
Topic: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] - page 337. (Read 79316 times)

Activity: 2436
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How can you support people who torture POWs, and then burn them alive?

I know it's not addressed to me but it's an absurdly propagandist question to ask.

For example, I don't support POW torture but I support Ukrainians defending their country by other means

But the fact right now is that Russian military invaded Ukraine so there is no "both sides equally bad" bullshit here. Invaders must go home or die.

Here i have a good text in russian, about this propaganda move (not mine): "Пoчитaл вoт, чтo, oкaзывaeтcя, в Укpaинe звepcтвa пo oтнoшeнию к poccийcким coлдaтaм пpoявляют, и чтo этo oчeнь лицeмepнo, чтo вecь миp зaмeчaeт peзню в Бyчe, нo нe peaгиpyeт нa жecтoкoe oбpaщeниe c pyccкими coлдaтaми.

Hy чтo тyт cкaзaть? Жecтoкocть к пoвepжeннoмy вpaгy - плoxo. Пытки - плoxo. Кaзни - плoxo. Ho paвнять poccийcкиx и yкpaинcкиx coлдaт здecь - лицeмepиe. Oни нe paвны изнaчaльнo. Cтoит нaпoмнить тoлькo лишь, чтo вoйнa идёт нa тeppитopии Укpaины. Этo poccийcкиe coлдaты тyдa пpишли. Poccийcкиe paкeты paзбoмбили yкpaинcкиe гopoдa. Poccийcкиe coлдaты нacилyют, yбивaют и мapoдepcтвyют миpныx житeлeй. И тpeбoвaть джeнтльмeнcкoгo oтнoшeния к ceбe пocлe этoгo... нy, этo нeaдeквaтнo. Этo кaк нaпacть нa чeлoвeкa, зapeзaть eгo нoжoм, изнacилoвaть eгo жeнy, eгo дeтeй, a пoтoм плaкaть, чтo пpишёл eгo coceд и тeбe пизды дaл. Tипa "a мeня тo зa чтo?".

Poccийcкaя apмия и poccийcкaя пpoпaгaндa здecь вocпpoизвoдят этy пcиxoлoгию, cтoль pacпpocтpaнeннyю в Poccии, кoгдa здopoвыe взpocлыe мyжики включaют бycидo, бычaт, лeзyт дpaтьcя, и caми жe вызывaют мycopoв и плaчyтcя им. Bcю жизнь тaкиx нeнaвидeл. Boт этo, кaжeтcя, ceгoдня coциaльный xapaктep нaшeгo oбщecтвa, вocпитaнный oбъeктивными ycлoвиями, пpи кoтopыx живyт poccиянe. Taкoй cплaв пaцaнcкo-тюpeмныx пoнятий c мycopcким гocyдapcтвoм. Tип мнe вcё мoжнo, бyдy дeлaть чтo зaxoчy и включy мaчo, любыe пpoблeмы peшy кyлaкaми, a ecли мнe ктo oтвeтит, тo мycopнycь. Boт этo вoт глyбиннaя мopaль pyccкoгo миpa ceгoдня, и имeннo этy лoгикy и дeмoнcтpиpyют пpoпaгaндиcты и cepдoбoльныe poccиянe, вoзмyщaющиecя жecтoким oбpaщeниeм c poccийcкими coлдaтaми, нo игнopиpyющиe peзню миpныx yкpaинцeв, и гoгoчyщиe нaд жecтoким oбpaщeниeм c yкpaинcкими coлдaтaми. Paзвe тe жe caмыe пpoпaгaндиcтcкиe кaнaлы нe дeмoнcтpиpyют peгyляpнo кaдpы c yнижeнными и дpoжaщими yкpaинцaми нa кoлeняx, чтo иcпyгaннo кpичaт пo тpeбoвaнию гoгoчyщиx чeчeнцeв "Axмaт - cилa"? Taкoe, кoнeчнo, дeлaeтcя дoбpoвoльнo, a нe пoд пыткaми и cтpaxoм cмepти? Oдни и тe жe кaнaлы дeмoнcтpиpyют эти видeo, и вoзмyщaютcя жecтoкocтью пo oтнoшeнию к poccийcким плeнным.

