Front update: Ruzzia has slowed down the already slow advance in the East, while there are signs of Ukraine succeeding at getting more Pow at Kursk.
On the rumours side, the conscripts that surrendered to Ukraine and are exchanged are sent back to the front (I am not sure how they expect a different result?) and the Tik-tok army of Ahmad is saying that they are not interested in recovering captured soldiers. So... I guess they pow from Chechenia need to apply for Ukrainian citizenship.
^^^ More territory, more power and rebuild the Ruzzian domains. If you are going to argue do it correctly.
I do not see Ukrainians massively taking the streets in favour of Putin's puppet, so there must be some reason why - who knows, maybe they are absolutely ok with getting rid of Moscow and what you call a coup is simply the people taking over their own destiny into their own hands? Maybe is not about cookies after all, but about having a future?
Your whole philosophy is built on the people of Ukraine not having an opinion nor a will of their own and that is being proven wrong.
Meanwhile the situation in Kursk is extremely fluid, with a contingent of Ruzzians near encirclement after a failed counter-attack.
It's refreshing to see that even you don't consider people in Crimea and Donbas as Ukrainians now, this is a great indication for me that there's a good chance that negotiations can happen by November.
Yes people taking their own destiny into their own hands, while a third top senior US politician just happened to give out cookies to them that day while saying "Fuck the EU", and then more javilins magically showed up per square meter in Ukraine than in any other place on earth, which were enough to stop Russian initial offense of 250k soldiers. It's as if they planned this all along and were actually expecting the Russian offense, and armed Ukraine to the teeth with all they could after giving out those cookies. But guess you're going to try and convince everyone that it's all just a coincidence, right?
Your whole philosophy conveniently disregards the roll US played in all of this from the very beginning. You base your arguments on absolutes, totally disregarding the realities of this world and double standards. I'm yet to hear a reason why Ukrainians should be able to take destiny into their own hands while Cubans are not allowed to?
The road to hell is paved with good intentionsEdit:
Wondering why more people don't voice their opposing positions, it's not like someone is oppressing them from even speaking in their mother tongue, and now to this...
The city of Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukraine is to be patrolled by “language inspectors” tasked with limiting the use of Russian while simultaneously promoting the use of Ukrainian among its residents, Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv announced on Monday.
Martsinkiv attributed the decision to introduce language inspectors to the increasing frequent use of Russian in the city, which he described as a problem for Ukraine that would be solved by “introducing a public initiative”.
“Because, unfortunately, the Russian language is being spoken more in Ivano-Frankivsk, and this is a problem for our country and for our city in particular,” he added.
Nothing says freedom like "language inspectors"
why are you so eager for peace? Is anything not going plan?
I consider people in all the regions Ukrainians under a military invasion by Moscow. Are you trying to imply that the fake referendums are anything but a mockery of democracy? I am not surprised, as said you mind does not accept free people taking decisions. They have to be under a tyrant - you probably justify it to yourself in terms of that's how it works or it is all the same or most likely, I do not care. Is like a medieval world and it is the reason why Ukraine wants to move on from it.
And here we go again with the narrative that Putin is going to protect Ruzzians, that they were mistreated, bla bla bla... Not a single part of it is true and we have gone through it a million times.
Regarding peace:
a) I do not see Putin accepting only the taken terriotories. I do not see Ukraine accepting the statu=quo on the terrain as permanent.
b) I do not see Ukraine accepting to be neutral to wait for the next invasion, I do not see Putin accepting Ukraine in NATO.
c) I do not see Ruzzia being able impose the stated objectives (4 regions) by force. I do not see Ukraine stopping to create economic pain and stiff resistance.
d) I do not see the US loosing anything by keeping the fight ongoing.
Too many things to solve in just a couple of months.