake charges, and many people related to him are under various degrees of repressions.

Navalny is not an oppositionist, but a naive fool who thought that for his sake the Russian people would revolt. His arrival in Russia from Germany in January 2021 is the most idiotic act. Navalny is an inflated image of an "oppositionist", beneficial to the Kremlin for some time, such as showing that Russia has its own oppositionists. Real oppositionists (such as Alexei Kungurov, whom you most likely have never even heard of) are not allowed to speak on large state information channels. At the same time, Navalny, who was constantly invited to speak on the same "pseudo-opposition" channels, such as Ekho Moskvy, which was financed by the state-owned Russian company Gazprom-Media.
At Navalny’s request, opposition leader Maxim Martsinkevich (who was tortured to death in prison in 2020), was imprisoned. At Navalny's initiative, instead of marching towards the Kremlin, a "sitting strike" was staged and a protest on Bolotnaya Square was strangled in 2013. Navalny didn't campaign for the use of real means of counteracting the system, such as strikes, tax waivers, highway closures, and so on.
By the way, here is how Alexei Kungurov commented on Navalny's imprisonment
"Believe me, you definitely shouldn't worry about Navalny - everything is almost in chocolate with him.
I can compare at least with how I was sitting."


Kiselev Ukrainian propagandist LOL, do you really think everyone's an idiot here.

You are already acting at the level of instincts, not reason. I even specifically indicated the name and surname of the journalist Yevgeny Kiselev, you apparently still confused him with Dmitry Kiselev. Yevgeny Kiselyov is a journalist in Ukraine who moved there from Russia. You do not even have a superficial knowledge of Russian-Ukrainian relations, but you still climb everywhere to criticize. But this is nothing, the main thing is that something is deposited in your head.

Find 10 differences


Right. Bring up Strelkov while you're at it. Some people not being in jail doesn't negate the fact that an ordinary person can be beaten, jailed, fined, and possibly have criminal charges filed for a solitary "protest", which is technically legal but denied by all this "discreditation" bullshit.

Tell me, in the United States and European countries, there are no such examples in relation to protesters? What is Julian Assange sitting for, can you answer?

Is this a war or a special operation

Simple question: is there war in Ukraine, or "special operation"?

This is a proxy war between Russia and NATO with the help of manpower in the form of Ukrainian soldiers. Evidence links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Russian troops near Kyiv

I was talking about the first month. Which also included a hasty retreat from Kyiv.

Show me at least one quote from the Russian President, his ministers or the Russian General Staff that Russian troops were going to capture Kyiv. This news was trumpeted by the Western media, and then they themselves denied it, presenting it as an "unsuccessful plan of the Kremlin."
It's the same as publishing a fake everywhere that American astronauts are going to land on Mars next month, and then a month later also say that American astronauts failed to achieve their goals.
Russian troops launched a military group of about 15,000 people near Kyiv to contain the Kyiv troops so that they would not go for reinforcements to the eastern part. Russian troops were stationed there until, as a result of negotiations in Istanbul on March 29, 2022, a decision was made to remove the Russian group from that direction. It was after the negotiations that the Russian troops gone from the Kyiv region, which was then declared as "a great victory" for the Ukrainian military. By the way, how are the Ukrainian bayraktars doing there, about whom you were so worried? Something little news about them lately.

Conquered territories

Apparently taking territory is easier than actually holding it, who could have known.

How many cities were recaptured by Ukrainian troops or how many cities saw major uprisings of local residents against the Russian military?

Ukrainian nazis with flowers

Damn Ukrainian nazis not greeting Russian soldiers with flowers, is that what this is?

You don't even try to be objective.
Of course, Ukrainian Nazis do not greet the Russian army with flowers, but many locals (who are not Nazis) greet Russian soldiers quite favorably.
I must say right away that, of course, not everyone is happy, but there are those who openly welcome the Russian army. According to the Ukrainian government, these are traitors and collaborators, who, by the way, Ukrainian soldiers can execute for treason. Therefore, it is even surprising that at least someone meets Russians at all, because it is mortally dangerous. These people are very brave.
As confirmation of my words, you can watch the video of the British TV channel Sky News. Timecode 03 min 45 sec
Or you can read an article on a French news site in the last paragraph, as French journalists report the words of the inhabitants of Lysichansk:
"We do not believe that the Russian army is firing on the city, and we wish the Russians to be victorious."
In addition, here are a couple of links for you to a video from Telegram, how Ukrainians meet Russian soldiers: 1, 2

Second language

The bullshit about not prohibiting second languages etc is laughable to non-Russians in the former USSR.