Этy жe лoгикy oни дeмoнcтpиpoвaли пpи тpaгeдияx в дoмax пpoфcoюзoв. Кoгдa в Киeвe cилoвики coжгли зaживo пpoтecтyющиx в мecтнoм дoмe пpoфcoюзoв, эти люди paдocтнo oтпycкaли шyтoчки пpo "caлo пoдгopeлo" и "тaк им и нaдo". A кoгдa в Oдecce в oтвeт нa cтpeльбy и кoктeйли мoлoтoвa c aнтимaйдaннoй cтopoны мaйдaннaя cтopoнa coжглa aгpeccopoв, тo здecь "yжac, нeлюди, кaк тaк мoжнo?". Ta жe caмaя лoгикa - мнe мoжнo, a дpyгим нeльзя. Я бyдy нacaждaть cвoё cилoй, a ecли мнe дaдyт cдaчи - зaплaчy и мycopнycь.

У нopмaльныx людeй жe aгpeccop и зaщищaющийcя никoгдa нe бyдyт paвными. Зaщищaющийcя впpaвe пpимeнить тe мeтoды oбopoны, кoтopыe oн cчитaeт нaибoлee эффeктивными. Этo нe oн выбpaл этoт кoнфликт, кoнфликт нaчaлcя пo винe aгpeccopa. И ecли aгpeccop дyмaeт, чтo нaпaдaя нa чeлoвeкa, oн бyдeт ycтaнaвливaть paмки дoпycтимoгo нacилия, чтo тoлькo oн бyдeт пpимeнять нacилиe - нy, чтo жe, peaльнocть eгo жecтoкo oблoмaeт, кoнeчнo. Зaщищaющийcя впpaвe дeлaть вcё для cвoeй зaщиты.

Poccийcкиx coлдaт жaлкo, кoнeчнo. Tex из ниx, ктo нe coвepшaл жecтoкocтeй пo oтнoшeнию к миpнoмy нaceлeнию. Tex из ниx, ктo нe бoeц Pocгвapдии и нe мycop. Ho пpeтeнзии здecь нyжнo пpeдъявлять зa ниx вoвce нe yкpaинцaм, нa чью зeмлю oни пpишли и кoтopыe oбopoняютcя, и кoтopыe тoчнo тaкжe xoтят жить, кaк и эти poccийcкиe coлдaты. Укpaинцaм oни caми выбopa нe ocтaвили. Пpeтeнзии здecь нyжнo пpeдъявлять тoмy, ктo пocлaл coлдaт нa вoйнy, и тeм, ктo этy вoйнy пoддepживaeт и пpoпaгaндиpyeт - Пyтинy, Coлoвьeвым-Киceлeвым, вceвoзмoжным импepцaм, нaциoнaлиcтaм, нaцбoлaм и тд. Boт oни тo yбивaют poccийcкиx coлдaт, a нe oбopoняющиecя yкpaинцы

I picked most important takes with bold.

And yeah, I'm back (at least for some time)
copper member
Activity: 2282
Merit: 918
White Russian
Have you read the text of the Minsk agreements?
Have you read the text of the Budapest Agreements?
Yes, of course, it's interesting that you mentioned it. I can tell you two things about this:
1. The Budapest memorandum "is not worth the paper on which it was signed" and, according to the United States, is not legally binding, although Russia strictly followed it and even the fate of Crimea was decided not by Russia, but by the citizens of Crimea themselves in a referendum, within the framework of the nation's right to self-determination, which is the cornerstone of international law and is explicitly included in the UN Charter.
2. The trigger for the start of the operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 was Zelensky’s public statement that Ukraine could call into question the obligations under the Budapest Memorandum.

