
Topic: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] - page 79. (Read 60499 times)

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
^^^ Now Ukraine is dealing in cigarettes. That was a Lucky Strike.

It Is America First, Not Ukraine
To prepare for the "spring offensive," President Joe Biden authorized another $675 million to help the Ukrainian military. After the military progress was halted by the Russians, Biden decided to send controversial cluster munitions to the Ukrainian military.

These munitions are banned by more than 100 nations because of the "large numbers of smaller bomblets that can kill indiscriminately over a wide area." In many cases, the victims are innocent civilians.

This decision will inevitably lead to an escalation as Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed his country has a "stockpile of different kinds of cluster bombs." He vowed, "if they are used against us, we reserve the right to take reciprocal action."

As the war intensifies, there seems to be zero progress on the diplomatic front. However, we need to pursue peace talks immediately before a nuclear war starts.

President Donald Trump has been sounding the alarm about the irresponsible actions of the Biden administration in Ukraine. He posted on Truth Social, "Joe Biden should not be dragging us further toward World War III by sending cluster munitions to Ukraine—he should be trying to END the war and stop the horrific death and destruction being caused by an incompetent administration."

Activity: 2618
Merit: 1103
I guess now Ukrainians are going to wait until Russians fix the bridge and blow it up again to troll the enemy and show them the futility of their actions.

Meanwhile Russian jets continue to fall without even reaching front, this time Su-25 fall into Azov sea in Krasnodar region: Pilot died.

It's another instance where Russian pilot ejects and drowns. They should improve the systems in these jets, but then, Russians never had much regard for human life.
Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
In order to dump coins one must have coins
If I were a Russian living in Crimea or other occupied territories I would start packing NOW.

Crimean Bridge is out of service, AGAIN. LOL.

Instead, crazy Russians seem pissed and volunteer for frontline in even bigger numbers

Story about wounded girl that lost mother and father in attack is as good as FSB could
ask for

Of course Branko, everyone is useful for the mission right?

I don't think the Russia-Ukraine conflict will end easily. Russia maintains war with Ukraine. On the other hand, Russia wants to take some parts of Ukraine for which they are continuing this war. Because if Russia can occupy some part of Ukraine then it is their own gain.

It has become a long term conflict, or at least it seems to becoming one, sadly.
The only thing about it which I would call positive is the fact that Russia alone cannot hold a long term battle against Ukraine alone, for now the Klemlin depends on the support of their biggest ally: The popular Republic of China.

If someone USA convinced or pressured Chine to stop their military and economical aid to Putin, then Russia would have it very difficult to continue their attacks, they already are getting in trouble economically being their cheap offer of energy a sample of it, in my opinion.

Id wish this non-sense stopped right now, if possible...

This caught my eye, think you have fundamental misunderstanding of the conflict, which puts you in a constant state of bewilderment as to why something is (or is not) happening. Your curios mind led you here for answers, but all the local clown "experts" (propagandists) can do, is to overwhelm you with irrelevant micro level information to sway you their way. Any macro questions are discouraged and just covered by "crazy orcs" or nazis, to dissuade any further questions.

Look at US/NATO military bases around China, looks where major military build up is happening outside of Ukraine theater, look at blockade of Cuba that's still going on for 30yrs+ any if anyone really cares for the right of sovereign nations or its people, and current justifications for it. Then ask yourself how long would the commie regime last after the fall of Russia and the sudden onset of democracy cookies (soft power) onto Kazakhstan. Then the question whether the nation that coined such phrases as "death by a thousand cuts" and "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by" can be convinced or pressured into stopping aid to Russia, should becomes irrelevant. As well as shed some light on why this counteroffensive was so drummed up, how it's really going, what will happen in about 8 weeks, mid September, once weather changes and any maneuvering becomes impossible and we revert back to positional arty scorched earth advances. Might also look into who historically benefits from the winter season.

Nah, CCP government has no more resilience than the USSR did - do you remember or were you busy when it collapsed?

China as any nation has interests and can be pressured and convinced (I think more convinced than pressured) if it is in their interest. China does not have any more attachment to the RF that it would to any other instrument, party, country or organisation.

What I think is that China needs a strong Russia, to balance the US, and a balanced Russia that does threat with Nukes as a system of living (e.g. North Korea). Russia is not helping at all in any of these.