The Russian language was abolished as the state language in countries such as Ukraine and the Baltic states, but was not canceled in Kazakhstan. In Russia, there are plenty of national regions where a second state language is adopted. In Ukraine, they refused to comply with the Minsk agreements and give autonomy to the Donetsk and Lugansk republics so that their Russian-speaking residents could study, work and speak Russian.

Russian influence

There is a reason why most of Eastern Europe wants to get as far from Russian influence as possible.

What official surveys and studies do you rely on in your statements?

15-ruble manual

Not something you could possibly understand even if your belief in the benevolence of Putin and other Russian tzars is genuine, and not pasted from a 15 ruble мeтoдичкa.

About the 15-ruble manual is even funnier than about Kiselyov. In fact, it is on Ukrainian resources (which you allegedly do not need) that this term is very often used, so you gave yourself away with your ears.

Reply to paxmao

Russia will not run out of soviet era tanks and artillery, but HIMARS seem to certainly be making a difference on the ability to disrupt logistics. I do not give full credit to the British intelligence reports, but there seems to be a good chance on Ukraine actually being able to re-take the offensive, while the RF assaults seem quite stalled in the east.
This touches several of the weak points of RF and can make the war take a different perspective.

You constantly talk in this thread about the future victories of Ukraine and how clumsily the Russian army is fighting. Apparently, you are very confident in the victory of Ukraine, then I offer you a bet with the following conditions:
- if Ukrainian troops manage to recapture any of these cities before January 1, 2023: Kherson, Mariupol, Melitopol, then I will leave this forum forever.
- if the Ukrainian troops until January 1, 2023 are NOT able to recapture any of these cities: Kherson, Mariupol, Melitopol, then you will leave this forum forever.
If you're not ready for this bet, then maybe you will stop your wishful talking?

Reply to Waradlain

Found some info regarding captives slaughtered by Russia in Olenivka.

... In short: russia staged it. russia never wanted to return the Azovstal defenders to Ukraine, where they would receive a hero's welcome.

Russia was very reluctant to return the prisoners from Azovstal to Ukraine, which is why it exchanged 144 soldiers, including prisoners from Azovstal, for Russian soldiers. You are quoting some nonsense.
It amazes me that such primitive things have to be explained. Nevertheless, it is not surprising that so many people are ready to believe in the most diverse Ukrainian nonsense.

Reply to TwitchySeal

Did you miss the part where the Russia tried to take Kiev and remove the government and ended up having to retreat?

As for Kyiv, I commented in this post above.
Activity: 2422
Merit: 1845
Crypto for the Crypto Throne!
de-Russification of Ukraine

I also have a question for people here: Why this is bad? I mean in reality de-russification == de-colonization , so why this is bad? Im' living in Ukraine, and never seen that people were forbidden to speak russian. But yeah, new generations should learn their own language, not some imperialistic and colonial "языГ". So this is like: you are allowed to speak russian, but your children will be ukrainian speaker, if you don't want so you could leave to russia.

My god are we playing bingo? I think I won and we don't even have to wait for a Croatian to show up.


That 'part' only exists in the mind of people with a very limited understanding of warfare.

We're listening you, ms colonel of army  Grin

Even at the time it was obvious that the Russians had no intention of 'taking' Kiev

Yep, because they had no intention of taking Kyiv, they attacked from the North and move all their forces as close to Kyiv as they could. Sounds legit

For instance, if there were resistance in the North they would just pack up and leave, and that seems to be what played out.

"just pack up and leave" nice sound but shitty in reality. I MYSELF seen a lot of dead russian soldiers on the street borders in Ivankiv, after de-occupation. So, in you mind this is just "pack up and leave". Let me fix you: "Lost a lot of tanks, ifv, helicopters, few thousands of soldiers and then just pack up and leave with washing machines and microwave ovens"

It's just an observation of the force structure and tactics applied. 

OMG  Grin
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

No, it has to do with who reports it, and who believes it.  If mostly westerners believe it, and it's reported by mostly media companies that don't have to worry about going to prison for reporting the news, that's really all the information you need to decide to act like it's not true.