So what about the Minsk agreements?
Activity: 2716
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Have you read the text of the Minsk agreements?

Have you read the text of the Budapest Agreements?

copper member
Activity: 2282
Merit: 918
White Russian
You really do not know what is happening in Ukraine.
Unfortunately, I know much more about the events in Ukraine than I would like.

But it doesn't seem like it's a case where you can say "enough of this shit, let's get on with the next story".
Thus Putin is right?
Yes, Putin is right. No matter how hard they try to portray Russian soldiers as orcs who steal toilet bowls from Ukrainians because they were first seen and other ridiculous epics of the Fourth Reich. In this story the Russians are on the bright side of the Force, as always.
Amazing how pro-nazi and pro-gay and God can be mixed in the same paragraph, you have outdone yourself.
Are you flattering me again or is this sarcasm? Just in case, thanks.
Russians have intentions to use chemical weapon in Mariupol. One of officials of DPR even said it on Russian TV without hiding it:
If it will really happen (I hope that no), how West would react to it? Last month Biden said that US and NATO would respond to it.
Do not dramatize, no one in their right mind will climb to clear seven floors underground of a bunker near Azovstal. I think it will either be flooded with water or the Nazis of Azov will be smoked out with chemicals not from the list of banned chemical weapons. Technically, even the tear gas used by the police to disperse demonstrators in democratic countries can also be called a chemical attack. Military experts from the Russian troops of radiochemical protection will find a legal way to solve this problem. The Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who wanted to surrender have already surrendered, the rest have made their choice.
This got me thinking for a while. Putin has not declared war and is, as you say, insisting that this is not war. I guess that by some dark twisted karma boomerang Russian soldiers cannot be PoW but, as you say, terrorists comiting acts of terror in Ukrainian territory.
Here you get on a very slippery slope and I would like to warn you against this. The last war that is really a "war" on this planet was declared by the USSR to Japan in 1945 and it is still strictly speaking not over, because there is no peace treaty. All other armed conflicts after that do not have the formal status of war, including the US and Korea, the US and Vietnam, the US and Iraq, the US and Afghanistan, etc.
copper member
Activity: 2282
Merit: 918
White Russian
Putin's army has not reached Air Supremacy. Not in the first weeks, not now, the main reason is that Ukraine still holds a decent anti-air capability, recently increased by the way. Putin cannot use the aviation at will, that is certain simply looking at the evolution of the war.
This S-300 complex was destroyed yesterday by a high-precision weapon strike. A refutation was received from Slovakia with reference to the statement of the Ukrainian side, but in the conditions of a full-scale information war against Russia around the world, the unfounded statements of the Ukrainian side are worth about zero. Yes, Ukraine still has remnants of air defense, and it even seems that they really managed to knock out a couple of low-flying K-52 Black Sharks with Stingers, but in general, the Russian aerospace forces feel quite comfortable in the air over Ukraine and every day the pilots perform their combat tasks. The big surprise of the Russians in this operation, which made a sensation on military resources, is the X-31PM anti-radar missile with a range of 300 km. If an aircraft with such a missile detects enemy radar radiation, the enemy no longer has a radar. The remnants of the air defense of Ukraine are forced to work almost blindly, turn on the radar for a short time, change positions, and use other tricks. But in the end there is no continuous zone of observation.

On top of that seems like your "modern warfare" manual is outdated. There are quite a few wars in which air supremacy was undisputed but in which countries resisting with asymmetric tactics, difficult terrain, urban warfare or simply a population that does not accept the invaders ended up in long wars that were not "won" nor even marginally by the aggressors. I would not class Vietnam as "modern" but it would be a clear example, with no doubt about who had the air advantage.
It is not outdated, it's just that NATO soldiers do not know how to fight. Let's be honest, NATO instructors do an excellent job of training sabotage teams. And when NATO instructors begin to train soldiers from third world countries, instead of sabotage groups, for some reason, gangs of terrorists usually turn out. Grin

So why do Russians execute Ukrainian civilians now?
Remember one simple thing, and if you have a bad memory, then write it down and read it every day before breakfast instead of morning prayer - a Russian soldier will never shoot at civilians, he will rather shoot at his commander who gave him such an order. Therefore, absolutely no one in Russia believes in cheap Ukrainian propaganda fakes, it is simply impossible because of the peculiarities of our mentality....

