Except you're been brainwashed much more than him
Sure, let's have a look at your stuff there:
I always say: if Germans killed as many Americans and Englishmen as they killed Russians,
there would be no Germans today...well, maybe few kept in ZOOs
Look what they did to Japan or Vietnam for much less casualties
Yep yep... we all know your arguments: Americans are bad, it is ok to kill and destroy because Americans are bad and they did it first and Americans are bad and Iraq and Syria are bad so it is Ok if civilians are killed because Americans did it first... and the world is bad, so it is ok to be bad.
Result: Putin is not responsible, it just the world.
You said you were Croatian? It is difficult to believe. Croatia and probably yourself if you are who you say you are only exist because they decided to intervene.
Ukrainians will suffer...but I don't think you should blame them...outside factors want Russia to bleed, and they'll help Ukraine,
but they're not interested in Ukraine fast win, they want both sides destructed as much as possible
Sowing as much hatred is one of goals
Yeh, it is not Putin, he is just doing what he has to do because the americans did it first and the world is bad... all the hate is created by someone else outside that want bad stuff for Russia. It is completely unrelated to the guy sending a 200k strong army into Ukraine, that is all right.
Result: Putin is not responsible, it just the world.
e.g. Why would Ukraine attack a train station that is critical to reinforce their troops.
Why would Russia attack station with rocket made to kill people, and not with one that would destroy
train station? Damage to station itself is negligible.
Russia instead supposedly used rocket made to damage their reputation
Remember Assad? That stupid guy always gassed his own people when it was politically worst moment for him.
(or at least USA media wanted us to believe that, but UN investigation told otherwise)
Yeah again, America is bad, Al Asad is just a good guy that never killed civilians, he just did what he had to because Americans did it first and because the world is bad so it is ok if he kills and destroys...
Result: Putin is not responsible of supporting Al Asad, it just the world.
Mmmm....I am starting to see a pattern here...
See? You're so brainwashed, its unbelievable
How can you support people who torture POWs, and then burn them alive?