China is relatively organised and is using the opportunity to look like a mediator and a country of peace.

Glad we both agree that China needs a strong Russia, but I never claimed that China has some special attachment to the RF, but instead saying that they're behaving strictly in the interest of their own self-preservation, which is logical. Just not sure how you then do a 180 flip and try to argue that China can be convinced against that?

How many cookies do you think it'd take to turn Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan against China if Russia falls? A half or they'll do it for free that same day? Willing to speculate how long you think Chinese commie regime would last after Russia falls, and it would be left with North Korea as their only ally?

A party that operates on 30yr+ horizons disregards human life and easily willing to sacrifice decades/generations for some ideology/long term goal, I mean sure, i guess with quantum uncertainty and multiverse technically anything is possible, just good luck convincing people that it's probable.

And you also contradicted yourself by bringing up North Korea, or do you really not know who's backing and allowing them to develop and threaten other with nukes?? But they wouldn't back Russia because of that  Huh umm ok guess it is a position to take

" any nation has interests and can be pressured and convinced..." you are correct here. So lets try it with other nations.

ChinaUSA as any nation has interests and can be pressured and convinced (I think more convinced than pressured) if it is in their interest. ChinaUSA does not have any more attachment to the RFUkraine that it would to any other instrument, party, country or organisation.

Now the million dollar question is what do you think is more likely to happen, Russia (and inevitable China) collapse thus leaving us with a one world government, or things reverting to their status quo circa 2013? And the biggest question is which would you really prefer.
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1338
Slava Ukraini!
If I were a Russian living in Crimea or other occupied territories I would start packing NOW.

Crimean Bridge is out of service, AGAIN. LOL.
Russians are planning to re-open bridge in 2 weeks, but I think that it will take few months because damage is very significant. It's only bad that railway part wasn't affected. Now it's possible to reach Crimea through occupied Southern Ukraine, but it doesn't looks like safest road.
BTW, it's nice that attack was made exactly on the same day when Medvedev promised instant judgement day if someone will try to attack Crimea bridge:

I am sorry for the little girl who was injured there and that her parents died but Russia does not learn in any other way.There were a lot of people in the Crimean bridge right now from the traffic jam which is in kilometers because Russians were going on holiday there on Crimea,normally only crazy people go on holiday in a war zone like Crimea is.If I were those people in the Kerch bridge I would go back to Russia as who knows,some other underwater drones may be used again and this would be a catastrophic tragedy for all the people who still insist on staying there.Russia should start asking their citizens back from the bridge if they care about them at all.
Somehow I don't feel sorry after looking at their photos on social media, it looks that they were Rashists who support what Russia is doing in Ukraine:
It's not that Ukraine should start killing civilians, but people should undertand that illegal bridge isn't safest place and it's legitimate target.

Meanwhile Russian jets continue to fall without even reaching front, this time Su-25 fall into Azov sea in Krasnodar region: Pilot died.
Activity: 2226
Merit: 1589
Do not die for Putin
If I were a Russian living in Crimea or other occupied territories I would start packing NOW.

Crimean Bridge is out of service, AGAIN. LOL.

Instead, crazy Russians seem pissed and volunteer for frontline in even bigger numbers

Story about wounded girl that lost mother and father in attack is as good as FSB could
ask for

Of course Branko, everyone is useful for the mission right?

I don't think the Russia-Ukraine conflict will end easily. Russia maintains war with Ukraine. On the other hand, Russia wants to take some parts of Ukraine for which they are continuing this war. Because if Russia can occupy some part of Ukraine then it is their own gain.

It has become a long term conflict, or at least it seems to becoming one, sadly.
The only thing about it which I would call positive is the fact that Russia alone cannot hold a long term battle against Ukraine alone, for now the Klemlin depends on the support of their biggest ally: The popular Republic of China.

If someone USA convinced or pressured Chine to stop their military and economical aid to Putin, then Russia would have it very difficult to continue their attacks, they already are getting in trouble economically being their cheap offer of energy a sample of it, in my opinion.

Id wish this non-sense stopped right now, if possible...

This caught my eye, think you have fundamental misunderstanding of the conflict, which puts you in a constant state of bewilderment as to why something is (or is not) happening. Your curios mind led you here for answers, but all the local clown "experts" (propagandists) can do, is to overwhelm you with irrelevant micro level information to sway you their way. Any macro questions are discouraged and just covered by "crazy orcs" or nazis, to dissuade any further questions.