It must be then be only army in the world that does not have (or creates) psychopaths. So all the buildings, nearly all Mariupol and all the area around Kyiv was assumed to be fully empty of civilians when shelled? Interesting that you consider your view "sober understanding of the situation" and say this a few minutes later.
In urban battles there are always civilian casualties, unfortunately this is inevitable. Russian soldiers do their best to minimize them, even if it increases the risks for themselves. I'm talking about the fact that the Russians never deliberately kill civilians, realizing that in front of them is a man without a weapon. I am sorry if for some this statement seems far from reality, amazing news or some kind of revelation. There is not a single country in modern history where Russia took part in armed conflicts, and where Russian soldiers would be seen in some atrocities or inappropriate behavior towards civilians. Even in Afghanistan, local residents still warmly and respectfully treat Russian soldiers, although there are areas where a civilian is a civilian during the day, and in the evening he is a Taliban fighter.
That's serious statement, but far from reality. If Russian soldiers aren't shooting at civilians, then who killed all these civilians in Ukraine. And please don't say again about fakes from Ukraine. How you can deny these proofs of Russians shooting civilians that were filmed on video. For example women on bike from Bucha. And nothing surprising that Russians don't believe in cheap Ukrainian propaganda. They prefer to believe in expensive Russian propaganda.
An international investigation is already underway in Bucha, but everything is clear as day there. The national police entered the city and organized a purge of "collaborators", killing everyone who did not have a blue bandage on his arm, and especially those with a white one. Yes, even shooting a video about it, which they then tried in vain to remove from the network.

It is interesting that the provocation in Kramatorsk was quickly hushed up after the serial number of the Ukrainian missile surfaced. Shame on the killers of civilians, these Nazi degenerates and drug addicts will all be demilitarized and denazified soon. It is a surreal nonsense and at the same time a reality when the civilians of Mariupol say: I heard "Allah Akbar!"* and crossed herself - Thank God, the Russians have come.

*Chechens from the Kadyrov regiment, who are actively involved in the cleansing of Mariupol, are Muslims.

I'm not talking about some nebulous "events", I'm talking about the invasion that this thread is about and the war crimes that your "question" was about.
If you refuse to expand your view geographically, can you expand your view in time? I don't understand why you consider the current events in Ukraine taken out of context? Have you read the text of the Minsk agreements?
Activity: 2716
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Russian POW gets a knife jammed into his eye socket until he dies

On March 4, Volodymyr Feoktistov, 50, set out on foot around 5 p.m. to pick up a loaf of bread from neighbors who were baking at home. His mother and brother had told him not to go out, but he insisted, his mother recalled later.

Russian vehicles were driving along a road at the end of their street and the neighbors heard two gunshots. They found him the next day, dead on the street. Days passed before they could load him into a wheelbarrow and push him to the hospital morgue before hurrying home.

On March 5, a Russian sniper began firing on anything moving south of the high school.

Auntie Lyuda was shot in the morning. That afternoon, a father and his son stepped out of their gate to go for a walk along their street, Yablunska, or Apple Tree Street. “They shot my son,” his father, Ivan, said. “I was next to him. It would be better if it had been me.”

“He was suffering the whole night and died at 8:20 a.m.,” Ivan said of his son. The family buried him in the front garden under a huge mound of earth. “It’s very hard to bury your child,” Ivan said. “I would not wish that on my worst enemy.”

His son left behind an 8-year-old son and 1-year-old daughter. “I cannot look my grandson in the eyes,” Ivan said.