'Media companies' that are an interegral part of the corp/gov system have no worries.  Individuals working within such entities are fine too if they stay within the confines.  Readers who limit themselves to the propaganda get what they deserve; a low-overhead brainwashing.

German citizen Alina Lipp is a poster-child for media which is not beholden to the aforementioned corp/gov conglomerate.  She's facing three years in German prison for going to Donbas and reporting to the world what she sees, and there are many in her same boat.  Now Ukraine has taken out contracts on people like her who report what Zelensky/Kolomoyski don't want reported...and people like you are still perfectly happy to clean Zelensky's asshole with your tongue because it's all that you know.

No different than your Global Cooling argument.

Funny enough, it is 'no different'; this is yet another thing you invented in your mind.  My position has been consistent: The temperature of the earth has been drifting higher since the last ice-age ended.  Go ahead and find something I said which conflicts with that if you want to waste your time.

Activity: 2660
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Did you miss the part where the Russia tried to take Kiev and remove the government and ended up having to retreat?

That 'part' only exists in the mind of people with a very limited understanding of [special military operationfare].


If you're going to act like you believe what Putin is trying to get everyone to believe, you gotta be more careful.

'Putin' has nothing to do with it.  It's just an observation of the force structure and tactics applied.  Would apply to any conflict without regard to who is 'right' or whatever.  You are going to remain in a state of ignorance until you learn to separate hard cold analysis from whatever fantasy-land you want to live in.  If ever.  Most people remain ignorant and incompetent for life...which is actually pretty handy for people like me at times.

No, it has to do with who reports it, and who believes it.  If mostly westerners believe it, and it's reported by mostly media companies that don't have to worry about going to prison for reporting the news, that's really all the information you need to decide to act like it's not true.

No different than your Global Cooling argument.

Ignorant level 10.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Did you miss the part where the Russia tried to take Kiev and remove the government and ended up having to retreat?

That 'part' only exists in the mind of people with a very limited understanding of [special military operationfare].


If you're going to act like you believe what Putin is trying to get everyone to believe, you gotta be more careful.

'Putin' has nothing to do with it.  It's just an observation of the force structure and tactics applied.  Would apply to any conflict without regard to who is 'right' or whatever.  You are going to remain in a state of ignorance until you learn to separate hard cold analysis from whatever fantasy-land you want to live in.  If ever.  Most people remain ignorant and incompetent for life...which is actually pretty handy for people like me at times.

Activity: 2660
Merit: 2064
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
Did you miss the part where the Russia tried to take Kiev and remove the government and ended up having to retreat?

That 'part' only exists in the mind of people with a very limited understanding of [special military operationfare].


If you're going to act like you believe what Putin is trying to get everyone to believe, you gotta be more careful.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Did you miss the part where the Russia tried to take Kiev and remove the government and ended up having to retreat?

That 'part' only exists in the mind of people with a very limited understanding of warfare.

Even at the time it was obvious that the Russians had no intention of 'taking' Kiev.  At the same time, NATO had to divert resources to face the Russians in the area since they couldn't be allowed to roam about freely.  To many covert biological weapons laboratories and that sort of thing.  So, it sucked Ukrainian resources away from the defenses of what the Russians did intent to take and keep.

This is actually pretty basic stuff.  The Russians do seem to have had some hope that the entire country would collapse during the initial phases of the war and having control of some areas around Kiev in that situation would have been handy.  They also seem to have been prepared with plans for multiple different scenarios...a concept which is alien to low-functioning people.  For instance, if there were resistance in the North they would just pack up and leave, and that seems to be what played out.  Shrug.

Activity: 2660
Merit: 2064
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Considering the value of Azov being alive to UA and RU sides, both claims sound ridiculous to the point of being laughable. So most likely this was an accidental attack. As these things go, like with MH17, one side will try to do everything to investigate and drum up as much attention as possible, and the other side has no option but to just blatantly deny everything and try to make it go away ASAP.

It's even more ridiculous to say it was accidental attack.
The captured Azovites are still highly valued for exchange, because at large in Ukraine they are apparently still considered the elite and there are many more of their fighters and supporters at large who are pressing the Zelensky government to exchange them in the very first place.
For the Zelensky government, for which victories on the information front are much more important than real ones, it would be better if the Azov people did not surrender, but died the death of the brave as martyrs. Therefore, on the one hand, Kyiv exchanges part of the soldiers, and on the other hand, instead of Russia, it may well seek to complete its plan to glorify the prisoners from Azovstal by completely destroying it. Moreover, as mentioned above, such attacks may be designed not only to intimidate witnesses, but to reduce the desire of Ukrainian soldiers to surrender into Russian captivity.