Look at US/NATO military bases around China, looks where major military build up is happening outside of Ukraine theater, look at blockade of Cuba that's still going on for 30yrs+ any if anyone really cares for the right of sovereign nations or its people, and current justifications for it. Then ask yourself how long would the commie regime last after the fall of Russia and the sudden onset of democracy cookies (soft power) onto Kazakhstan. Then the question whether the nation that coined such phrases as "death by a thousand cuts" and "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by" can be convinced or pressured into stopping aid to Russia, should becomes irrelevant. As well as shed some light on why this counteroffensive was so drummed up, how it's really going, what will happen in about 8 weeks, mid September, once weather changes and any maneuvering becomes impossible and we revert back to positional arty scorched earth advances. Might also look into who historically benefits from the winter season.

Nah, CCP government has no more resilience than the USSR did - do you remember or were you busy when it collapsed?

China as any nation has interests and can be pressured and convinced (I think more convinced than pressured) if it is in their interest. China does not have any more attachment to the RF that it would to any other instrument, party, country or organisation.

What I think is that China needs a strong Russia, to balance the US, and a balanced Russia that does threat with Nukes as a system of living (e.g. North Korea). Russia is not helping at all in any of these.

China is relatively organised and is using the opportunity to look like a mediator and a country of peace.
Activity: 2296
Merit: 1335
Don't let others control your BTC -> self custody
I am sorry for the little girl who was injured there and that her parents died but Russia does not learn in any other way.There were a lot of people in the Crimean bridge right now from the traffic jam which is in kilometers because Russians were going on holiday there on Crimea,normally only crazy people go on holiday in a war zone like Crimea is.If I were those people in the Kerch bridge I would go back to Russia as who knows,some other underwater drones may be used again and this would be a catastrophic tragedy for all the people who still insist on staying there.Russia should start asking their citizens back from the bridge if they care about them at all.

Parents decide to travel through a war zone with their child and everybody is amazed that they got killed? These people showed a total lack of responsibility for their child.
If this was the beginning of the war and they were trying to escape the conflict and died, like so many Ukrainians in 2020, I'd be more struck by their deaths, but they were careless and thought all these horrible things they were reading in the papers for a year could not happen to them.
Activity: 2833
Merit: 1851
In order to dump coins one must have coins
I don't think the Russia-Ukraine conflict will end easily. Russia maintains war with Ukraine. On the other hand, Russia wants to take some parts of Ukraine for which they are continuing this war. Because if Russia can occupy some part of Ukraine then it is their own gain.

It has become a long term conflict, or at least it seems to becoming one, sadly.
The only thing about it which I would call positive is the fact that Russia alone cannot hold a long term battle against Ukraine alone, for now the Klemlin depends on the support of their biggest ally: The popular Republic of China.

If someone USA convinced or pressured Chine to stop their military and economical aid to Putin, then Russia would have it very difficult to continue their attacks, they already are getting in trouble economically being their cheap offer of energy a sample of it, in my opinion.

Id wish this non-sense stopped right now, if possible...

This caught my eye, think you have fundamental misunderstanding of the conflict, which puts you in a constant state of bewilderment as to why something is (or is not) happening. Your curios mind led you here for answers, but all the local clown "experts" (propagandists) can do, is to overwhelm you with irrelevant micro level information to sway you their way. Any macro questions are discouraged and just covered by "crazy orcs" or nazis, to dissuade any further questions.

Look at US/NATO military bases around China, look where major military build up is happening outside of Ukraine theater, look at blockade of Cuba that's still going on for 30yrs+ and if anyone really cares for the right of sovereign nations or its people, and current justifications for it. Then ask yourself how long would the commie regime last after the fall of Russia and the sudden onset of democracy cookies (soft power) taken from the "irrelevant" countries/regions of the world and strategically given out say in Kazakhstan? Then the question whether the nation that coined such phrases as "death by a thousand cuts" and "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by" can be convinced or pressured into stopping aid to Russia, should becomes irrelevant. As well as shed some light on why this counteroffensive was so drummed up, how it's really going, what will happen in about 8 weeks, mid September, once weather changes and any maneuvering becomes impossible and we revert back to positional arty scorched earth advances. Think which side is more affected by the build up of social/financial/political pressures/trends going into the winter and look into who historically benefits from this season
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1233
If I were a Russian living in Crimea or other occupied territories I would start packing NOW.