Yablunska Street, where they lived, soon became the deadliest stretch of road for passing civilians. A man on his bicycle was struck by fire from an armored vehicle in early March, as video recorded by the Ukrainian military showed. By March 11 there were at least 11 dead bodies lying on the street and sidewalks, satellite footage showed.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
I guess that means that troops in those territories cannot claim that any treaty has then been broken if their soldiers are treated inhumanly? Seems to cut both ways?

Not really, Ukraine is signatory to such treaties. Even worse, those are technically Ukrainian citizens, and recently DNR/LNR have been "drafting" every male resident going as far as literally chasing them and beating them on the street:

So this basically means that Ukrainian forces have to fight against their own forcibly drafted citizens, who didn't want to be in this war to begin with. They were like 10 years old in 2014 when some dude in Kremlin decided their fate. Such a horrible mess.
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1634
Do not die for Putin
If it will really happen (I hope that no), how West would react to it? Last month Biden said that US and NATO would respond to it.

There are unconfirmed reports that some "substance" was released from a drone. Could be false (calling Basurin's bluff), not sure.

Funny (not really) thing about Basurin and other DNR/LNR nutjobs - Russia can claim that these "independent" states haven't signed any international agreements regarding chemical weapons. And when I say "can", I mean Kremlin trolls are already doing it in comments on Russian sites, coming soon to Reddit/Youtube/etc.

It would make tactical sense (that is, if Putin's psychos decide so) since that would allow capturing the installations with minimal damage. I am not sure what kind of response would come to the use of chemical weapons or how would Putin try to cover up the mess after.

Not much cover up needed. They don't care about killing their own civilians, certainly won't care about "nazis". The West will be "very concerned".

I guess that means that troops in those territories cannot claim that any treaty has then been broken if their soldiers are treated inhumanly? Seems to cut both ways?

...The West will be "very concerned".

Most likely. There may be a case that "concern" translates into further and quicker aid.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
If it will really happen (I hope that no), how West would react to it? Last month Biden said that US and NATO would respond to it.

There are unconfirmed reports that some "substance" was released from a drone. Could be false (calling Basurin's bluff), not sure.

Funny (not really) thing about Basurin and other DNR/LNR nutjobs - Russia can claim that these "independent" states haven't signed any international agreements regarding chemical weapons. And when I say "can", I mean Kremlin trolls are already doing it in comments on Russian sites, coming soon to Reddit/Youtube/etc.

It would make tactical sense (that is, if Putin's psychos decide so) since that would allow capturing the installations with minimal damage. I am not sure what kind of response would come to the use of chemical weapons or how would Putin try to cover up the mess after.

Not much cover-up needed. They don't care about killing their own civilians, certainly won't care about "nazis". The West will be "very concerned".
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1634
Do not die for Putin
Russians have intentions to use chemical weapon in Mariupol. One of officials of DPR even said it on Russian TV without hiding it:
If it will really happen (I hope that no), how West would react to it? Last month Biden said that US and NATO would respond to it.

It would make tactical sense (that is, if Putin's psychos decide so) since that would allow capturing the installations with minimal damage. I am not sure what kind of response would come to the use of chemical weapons or how would Putin try to cover up the mess after.

I am afraid you need to do better yourself.  You see, normally I would support a "broader view of events", but the fact that Putin attacked militarily Ukraine is one of those things that do not require much of an analysis.

Now, for now you have compared the situation with Cuba, Irak, Syria,... is that what you call "broader view"?   (Oh sorry, you do not like questions).

Instead writing 20000+ letters article, I pointed you at some that other people wrote, and that I mostly agree with.
You ignored them all and continue with your arglebargle and propaganda
Good luck

No questions, no more than 3 sentences and youtube video watching and link clicking mandatory... You certainly like setting rules for others don't you?


BTW, this is not war according to Russians. It is a special terrorist operation.