... Happy you can keep you sense of humour despite "one of the best armies" being proven to be a fossil from the last century, unable to mount anything but localised, slow pace offensives.
I would certainly would not consider Kherson "liberated" if I were you.

This means that either Ukrainian soldiers, with the help of Western weapons and foreign mercenaries, do not know how to fight at all against the antediluvian Russian army, or you are not able to impartially process information. To understand this topic, it is still better to read what correspondents from the fronts transmit.

"An American fighting for Ukraine who served in the U.S. Army with combat tours in the Middle East
described the constant Russian bombardment of the city of Severodonetsk in Ukraine’s Donbas region as
“the closest thing I’ve ever seen to hell.” Ukraine Armed Forces estimate that Russia is using eight times
as many artillery munitions each day, firing thousands more shells than the Ukrainians and stymying their efforts."

According to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine in June 2022, the Ukrainian army would have enough strength to confront such armies as France or the UK (which are among the five strongest armies in the world), but at the same time Ukraine *for some reason* is not able to cope with the "backward", "unorganized", "demoralized" army of the Russian Federation in the amount of 150 thousand soldiers, which is only 15% of the entire army of the Russian Federation.

The Russian army for five months taken about 126.610 thousand square kilometers of territories that previously belonged to Ukraine. The Russian government is already ready to accept these lands into the Russian Federation after referendums.

In general, if the Russian army is so backward, as you say, then it turns out that NATO troops are not capable of anything at all. It turns out that they can only fight against civilians in Yugoslavia and Afghan nomads armed with machine guns, but they lack the courage to fight against the Russian army, otherwise the "brave" NATO military would not hide behind the backs of Ukrainian soldiers and would have started a third world war long ago, which in the blink of an eye, it would turn into a nuclear one and destroy all life. After all, this is precisely what all those who escalate this conflict between NATO and the largest nuclear power are striving for.

PS. At first, I thought that it was beneficial for Russia when the West significantly underestimated its military potential. But this is wrong, because Ukrainians, deceived by local and European propaganda, are sent to the front, and then tens of thousands die there.

Did you miss the part where the Russia tried to take Kiev and remove the government and ended up having to retreat?
copper member
Activity: 150
Merit: 30
Found some info regarding captives slaughtered by Russia in Olenivka.

1) it wasn't a GMLRS rocket;
2) it was a thermobaric weapon;
3) russia staged it and did so (as usual) incompetently.
Firstly: keeping POWs so close to the front violates Article 19 of the Third Geneva Convention making it a war crime.
Secondly: Olenivka is about 15 km from the frontline. Striking a target so close to the front with sparse and expensive long-range GMLRS rockets, when one could use 105 mm artillery rounds that cost around 0.4% of a GMLRS rocket makes no sense.
Thirdly: Olenivka has been a well known DNR POW and concentration camp for years (and a penal colony for decades). So much so that the wives of the POWs knew about it. One needs to be a delusional russian troll or propagandist to believe Ukraine would strike this target.

In short: russia staged it. russia never wanted to return the Azovstal defenders to Ukraine, where they would receive a hero's welcome. Executing them would result in war crime charges and endanger russian POWs in Ukrainian hands.
At the same time HIMARS gave Ukrainians hope, so russia decided to stage the murder of the POWs as if a GMLRS rocket had killed them to dampen the Ukrainians' joy at HIMARS.
The russians did the same with CAESAR: shell Donetsk city, then blame it on CAESAR by presenting russian artillery fired 152 mm shell fragments.
But, like in Donetsk, the russians stages the "rocket attack" incompetently, because none of them knows how a GMLRS works.

This is the building that was hit in Olenivka. It's made from concrete bricks with a thin tin roof... and it still stands (!!).

Thanks to russia I can show you what a GMLRS missile does when it hits a building: walls blown out, concrete ceilings shattered, rebars ripped apart, everything smashed and thrown around, and no fire damage (!).


If we compare a real GMLRS impact to the staged one in Olenivka - there the explosion was so weak the beds didn't even move an inch, not a single brick was blown out, the steel pillar is undamaged, but there is massive fire damage.