Crimean Bridge is out of service, AGAIN. LOL.

I am sorry for the little girl who was injured there and that her parents died but Russia does not learn in any other way.There were a lot of people in the Crimean bridge right now from the traffic jam which is in kilometers because Russians were going on holiday there on Crimea,normally only crazy people go on holiday in a war zone like Crimea is.If I were those people in the Kerch bridge I would go back to Russia as who knows,some other underwater drones may be used again and this would be a catastrophic tragedy for all the people who still insist on staying there.Russia should start asking their citizens back from the bridge if they care about them at all.
sr. member
Activity: 2506
Merit: 319
If I were a Russian living in Crimea or other occupied territories I would start packing NOW.

Crimean Bridge is out of service, AGAIN. LOL.

Instead, crazy Russians seem pissed and volunteer for frontline in even bigger numbers

Story about wounded girl that lost mother and father in attack is as good as FSB could
ask for
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1468
If I were a Russian living in Crimea or other occupied territories I would start packing NOW.

Crimean Bridge is out of service, AGAIN. LOL.
Activity: 2226
Merit: 1589
Do not die for Putin
Out of your whole post, only true part is Finland and Sweden joining NATO
Ok, let's say it's all lies what he posted. But where is your real facts? You want to say Iranian drones is very effective and almost all of them reach targets, Patriot system isn't effective at all and Russia didn't lost huge number of their troops in this war?

If you like showing scary stuff you may want to have a look at a full artillery column being HIMARsed. but I am not particularly a fan of these, I rather look at the wider picture and that picture speaks of Russia not advancing, Ukraine making some interesting positional gains and a clear factor of attrition in RF logistics.
I'm not sure you did it intentionally or no, but this video was uploaded more than year. Anyway, HIMARS is still doing their job very effectively despite that Russia destroyed all of them long time ago. In recent days there was at least several videos about successful attacks against Russian Air Defense systems.

Thanks for point that out, there are a few more recent yes, showing coordination between drones and HIMARS that show awesome coordination and combined arms in practice (to a point, since there are few planes and choppers).

It seems that Ukraine has adapted the tactics and are trying to find the right "grinding" process. Speaking of massive advances at this point would not be realistic, but what is happening in the background is as important in terms of getting to artillery attrition in a location and then going over demining, trench clearing and digging in. Looks slow, but also looks like the process is being refined.

Activity: 3080
Merit: 1338
Slava Ukraini!
Out of your whole post, only true part is Finland and Sweden joining NATO
Ok, let's say it's all lies what he posted. But where is your real facts? You want to say Iranian drones is very effective and almost all of them reach targets, Patriot system isn't effective at all and Russia didn't lost huge number of their troops in this war?

If you like showing scary stuff you may want to have a look at a full artillery column being HIMARsed. but I am not particularly a fan of these, I rather look at the wider picture and that picture speaks of Russia not advancing, Ukraine making some interesting positional gains and a clear factor of attrition in RF logistics.
I'm not sure you did it intentionally or no, but this video was uploaded more than year. Anyway, HIMARS is still doing their job very effectively despite that Russia destroyed all of them long time ago. In recent days there was at least several videos about successful attacks against Russian Air Defense systems.
jr. member
Activity: 72
Merit: 2
"I want to remind everyone that Ukraine had the option to join NATO and they didn't," Luna told Bannon. "So, they want to get housing insurance essentially after their house flooded and that's not our problem. We don't represent Ukraine, we represent the United States."

Ukraine never had such an option. Only politicians inside Ukraine were claiming they want to join NATO for years - but those claims were definitely not accepted by NATO multiple times, inside the country they were also causing tensions. After all - it was predicted in 1990s that Ukraine joining NATO will cause a war with Russia. On the other hand - NATO refused to guarantee not accepting Ukraine in the future.
jr. member
Activity: 72
Merit: 2
This is the real motive why the war started,the zones in which Russia claim to have been had referendums wanting to go to Russia had only sham referendums and the reality is that they are rich in lithium,yes the substance that makes the batteries for electrical cars,it is a huge market this one and Russia does not want to miss out,they have their ill imperial fantasies since centuries now.The second is that through these parts they can cut Ukrainian grains from shipping from such ports and ship their own grain,in the end every war has invading fantasies that will make the country that does this war richer,it is the same always.