This got me thinking for a while. Putin has not declared war and is, as you say, insisting that this is not war. I guess that by some dark twisted karma boomerang Russian soldiers cannot be PoW but, as you say, terrorists comiting acts of terror in Ukrainian territory.

In any case, war is a dirty business. I have not seen one in which armies acted with chivalry and respect - hate is too strong. Still, it is different if a bunch of irregulars decide to behave like animals from a institutional chain-of-command order to do so.

Against my usual ways, I watched the video. Basic threatening and fear tactic, level 2 of 10. If you are one of Putin's minions you probably could not care less. It mostly helps Putin's side IMHO.

Activity: 3262
Merit: 1376
Slava Ukraini!
Russians have intentions to use chemical weapon in Mariupol. One of officials of DPR even said it on Russian TV without hiding it:
If it will really happen (I hope that no), how West would react to it? Last month Biden said that US and NATO would respond to it.

Remember one simple thing, and if you have a bad memory, then write it down and read it every day before breakfast instead of morning prayer - a Russian soldier will never shoot at civilians, he will rather shoot at his commander who gave him such an order. Therefore, absolutely no one in Russia believes in cheap Ukrainian propaganda fakes, it is simply impossible because of the peculiarities of our mentality.
That's serious statement, but far from reality. If Russian soldiers aren't shooting at civilians, then who killed all these civilians in Ukraine. And please don't say again about fakes from Ukraine. How you can deny these proofs of Russians shooting civilians that were filmed on video. For example women on bike from Bucha. And nothing surprising that Russians don't believe in cheap Ukrainian propaganda. They prefer to believe in expensive Russian propaganda.
About below part of your post. Yeah, big part of Ukraine is Russian speaking, but it doesn't makes them pro-Russian. After war started, there isn't much love to Russia left.

An advertisement video appeared on social networks in which a woman in national Ukrainian clothes cuts the throat of a Russian man.
The video is accompanied by English subtitles.
This woman was identified as Lviv theater actress Andrianna Kurylets.
The footage contains scenes of violence! Link to the source:
Good video  with strong message. It's nothing surprising that Ukrainians don't show much love to Russians now.  But this video isn't something special or unique after all things I saw on social media after war started.

sr. member
Activity: 2702
Merit: 328

I am afraid you need to do better yourself.  You see, normally I would support a "broader view of events", but the fact that Putin attacked militarily Ukraine is one of those things that do not require much of an analysis.

Now, for now you have compared the situation with Cuba, Irak, Syria,... is that what you call "broader view"?   (Oh sorry, you do not like questions).

Instead writing 20000+ letters article, I pointed you at some that other people wrote, and that I mostly agree with.
You ignored them all and continue with your arglebargle and propaganda
Good luck
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1634
Do not die for Putin
How can you support people who torture POWs, and then burn them alive?

I know it's not addressed to me but it's an absurdly propagandist question to ask.

For example, I don't support POW torture but I support Ukrainians defending their country by other means, such as killing non-POW enemy troops using conventional warfare; I don't support Russian forces killing civilians but I would support Russians if they were to defend their country from e.g. China or some other aggressor.

But the fact right now is that Russian military invaded Ukraine so there is no "both sides equally bad" bullshit here. Invaders must go home or die.

If 10 years later Ukraine proclaims that Russians are nazis and invades Voronezh we can reapportion the blame.

Same goes for me...but he used that kind of loaded questions like 10 times on me...just wanted him to taste his own medicine
Also, you have to have much broader knowledge about events, as "Russia attacked Ukraine" is pretty simplified version for general,
mostly dumb and uninterested public
I bet you can do better, but I don't know if you want to

I am afraid you need to do better yourself.  You see, normally I would support a "broader view of events", but the fact that Putin attacked militarily Ukraine is one of those things that do not require much of an analysis.

Now, for now you have compared the situation with Cuba, Irak, Syria,... is that what you call "broader view"?   (Oh sorry, you do not like questions).