But the ultimate proof that this was not a GMLRS rocket is the lack of an impact crater. This photo shows a GMLRS impact crater. At Olenivka - none.

GMLRS M31 rockets hit a target at a 90 degree angle with Mach 4+ to smash through roofs and detonate inside (and also to smash the secret guidance system, GPS components, and sensors at the tip of the missile). The tin roof of the building in Olenivka is too weak to smash in and trigger a GMLRS rocket, therefore there would have to be an impact/detonation crater in the middle of the room, if a GMLRS rocket had struck. There isn't.

Also M31 GMLRS rockets contain 51 lb of PBX-109, a mix of 64% RDX and 20% Aluminium and 16% HTPB/IPDI plastic fillers. The Aluminium is used to increase blast effects, but it is not a thermobaric weapon that burns a target out.
If a GMLRS rocket had struck Olenivka there wouldn't be any burned bodies inside... the blast would have ripped everyone apart, not burned them alive.
A thermobaric weapon burns victims, while leaving bodies intact.
Olenivka was NOT hit by a GMLRS rocket.
russia used thermobaric a weapon to burn the POWs in their sleep. The fire damage to building and victims, and the missing impact crater and the lack of blast damage proves this.
This was premeditated murder, just like at Katyn.

I was asked what my theory of events is: likely the russians locked the doors, fired RPO-A Shmel or MRO-A thermobaric munitions inside through the windows, then waited until everyone was dead.

Both of these weapons have been in the arsenal of the DNR since 2014 (left pic).


Kudos goes to Thomas C. Theiner.

Well, predictably, it turns out that Russia is involved in the torture of the captive and the massacre in Olenivka, although it habitually denies everything.

copper member
Activity: 150
Merit: 30

Let me be clear, even considering that you, as a biased user, wont accept this.
You can talk about logic and motives when it comes to any other country except Russia. They are capable of any crazy stuff because they can and they get away with it. If in 2008 the civilized World gave a tough rebuff in response to the invasion of Georgia, you didn't even know what Crimea is.

Now here, the pro-Kremlin telegram channel with a huge number of subscribers reflects in early June what MI6 would do with British-supplied MLRS in Ukraine. It's sick already but quite fine for russians. So one of their targets as per this channel should be Olenivka. Since you're an expert in russia I hope you know that the translation from "they may" to russian is "we will". Why? No one knows, because they can.

NOw lemme ask how you end up spreading your bullshit here for literally 8 people? Your no good at least for Reddit or Alexa stats with impressive digits of this forum is enough to master russian budgets?

Right, your position is represented under "Because that's just what orcs do"

Which civilized World? This one or this one or perhaps this one etc etc etc ... Roll Eyes

"where were you when Ukraine bombed Donbas for 8 years" at it's finest.
Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
In order to dump coins one must have coins
This one was actually quite successful as a propaganda move. I see Western media (AP etc) peddle this now, some reports like "Russia claims Ukrainians attacked prison" and some without the "Russia claims" part. Kremlin will do everything they can to create the impression that HIMARS is used "improperly", they're really afraid of it and perhaps hoping that US will slow delivery because of this propaganda.

Anyone who 100% believes either side has an agenda...its war, and lies and propaganda are used on both sides.
Once its over, winner will decide who was liar and who was telling the truth

Pretty much this. Nevertheless we can make educational guesses.

What we know, in support of RU side:
-Russian side went to great length to capture those PoW
-Azov "evacuation" had the most global attention and was overseen by Red Cross
-They have great PR value. Parading PoWs on cameras is a great moral booster
-PoWs have direct values when doing PoW exchanges. And we know that some were already used in a PoW exchange  
-Azov PoWs are especially prized, they're so valuable internally that Russia wanted to pass resolution banning their exchange
-Dead PoWs have no value to RU. It would be counter productive for RU. It can be used as moral booster and incentivize UA fighters to fight to the end instead of surrendering
-8 RU prison guards were also wounded in the shelling

In support of UA side:
-It's their most (?) prized military unit
-Azov PoWs had priority over other regular military PoWs

Summary of RU side claims as i see it:
-Azov PoWs started to talk with investigators and UA attacked to shut them up.

Summary of UA side claims as i see it:
-RU kills PoWs to pressures UA to stop using HIMARS
-RU kills PoWs so UA stops fighting  Huh
-Because that's just what orcs do

Considering the value of Azov being alive to UA and RU sides, both claims sound ridiculous to the point of being laughable. So most likely this was an accidental attack. As these things go, like with MH17, one side will try to do everything to investigate and drum up as much attention as possible, and the other side has no option but to just blatantly deny everything and try to make it go away ASAP.

