We help Ukraine to move towards a NATO membership by implementing reforms, by meeting NATO standards
Has a girl (or boy) ever told you "no, but we can be friends"? Well, in diplomatic terms this means "certainly not yet" or even "possibly not ever" but we can be friends.
Ok so Russia doing the same shit US and NATO did. Big powers do what big powers do, wage wars for sphere of influence. All are shit. I'm assuming you're a logical person, and addressing the issue starting with the biggest offenders? And being objective you covered demolition of Raqqa the city about the size of Mariupol, how many children, women, elderly died? How many maternity wards, hospitals, kindergartens were bombed there, what percentage of infrastructure was left standing? How does it compare to Mariupol, in term of civilian casualties?
From a practical perspective, the US is not threating Europe and, for me, Attacking a democracy is not the same as attacking a despotic regime.
Oh boy, really hoping you didn't mean that. So gov just needs to convince average TV watching population that the regime is despotic, and that somehow makes killing their children better?...
Any attack on civils or wanton destruction is criminal, that is out of the question.
I meant what I said: A despotic regime with nuclear weapons attacking an (imperfect, yet incipient) democracy is a problem for me personally and for most of the West. As imperfect as democracies are (and the US is getting worse IMHO) are still a step ahead of Tzars and Emperors on freedom. When Putin attacks Ukraine, I feel attacked. This is unrelated to whether they use or not terror tactics or their criminal actions.
That is what Putin just could not understand, as you seem not to understand either, and one of the causes for the significant setbacks his army is having: People will put a fight for their right to govern themselves, even if they make a mess it will be their mess. Particularly, after decades of communism and enjoying a glimpse of freedom, is unlikely they will accept being de-facto governed by a foreign power that is particularly violent.
As I have said in many posts, the Ukrainians are choosing - and putting their Javelins where their mouths are.
I do not go into who is worst or who does the civil killing best, that is not "logic". As said in several posts, several US governments and presidents have committed crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The US has setup a world stage in which their wealthy elites choose who dies and who lives, even inside the US. How could other than them or a brainwashed population be happy about it? But, if you want to talk about that wathabout you can open an specific thread, you will have many contributors.
That requires Ukraine to win on battlefield
Work in progress.
You are feeding a dangerous and destructive illusion. Ukraine did not have and does not have a chance to defeat Russia. The only question is the number of victims and the scale of destruction. According to NATO estimates, 400 thousand soldiers are needed to take control over Ukraine only east of the Dnieper, Russia, together with the people's militia of Donbass, used almost half as many. Almost 600,000 people were mobilized and armed from the Ukrainian side along with the defense units. Numerical superiority should not be misleading when the military infrastructure is badly destroyed, airfields, weapons depots, fuel depots, military equipment - everywhere there are heavy losses from missile strikes by Caliber and other high-precision weapons. The army of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is now actually deprived of the ability to maneuver in a coordinated manner, it is divided into separate formations under the control of field commanders, and all supply logistics east of the Dnieper is seriously disrupted. This anarchist resistance of Ukraine on naked patriotism, I think, will quickly dry up due to its complete hopelessness and senselessness.
I see. Look, you have to put "tactical" before saying that type of stuff but it sound better. For example "Putin's army made a tactical retreat from Kyiv". See... that does not sound like a defeat now.
Ukraine will be rebuilt. Who will rebuild Putin's Russia prestige and stance in the world?