I you want a broader view, have it:

Putin considers Ukraine his backyard. It is the buffer that separates Russia from what he considers an "enemy" and a territory that is important for several economic and political reasons. IMHO Western Europe is not an "enemy" but it is certainly a "rival". Notice that the difference here is the use of force or the use of diplomacy and influence. And yes, EU is interested in being a partner of Ukraine and establish mutually beneficial trade relationships. Yes, EU and US are interested in Ukraine becoming an ally (who wouldn't), IMHO not a member of NATO but something alike.

Putin has failed to gain the support of the Ukrainians and, despite trying to have a government of his liking, he has failed to achieve it. He also has failed to have a wide support from Ukrainians for some short of partnership or at least a declaration of neutrality.

The war is a result of his inability to reach his desired goals by pacific means, as simple as that. He failed to seduce the girl and decided that the best alternative is to rape her. Though luck my friend, the girl has sharp nails and a knife hidden in her purse.

And now, if you want to speak about the ethics of this compared to US actions in Irak, or French actions in Mali or current Russian actions in Mali and several other places in Africa (see Wagner Group) where no journalist would ever set foot you will reach the conclusion that the world is full of crap. Yet still, that does not make this war good nor justifies.

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Also, you have to have much broader knowledge about events, as "Russia attacked Ukraine" is pretty simplified version

I'm not talking about some nebulous "events", I'm talking about the invasion that this thread is about and the war crimes that your "question" was about.
sr. member
Activity: 2702
Merit: 328
How can you support people who torture POWs, and then burn them alive?

I know it's not addressed to me but it's an absurdly propagandist question to ask.

For example, I don't support POW torture but I support Ukrainians defending their country by other means, such as killing non-POW enemy troops using conventional warfare; I don't support Russian forces killing civilians but I would support Russians if they were to defend their country from e.g. China or some other aggressor.

But the fact right now is that Russian military invaded Ukraine so there is no "both sides equally bad" bullshit here. Invaders must go home or die.

If 10 years later Ukraine proclaims that Russians are nazis and invades Voronezh we can reapportion the blame.

Same goes for me...but he used that kind of loaded questions like 10 times on me...just wanted him to taste his own medicine
Also, you have to have much broader knowledge about events, as "Russia attacked Ukraine" is pretty simplified version for general,
mostly dumb and uninterested public
I bet you can do better, but I don't know if you want to
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
How can you support people who torture POWs, and then burn them alive?

I know it's not addressed to me but it's an absurdly propagandist question to ask.

For example, I don't support POW torture but I support Ukrainians defending their country by other means, such as killing non-POW enemy troops using conventional warfare; I don't support Russian forces killing civilians but I would support Russians if they were to defend their country from e.g. China or some other aggressor.

But the fact right now is that Russian military invaded Ukraine so there is no "both sides equally bad" bullshit here. Invaders must go home or die.

If 10 years later Ukraine proclaims that Russians are nazis and invades Voronezh we can reapportion the blame.
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1634
Do not die for Putin
Russian POW gets a knife jammed into his eye socket until he dies

Thus Putin is right? He is all right invading because some crazy bastard is killing PoWs? I am kind of believing that they are killing PoWs and make it public because, unfortunately, makes perfect sense (in a twisted and pathological manner) to deter the young soldiers giving their lives for no reason in the future.

This leads to the same pattern of you posting story: Putin is right, you see, "Ukrainians are killing PoWs, so Putin is all right bombarding at will".

 glorification of Bandera and the SS division "Galitchina", mixed with gay-parades.
 God will be your judge.

You are just jealous of gays because they really know how to throw a party with style and you don't.

Amazing how pro-nazi and pro-gay and God can be mixed in the same paragraph, you have outdone yourself.
sr. member
Activity: 2702
Merit: 328
Russian POW gets a knife jammed into his eye socket until he dies
Activity: 2814
Merit: 1192
We are NOT talking about just a pnone call here. We are talking about the torture and murder of prisoners of war which have been commited by Ukrainian forces.