It's even more ridiculous to say it was accidental attack.
The captured Azovites are still highly valued for exchange, because at large in Ukraine they are apparently still considered the elite and there are many more of their fighters and supporters at large who are pressing the Zelensky government to exchange them in the very first place.
For the Zelensky government, for which victories on the information front are much more important than real ones, it would be better if the Azov people did not surrender, but died the death of the brave as martyrs. Therefore, on the one hand, Kyiv exchanges part of the soldiers, and on the other hand, instead of Russia, it may well seek to complete its plan to glorify the prisoners from Azovstal by completely destroying it. Moreover, as mentioned above, such attacks may be designed not only to intimidate witnesses, but to reduce the desire of Ukrainian soldiers to surrender into Russian captivity.


Not a week goes by where some high ranking UA official SBU, ministers etc...doesn't get arrested, charged with treason, or accused of collaboration with RU. They have so many holes there that even planning something like this seems unreasonable.

Let me be clear, even considering that you, as a biased user, wont accept this.
You can talk about logic and motives when it comes to any other country except Russia. They are capable of any crazy stuff because they can and they get away with it. If in 2008 the civilized World gave a tough rebuff in response to the invasion of Georgia, you didn't even know what Crimea is.

Now here, the pro-Kremlin telegram channel with a huge number of subscribers reflects in early June what MI6 would do with British-supplied MLRS in Ukraine. It's sick already but quite fine for russians. So one of their targets as per this channel should be Olenivka. Since you're an expert in russia I hope you know that the translation from "they may" to russian is "we will". Why? No one knows, because they can.

NOw lemme ask how you end up spreading your bullshit here for literally 8 people? Your no good at least for Reddit or Alexa stats with impressive digits of this forum is enough to master russian budgets?

Right, your position is represented under "Because that's just what orcs do"

Which civilized World? This one or this one or perhaps this one etc etc etc ... Roll Eyes

On 4 April, 2022 from UA embassy in Egypt
Quote from: Embassy of Ukraine in Egypt
Russia is blocking an Egypt-bound ship loaded with Ukrainian wheat that was purchased by Egypt.  Track the “EMMAKRIS III” ship in real-time here:  🇪🇬 🌾 🇺🇦


Now on 29, July 2022
Ukrainian authorities have detained a ship at one of the ports where grain shipments are expected to resume through the Black Sea this week – asserting the vessel is owned by a Russian company. The ship is a bulk carrier, the Emmakris III
Emmakris III had been loaded with some 60,000 tonnes of grain already bought by the Egyptian government.

If I'm having a hard time tracking all of this, can't imagine a typical person trying to make sense of all of this.
Is there at least a consensus that time is on RU side? Or rather, RU stands to loose less dragging this into winter?
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1598
Do not die for Putin
One interesting moment: From the sart of the war, russian nazionalists propaganda and so-called "voencori" (war journalists) speculated that ukrainians cutting testicles to russian captives. Ofc, with 0 proofs, later one "voencor" Evgeny Poddubny told that this was  his psyop idea, but as you can understand russian didn't believe that all this shit was just a imagination of one "voencor". So they think that ukrainians doing this, but putin and russian govenrment trying to cover this facts. And as we see, they started to do it by themselves.

So what in return? We have proof that russian doing such things (at least once), but zero proofs about ukrainians.

Of course, they're projecting their own crimes on Ukrainians. Just like with attacks on civilian objects, looting, etc. It's easier to "report" it when you don't have to make it up, just blame it on the other side.

@paxmao, @suchmoon, @1miau, @LTU_btc

I've read that many of you discuss how russian will counter HIMARS strikes. Obviously, they can't destroy with arms, but because russian are shit nation, they've found another assymetric answer . Look at this:

In short assymetric answer is: "If you continue to shot our warehouses and command stations, we will kill your captives who are in our disposal"

This one was actually quite successful as a propaganda move. I see Western media (AP etc) peddle this now, some reports like "Russia claims Ukrainians attacked prison" and some without the "Russia claims" part. Kremlin will do everything they can to create the impression that HIMARS is used "improperly", they're really afraid of it and perhaps hoping that US will slow delivery because of this propaganda.

