It is becoming evident that the Ruzzia air defence has more holes than a swiss cheese. It is not even news now, but Belgorod has been hit overnight. The strikes inside Ruzzia are now everyday. It is clear that the Ukrainian strategy of making sure the price tag to keep this running becomes beyond anything reasonable, even for Putin, who does not care much about price tags (paid by others).
In Kharkiv direction, Ukraine has been able not just to hold but to drive the invading forces out - so yes, front is not stable in that sense if you want to call a few hundred meters here and there "movements".
In Ocheretina, again, if you want to call it a "movement" is up to you. You would be able to take Ukraine in a few years at that pace, the obvious problem is that you won't be able to finance it.
I think Ukraine is making sure that if it ever comes to negotiating, Ruzzia understand they have lots of infrastructure to lose on a daily basis. No pressure.
Sure. Keep escalating and kiss pretty much all satellite communications goodbye for the foreseeable future. Wanna guess who the main beneficiary of the military advantage ends up being when that happens? My money is on the Rooskies, and it might be one of the few possible scenarios under which Russia actually does pose a military threat to some of the NATO dink states such as the one who thought it a good idea to blockade Kaliningrad.
This is not "escalation", this is pay-back. It feels very different when they can also blast YOUR installations and infrastructure uh? Punching is always easier that taking a hit in the nose?
On regards to beneficiaries, etc.. I have posted so much on that... I won't bother again on who is "winning" really.
On the threat to NATO, Europe has a problem: US is no longer a reliable ally due to who we all know and his declarations. Germany is certainly taking it very seriously (100 billion of military investment in 3 years and newer shell production facilities in the build). Romania is also taking it seriously - thanks to Putin, there will be a new NATO air and ground base near the Ukrainian border.