If you did not want me to talk about the phone call, why did you make it the largest part of your post?
The gigantic transcript of the conversation was impossible to ignore, so I've decided to talk about it.

Those guys who made the call did not murder the person they were talking about, even though you tried to show their conversation like it was an example of a war crime.

Also, some of your other links are pretty weak as evidence of war crimes too, for instance that guy dragged towards his dead companions. There's no evidence that he was killed, on the contrary, he was listed on the telegram channel Ищи cвoиx ( as a captured POW. Don't expect Ukrainians to give him a shot of vodka and shake his hand. You don't know how many people he managed to kill before he was taken down.
Activity: 2436
Merit: 1634
Do not die for Putin
That is right, I am trying very hard to believe he just thinks he is doing some kind of patriotic work, helping his friends in the military or something like that, but if the guy is really believing all that... I do not feel capable of de-programming someone with that level of brainwash on-line.

Except you're been brainwashed much more than him Smiley

Sure, let's have a look at your stuff there:

So why do Russians execute Ukrainian civilians now?
Remember one simple thing, and if you have a bad memory, then write it down and read it every day before breakfast instead of morning prayer - a Russian soldier will never shoot at civilians, he will rather shoot at his commander who gave him such an order. Therefore, absolutely no one in Russia believes in cheap Ukrainian propaganda fakes, it is simply impossible because of the peculiarities of our mentality.

I always say: if Germans killed as many Americans and Englishmen as they killed Russians,
there would be no Germans today...well, maybe few kept in ZOOs

Look what they did to Japan or Vietnam for much less casualties

Yep yep... we all know your arguments: Americans are bad, it is ok to kill and destroy because Americans are bad and they did it first and Americans are bad and Iraq and Syria are bad so it is Ok if civilians are killed because Americans did it first... and the world is bad, so it is ok to be bad.

Result: Putin is not responsible, it just the world.

You said you were Croatian? It is difficult to believe. Croatia and probably yourself if you are who you say you are only exist because they decided to intervene.

It was a big mistake for Ukraine to torture and execute Russian prisoners of war on camera. I personally know people with combat experience who a month ago had a neutral or even negative attitude towards this operation, and now they are ready to take up arms again.

Ukrainians will suffer...but I don't think you should blame them...outside factors want Russia to bleed, and they'll help Ukraine,
but they're not interested in Ukraine fast win, they want both sides destructed as much as possible
Sowing as much hatred is one of goals

Yeh, it is not Putin, he is just doing what he has to do because the americans did it first and the world is bad... all the hate is created by someone else outside that want bad stuff for Russia. It is completely unrelated to the guy sending a 200k strong army into Ukraine, that is all right.

Result: Putin is not responsible, it just the world.

e.g. Why would Ukraine attack a train station that is critical to reinforce their troops.

Why would Russia attack station with rocket made to kill people, and not with one that would destroy
train station? Damage to station itself is negligible.
Russia instead supposedly used rocket made to damage their reputation

Remember Assad? That stupid guy always gassed his own people when it was politically worst moment for him.
(or at least USA media wanted us to believe that, but UN investigation told otherwise)

Yeah again, America is bad, Al Asad is just a good guy that never killed civilians, he just did what he had to because Americans did it first and because the world is bad so it is ok if he kills and destroys...

Result: Putin is not responsible of supporting Al Asad, it just the world.

Mmmm....I am starting to see a pattern here...

See? You're so brainwashed, its unbelievable
How can you support people who torture POWs, and then burn them alive?

Where did I do such a thing? I am simply establishing that your posting story is justifying any act of Putin's army and all his decissions.

You see, even the way you ask... that is a loaded question... how can you support people who does XYZ? Wrong question. The right thing to ask is do you support the people who did that? The answer is of course not.

With your story of posting, it is funny who it is you asking this.
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