The recurrent threat from the RF to anything that is not just letting them kill people at their will is to go one step further in brutality and destruction. The problem with that "strategy" is that the degree of brutality and destruction is already extreme. Filtration, deportation and mistreatment of captives is already happening. Forced nationalization is ongoing.

I am right now watching the film "Mr Jones", it is about the Holodomor in Stalin times. I do not think that Moscow is doing anything better now nor intends to do anything different in the future. Moscow will use any captured part of Ukraine to spoil and buy the kleptocrat's a few more acres of land for the Dachas, as a burnable land in case of conflict and as population to be massacred and kept in check - so that they do not get politically influential ever.  

For now the destruction of schools, medical centres, shopping centres, this is a deliberate attempt to destroy everything that makes a country live and thrive is pointing in that direction (pure wanton destruction, of no use for the war objectives).

I am saying all this because I believe that Ukraine may need to endure, because unless they keep being an independent country, the lives of the people will simply by a tool for Moscow -  a dispensable tool that can be deported, killed by hunger, used as forced labour and politically cancelled. I can only imagine the sacrifices and courage of the people fighting and helping the fight in Ukraine, but without it, there is no future for the people and the future generations in Ukraine.

Unfortunately, and since this is already an armed conflict, they only route IMHO is to use all tools to the maximum efficacy to win the war. If you take a look at the RF army, the weaknesses that are evident come from:

- Corruption.
- Poor logistics
- Poor leadership
- Non-professional / disaffected / undisciplined / unseasoned soldiers.
- Population reluctance to join the army or support the war.

Russia will not run out of soviet era tanks and artillery, but HIMARS seem to certainly be making a difference on the ability to disrupt logistics. I do not give full credit to the British intelligence reports, but there seems to be a good chance on Ukraine actually being able to re-take the offensive, while the RF assaults seem quite stalled in the east.

This touches several of the weak points of RF and can make the war take a different perspective.


Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
In Russia, the property of Ukrainian propagandists, such as Dmitry Gordon and Evgeny Kiselev, is not seized, and the property of Navalny's FBK employees is not touched, at least for now.

Come on... Navalny is in prison on fake charges, and many people related to him are under various degrees of repressions. Kiselev Ukrainian propagandist LOL, do you really think everyone's an idiot here.

Evgeny Roizman, the Russian ex-Mayor of Yekaterinburg, who is constantly branding the Russian army on social networks, is not being jailed.

Right. Bring up Strelkov while you're at it. Some people not being in jail doesn't negate the fact that an ordinary person can be beaten, jailed, fined, and possibly have criminal charges filed for a solitary "protest", which is technically legal but denied by all this "discreditation" bullshit.

Simple question: is there war in Ukraine, or "special operation"?

Read the latest news. Russian troops took Kherson, Melitopol, Lisichansk, Severodonetsk, the entire Luhansk region, a significant part of the Donetsk region, as well as part of the Zaporozhye and Kharkov regions.

I was talking about the first month. Which also included a hasty retreat from Kyiv. And the latest news around Kherson aren't good for Putin. Apparently taking territory is easier than actually holding it, who could have known. Damn Ukrainian nazis not greeting Russian soldiers with flowers, is that what this is?

Why is this comparison between Putin and Hitler, have you re-read the Ukrainian propaganda again? So know that Russia is a multicultural country, which, unlike Ukraine, does not prohibit second languages ​​in national areas. You're looking in the wrong direction.

I don't need "Ukrainian propaganda", I've seen the consequences of pyccкий миp first hand. The bullshit about not prohibiting second languages etc is laughable to non-Russians in the former USSR. Ethnic cleansing has been part of Russian imperialism for centuries and still is. There is a reason why most of Eastern Europe wants to get as far from Russian influence as possible. Not something you could possibly understand even if your belief in the benevolence of Putin and other Russian tzars is genuine, and not pasted from a 15 ruble мeтoдичкa.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1654
Rêlêå§ê ¥ðµr MïñÐ
Propaganda coming from the fascist Kremlin regime is hardly "facts".