In accordance to the constitution of Ukraine - there's no need to hold any referendums:

"The land of Ukraine and minerals in it belongs to the people of Ukraine. Property rights on behalf of the people of Ukraine are delegated to the heads of regions (oblasts)" (c) Constitution of Ukraine.

So, basically - a head of oblast can do any sh*t he wants, like join USA, and the only need for referendum is to convince USA that the people, indeed, want to join it. Or else - there are no property rights and the Constitution is just an expensive substitute for toilet paper.

There is definitely a certain percentage of "pro-russian" population in Ukraine - and either it'll be eliminated, physically, or they have the right to join whomever they want - taking what belongs to them according to the laws, that is. I don't know what's for do we need that kind of people and each elections splitting the country by half, or parties activities, church being forbidden and so on. It is impossible to build any democracy if there are existential incompatibilities inside the country unless politicians will stop the radicalization of the society inside it or those incompatibilities get eliminated one way or another.
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1233
You forgot also to mention that most probably that 200.000 soldiers dead now is much more with these reservists that just had 3 weeks of training barely and they were sent straight to Ukraine in the front line as cannon fodder.Of course you will have much difficulty in swallowing this information as your brainwashing sources will tell you that a mere 20.000 soldiers have been killed and that no reservist is risking their life in the front line in Ukraine,personally I have no problem what you want to absorb from my posts as long as you agrees to even a certain amount of the truth it means you are not completely brainwashed yet by Russian propaganda.

Yes, I'm brainwashed by Sky News  Grin Grin Grin

I only saw the news and in the Guardian which is my favorite source it says that Ukrainian advancing in all fronts and Ukrainian army claiming we will crush Russians in pieces,that is what I want to see and I like.Russia is terrified as they are not at all progressing and losing little by little territories each passing day meaning their presence in Ukraine will not last long.All the drones that Russia intercepted in Crimea,Sevastopol is clear sign that the counteroffensive despite being slow it is ongoing,the maritime transport was suspended for several hours there while Ukraine is intensifying their attempts in the east.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
Arrogant Ukraine. I think that we need to make Ukraine a State of the United States. Then it will be ours, and we can even move there. In addition, Ukraine owes it to us for all the money and armament we have given them. Besides, it would be a lot easier to freely trade with Russia that way. We all could probably get some of the BRICS gold backed currency (that is coming out in the near future) that way.

FL Rep. Luna: Ukraine asks $200 per day from every American to establish mercenary army like Russia’s Wagner Group
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) revealed that the Ukrainian Parliament demanded $200 per day from every American to create a mercenary army similar to Moscow's Wagner Group.

During a recent appearance at Steve Bannon's "War Room," Luna said she took a trip to meet with representatives from the parliament in Poland in May, along with four other Republicans and two Democrats. This is how she learned about Kyiv's demand for help in the war against Russia in the form of payments and fighter jets.

"They want to not only demand that Americans pay $200 every single day, every American in the country because it is our 'obligation' according to Ukraine so that they can defend the western world from Russia. But they are also saying that they want F-35s," she said. "And if that isn't crazy enough, they're saying that after Russia leaves Crimea, where their head is, they're going to potentially privatize and create a mercenary army similar to the Wagner Group. So that is the mindset of Ukraine," Luna said.

The Wagner Group is a private militia group that took the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut earlier in the Russia-Ukraine war before handing it over to Russian President Vladimir Putin's troops. After more than a year, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Wagner's leader, staged a short-lived coup that failed. However, Putin met with the leader in the days following.

As a guest on Bannon's Tuesday show, Luna pointed out the absurdity of the United States' continuous support of Ukraine. She even called out President Joe Biden's administration for stepping up military assistance to Ukraine, saying the crisis in the Eastern Europe nation is "not our problem."


"I want to remind everyone that Ukraine had the option to join NATO and they didn't," Luna told Bannon. "So, they want to get housing insurance essentially after their house flooded and that's not our problem. We don't represent Ukraine, we represent the United States."

Activity: 1162
Merit: 2025
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
I don't think the Russia-Ukraine conflict will end easily. Russia maintains war with Ukraine. On the other hand, Russia wants to take some parts of Ukraine for which they are continuing this war. Because if Russia can occupy some part of Ukraine then it is their own gain.

