Oh boy, really hoping you didn't mean that. So gov just needs to convince average TV watching population that the regime is despotic, and that somehow makes killing their children better? Dehumanizing opponent is part of every warfare, and we're watching unprecedented levels of this here, i expect lots of books written about psy ops, and media coverage of this war after this is all over. Do you not see the irony in your own words, by your logic Russians are justified because they're fighting Nazis, a despotic regime. Is DPRK, Democratic Republic of the Congo are democracies (after all, it's in their name), Uzbekistan, Hungry a democracy, where is a cutoff? Care to rate democracy in Ukraine? If you can judge school bombings by their level of "democracisness" would you be able to rate a bunch of them if i provide examples?
He is probably trying to rationalize UK involvement in bringing democracy to Libya
and Iraq...western media is using that excuse since WW2 when they come after
other countries natural resources
Already answered (yes I do answer, you should try, I may give your claims some sense).
I meant what I said: A despotic regime with nuclear weapons attacking an (imperfect, yet incipient) democracy is a problem for me personally and for most of the West. As imperfect as democracies are (and the US is getting worse IMHO) are still a step ahead of Tzars and Emperors on freedom. When Putin attacks Ukraine, I feel attacked. This is unrelated to whether they use or not terror tactics or their criminal actions.
I am not happy with anyone committing crimes. You cannot say the same, can you? Are you ok with Putin killing civilians yes or no? Or maybe... your are just trying to rationalise supporting an assassin?
It cannot be more clear, I have a rationale for my stance on the conflict and is not based on mere coercion or pure force, but on the type of regimes that I would rather live in. If a despot attacks a country that wishes to rule his own destinies, I know where I am.
I do get that your view of the world is different. You are all right with the Tzar invading Ukraine, I am not and, as you can see Ukrainians are not either and the more Putin's army vandalises their country the more they will be against. You cannot grasp this concept because your conception of life is about force and fear.
I do not think that any foreign intervention has made any serious effort to implement democracy in any country in particular because one of the requisites of democracy is education and knowledge of history and that is not something you can force. Again, you cannot understand any of these concepts, from your perspective, the world is no more than a jungle and people are beasts.
I urge you to open a thread on Madeleine, Libia, Syria... You will find plenty of people in the forum to agree with.