About the fascist Kremlin regime is from the same opera as about corruption in Ukraine.
When a Dutch journalist asked President Zelensky about corruption in Ukraine, he reacted sharply that only those who lived in Ukraine could talk about corruption in Ukraine. Cheesy
One of the hallmarks of fascism is the rigid dictatorship of society. The devil is in the details. It is unlikely that you know that applicants for journalism at the Moscow State University, quite recently, could be denied admission due to the fact that they support Putin's policies - this is according to Russian political scientist Sergei Chernyakhovsky. In the Russian Federation there is such a university, the Higher School of Economics, and so there, the post of scientific director is occupied by Konstantin Sonin, who called for the hanging of President Putin, as well as Russian ministers Shoigu and Lavrov, and instead of prison or a fine, he was awarded a scientific award.
In Russia, the property of Ukrainian propagandists, such as Dmitry Gordon and Evgeny Kiselev, is not seized, and the property of Navalny's FBK employees is not touched, at least for now.
Evgeny Roizman, the Russian ex-Mayor of Yekaterinburg, who is constantly branding the Russian army on social networks, is not being jailed. They do not open criminal cases against many famous people (Sobchak, Shevchuk, Makarevich, Galkin, Khamatova, Bi2) who condemn the Russian army. There are many such examples. If this is totalitarianism, then some kind of ridiculous. This cannot be compared with Ukraine, especially after SBU agents admitted in March that they had killed Denis Kireev, a member of the negotiating delegation, for treason.

Except Hitler was a bit more successful at it than Putin, he was able to take Warsaw in a month... Putin managed only to destroy Mariupol in a month. The end will hopefully be the same, suicide in a bunker.

Read the latest news. Russian troops took Kherson, Melitopol, Lisichansk, Severodonetsk, the entire Luhansk region, a significant part of the Donetsk region, as well as part of the Zaporozhye and Kharkov regions.

Why is this comparison between Putin and Hitler, have you re-read the Ukrainian propaganda again? So know that Russia is a multicultural country, which, unlike Ukraine, does not prohibit second languages ​​in national areas. You're looking in the wrong direction. Modern Hitlers sit in Washington, I'm not talking about Biden, but about the American leadership as a whole, which spits on the independence and interests of other states, putting their own interests above all else. "Defenders of democracy" who have already killed 20-30 million people since WW II, that's who the real terrorists are. And hypocrites are all those who say that NATO is only for protection.

copper member
Activity: 150
Merit: 30
The video of torture and further killing on camera over the captive is obviously a Ukrainian fake, but for some reason one of the main persons there was interviewed by the russian state media. This looks rather strange. Need to figure out how it happened.
Very strange.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
It looks like the video with the castration of the prisoner turned out to be a Ukrainian fake. The video contains: a tactical polo shirt of the Ukrainian company M-TAC, a balaclava of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a Ukrainian pixel uniform (all of the above is on the regular list of equipment for SBU and GUR employees). Cherry on the cake - blue nitrile gloves from the first aid kit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and rare Nike sneakers released for the Ukrainian team in 2008.


Any thinking person will by this time assume that anything coming from Ukraine is almost certainly fake.  They are compulsive liars and fabricators and do it even when there is no compelling reason to.  And the Western mainstream media has a similar compulsion to pick up the garbage and run with it.

The Russians are not strangers to 'playing with reality' and could easily leverage the 'automatic fakery' perception of the Ukrainians to frame them in a slightly-above-par psy-op if they wished.  e.g., deliberately putting in a lot of the evidence that you called out.  Likewise, the Ukrainians probably could do a decent job inventing fake shit if they wished (albeit on a more limited scale using higher-skilled personnel) but for some reason they just don't wish to.

Something still stinks in all of this, and I just have a gut feeling that there is a level of cooperation at certain levels, or in certain veins, between elements within the Ukrainian side and the Russian side.  I'd bet money that some deal or wink/nod handshake understanding has been struck, but I'd also bet that it is not known at almost any level.

sr. member
Activity: 2562
Merit: 321
The project card indicates that the initiators of this bill № 7351 were 9 Ukrainian deputies: Bezuglaya, Aliksychuk, Bakumov, Grivko, Tretyakova, Voitsekhovsky, Mysyagin, Mazurashu, Fedienko. The bill was withdrawn without a voting, because, according to deputy Bakumov, it caused "an inadequate public outcry".

So... that's a good thing actually. A very small minority introduced a law that didn't pass. Are you even aware how democracy works? A hint: it's a bit different from Soviet/Putin style single-party "sieg heil" type of system.

If it was withdrawn before they had chance to vote, thats dictatorship...someone above their parliament, or maybe even some foreign PR company
or secret service decided that "it caused "an inadequate public outcry""
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