It has become a long term conflict, or at least it seems to becoming one, sadly.
The only thing about it which I would call positive is the fact that Russia alone cannot hold a long term battle against Ukraine alone, for now the Klemlin depends on the support of their biggest ally: The popular Republic of China.

If someone USA convinced or pressured Chine to stop their military and economical aid to Putin, then Russia would have it very difficult to continue their attacks, they already are getting in trouble economically being their cheap offer of energy a sample of it, in my opinion.

Id wish this non-sense stopped right now, if possible...
Activity: 2226
Merit: 1589
Do not die for Putin
You forgot also to mention that most probably that 200.000 soldiers dead now is much more with these reservists that just had 3 weeks of training barely and they were sent straight to Ukraine in the front line as cannon fodder.Of course you will have much difficulty in swallowing this information as your brainwashing sources will tell you that a mere 20.000 soldiers have been killed and that no reservist is risking their life in the front line in Ukraine,personally I have no problem what you want to absorb from my posts as long as you agrees to even a certain amount of the truth it means you are not completely brainwashed yet by Russian propaganda.

Yes, I'm brainwashed by Sky News  Grin Grin Grin

You are not brainwashed by any external source. I think it may be related to your own hormones, probably the Stalinistina and the Ruzzzisina that you seem to naturally produce.

If you like showing scary stuff you may want to have a look at a full artillery column being HIMARsed. but I am not particularly a fan of these, I rather look at the wider picture and that picture speaks of Russia not advancing, Ukraine making some interesting positional gains and a clear factor of attrition in RF logistics.

sr. member
Activity: 2506
Merit: 319
You forgot also to mention that most probably that 200.000 soldiers dead now is much more with these reservists that just had 3 weeks of training barely and they were sent straight to Ukraine in the front line as cannon fodder.Of course you will have much difficulty in swallowing this information as your brainwashing sources will tell you that a mere 20.000 soldiers have been killed and that no reservist is risking their life in the front line in Ukraine,personally I have no problem what you want to absorb from my posts as long as you agrees to even a certain amount of the truth it means you are not completely brainwashed yet by Russian propaganda.

Yes, I'm brainwashed by Sky News  Grin Grin Grin
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1233
The US and Nato lost, even if things drag on for a while.

It depends...
Russia lost more than half of its military. It can retrain soldiers, but most of its modern armament has been lost. Analysts say they've lost its offensive capability for 10-15 years.
They did not reach their goals like taking Kiev, assassinating Zelenskyy and planting their puppet government.
They lost trade deals with Europe and some military deals with countries who saw Russian jets and helicopters being decimated by modern missiles.
The counteroffensive isn't going well, but let's not forget that Russians were surrounding Kiev and now they're hiding in the trenches hundreds of miles to the East.

IMO there's no clear winner or loser here. The war is ongoing and it's not going to stop just like that. This conflict is going to continue for years, pretty much the way it is in Gaza.
Russians effectively pushed Ukraine into the arms of the EU and NATO. If that's a win, I wouldn't want to be the winner.

That is a great win if Ukraine joins NATO,this means Russia will not ever attack Ukraine again unless it likes to be bombarded the hell out of it.While I don't know if I can call Ukraine a winner so far they sure are the superiors in this war having lost less than 20% attacking power while Russia is the clear loser as they have lost as you say their modern armaments as they are attacking now with Iranian made drones which honestly are not effective at all against Patriot air defense systems,they have lost economically,they have lost in a military way as over 200.000 soldiers are already dead and it takes time to replace them without proper training of the newly recruits,they have also lost geo-politically as both Finland and Sweden joined NATO and Ukraine won't take much before doing the same.The outcome of this war for Russia is total isolation.

Out of your whole post, only true part is Finland and Sweden joining NATO

You forgot also to mention that most probably that 200.000 soldiers dead now is much more with these reservists that just had 3 weeks of training barely and they were sent straight to Ukraine in the front line as cannon fodder.Of course you will have much difficulty in swallowing this information as your brainwashing sources will tell you that a mere 20.000 soldiers have been killed and that no reservist is risking their life in the front line in Ukraine,personally I have no problem what you want to absorb from my posts as long as you agrees to even a certain amount of the truth it means you are not completely brainwashed yet by Russian propaganda.
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